Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: Getting Your Space in Order

Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: Getting Your Space in Order

The last couple of posts have discussed physical and mental fasting. Now it’s time for environmental fasting! What is going on in your personal environment? Is there clutter, disorganization, things thrown everywhere, is it dirty, what about toxic chemicals, how much of your environment is in disarray?

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Fasting, Breatharians & Spiritual Awareness

Fasting, Breatharians & Spiritual Awareness

Fasting may seem like a fad in today’s modern world. Medical science is finally embracing the health benefits of fasting moderately, or even longer periods of time. However, fasting has been practiced throughout human history. This is not a new discovery, but rather a return to something that has been known throughout the ages.

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Finding Spirituality in the Modern World: Power, Control, Money & the Agenda
Spirituality, Observing the Mind, Nature and Food Lindsay Vatterott Spirituality, Observing the Mind, Nature and Food Lindsay Vatterott

Finding Spirituality in the Modern World: Power, Control, Money & the Agenda

Like it or not, this world is controlled. Freedom is merely an illusion, or doublespeak as George Orwell coined in his infamous book 1984 with his epic slogans “WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, AND IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” This is still relevant today. Doublespeak is everywhere. The manipulation of words is rampant.

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David Hawkins: The Man, His Suffering, and the Levels of Consciousness

David Hawkins: The Man, His Suffering, and the Levels of Consciousness

There are so many spiritual teachers it’s hard to know who is coming from a place of genuine love, and who is simply looking for profit selling you another course, seminar, or book. Hawkins radiates truth by speaking from his own personal experiences and the suffering he endured in his own life, as well as the transformations, and moments of extraordinary expansive love.

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Content vs. Form: A Course in Miracles Primary Teaching

Content vs. Form: A Course in Miracles Primary Teaching

Defining the form versus the content, one of the fundamental teachings within A Course in Miracles, can make all the difference when you are applying these practices to your actual life. It’s one thing to think about your spirituality, what you believe to be true, yet it’s quite another to practice it in your interactions with everyone around you.

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The Ego’s Dysfunctional Relationships: How to Shift into Compassionate Communication for a Peaceful Life

The Ego’s Dysfunctional Relationships: How to Shift into Compassionate Communication for a Peaceful Life

When you are thinking and believing the ego’s dream, it is very easy to have impressions of others that may or may not be true. This is why people can catch you by surprise. Let’s take a deeper look at why the ego creates dysfunctional relationships and how you can shift into compassionate communication.

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Fear of the Unknown: Free Yourself From Overwhelm

Fear of the Unknown: Free Yourself From Overwhelm

Do you find yourself afraid of what’s to come? If things don’t go your way, are you terrified of the unknown outcome? Is your mind running around in circles panicked about not knowing what the future will bring? If you answered yes to any or all of these, you are not alone!

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Cleaning the Body and the Ego’s Dream of Perfect Health
Nature and Food, Observing the Mind, Spirituality Lindsay Vatterott Nature and Food, Observing the Mind, Spirituality Lindsay Vatterott

Cleaning the Body and the Ego’s Dream of Perfect Health

Feeling horrible in your body is an experience no one wants to deal with, especially for an extended period of time. Discomfort, pain, illness, deterioration, and all the other ailments the body presents can be a serious impediment to how you live your life. It can get so bad it quite literally takes over your life.

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