Welcome to The Live Like Eden Podcast


Welcome to Live Like Eden, a thought-provoking podcast devoted to spiritual awakening, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space!  Have you experienced radical change in your life?  Has it taken over different aspects of yourself?  We will discuss how to navigate these dramatic changes while still living in this chaotic world.

The Garden of Eden is a symbol of our true nature within us, our connection to the spiritual realm, and our connection to the natural world around us.  This symbol can be nurtured and developed, so that we learn to carry this peace in our daily lives.  We are all on our own individual unique journeys. Live Like Eden has been created to share, educate, and normalize the transformative process.  

Join me as I introduce my own experience, and how it led me to Live Like Eden.


What Was That? My Personal Story