Waking Up is a Simple Concept: Why Do We Make it So Hard?
The ego uses many distracting tactics to make awakening impossible. What seems simple in theory can be incredibly difficult. Discover 3 huge roadblocks the ego uses to prevent you from your spiritual nature.

Take Your Power Back: The Silent Conditioning of the Mind
From the moment we are born, we are conditioned. There is no getting around this. To break through these latent barriers and beliefs, here are 10 questions to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK.

Do You Worry About Everything? Wasting Energy on What You Can’t Control
Do you worry? Do you worry a lot? Does it take over your life where you feel unsettled, anxious, concerned, and unable to get comfortable? Are you concerned with the past, present, or future?

Happy Single-Hood: The Relationship with Yourself
It doesn’t take long after you are born to be indoctrinated with the concept of getting married and having a family. This is in the subtle conditioning we receive from those around us, as well as from the obvious hints the collective reinforces on a regular basis.

Happy New Year: Letting Go to Make Way for the NEw
Traditionally, many people look at the New Year ahead as an opportunity to make significant changes in their lives. What goals do you want to set for yourself, are you looking to get in shape after the gluttony of holidays, and all the other common themes that pop up this time of year.

The Christ Consciousness
The word “Christmas” has the world “Christ” embedded within it, so let’s take a deeper look at the possible spiritual interpretations.

Stressing Out Over Everything? How to Detach from Work, Relationships & Life Drama
If you struggle to disconnect from your job, to detach from emotional interactions that are taking over your life, or to discover your own sense of inner peace, then it might be time to evaluate why you are getting so attached to every little detail around you?

Trade Complaining for Gratitude
Perhaps it’s time to dive into the deep water and see what complaining might be offering you. When you find yourself grasping the familiar heavy resistance hat, here are 5 things that can help transform a complaint into gratitude.

Incorporate Nutrient Dense Food into Your Life: A Simple Approach
Walking through a standard American grocery store, you will notice the vast majority of the aisles are full of pre-packaged foods with an ingredient list full of unrecognizable items. Many people pay no attention to this.

Psychedelics and Spirituality: The Urge to Find Liberation
There may be people who experience positive effects from these drugs in small doses, however, psychedelics are becoming the gateway to spiritual enlightenment. Is it necessary to take mind-altering drugs to have a spiritual experience?

Mental Illness or Spiritual Awakening? Comparing Indigenous Cultures to the Western World
Today’s culture is ill equipped when it comes to healing mental illness. With mental illnesses on the rise, the western medical take a pill approach is clearly not working. Some people may receive benefits using medication, however the vast majority do not.

Holding on to the Past: Why Does the Mind Fixate?
Do you think about the past? Is there a particular event, experience, encounter, or circumstance that your mind repeatedly zooms in on with laser like focus? Is this situation still occurring in your life, or is it simply playing like a movie through your mind on a regular basis?

Becoming Self-Aware: Taking Personal Responsibility for Yourself
This word self-awareness is discussed at length today. You might hear things like, “He’s just not self-aware, or she has no self-awareness. Or I’m incredibly self-aware, but the people around me are not.” What exactly are we talking about here? Is it simply having the ability to see things as they actually are or is it leading to something deeper than that?

Acceptance on the Awakening Path: A Journey into the Mystical
Spiritual awakening is anything but easy. Despite the beautiful images of saints and sages symbolizing peace, the path to this inner dimension can prove incredibly challenging.

Clearing Emotions & Feelings from Yourself & Others
Waking up from the mental program can demonstrate how emotions and feelings dictate our lives. Without even knowing it, humanity is wired to feel an array of emotions, both positive and negative, which can easily distract you.

Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: Getting Your Space in Order
The last couple of posts have discussed physical and mental fasting. Now it’s time for environmental fasting! What is going on in your personal environment? Is there clutter, disorganization, things thrown everywhere, is it dirty, what about toxic chemicals, how much of your environment is in disarray?

Fasting, Breatharians & Spiritual Awareness
Fasting may seem like a fad in today’s modern world. Medical science is finally embracing the health benefits of fasting moderately, or even longer periods of time. However, fasting has been practiced throughout human history. This is not a new discovery, but rather a return to something that has been known throughout the ages.

Know Thyself: How to Use the Real Power of Your Mind
How many times do you hear the phrase, “Know Thyself?” Maybe you’ve heard it in a religious or spiritual context, or perhaps your parents said this to you growing up. Discovering who you are is a common theme in life.

Michael Tellinger’s One Small Town Initiative, Toroidal Fields, and Coming into Your Power
Michael Tellinger, a South African scientist, explorer, and author of several books, has been at the forefront of studying Ancient Civilizations for decades. Lost civilizations, advanced ancient technology, the nature of reality, sound as a source of free energy, the history of money and the corrupt central banking system, consciousness and spirituality, and most recently his creation of local thriving communities. . .