Finding Spirituality in the Modern World: Power, Control, Money & the Agenda


Like it or not, this world is controlled. Freedom is merely an illusion, or doublespeak as George Orwell coined in his infamous book 1984 with his epic slogans WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, AND IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. This is still relevant today. Doublespeak is everywhere. The manipulation of words is rampant. Using nice warm and fuzzy words to manipulate what is really being said is simply a front, and the youth who have never heard direct communication will fall for deceptive doublespeak every time.

It only appears we are free to do as we please, yet within that belief there are a set of rules that everyone must play by. There are countless laws to abide by, taxes to supposedly pay the government, personal debts to pay, and mouths to feed. You must agree to the terms of anything you purchase such as the internet, an iphone or samsung, it doesn’t matter which, the overlords ask for your consent to play in their world, otherwise you have no access. Agree to their terms, right? And who bothers to read all the fine print where we are signing away any idea of freedom we thing we are accessing, NO ONE! How is any of that freedom? Seems more like slavery. It seems Orwell was accurate.

Who set up this system? Why is this in place? When you research who is really running things, you’ll begin to understand that the powers that be rely on us to meet their bottom line. It’s pretty simple. The very few at the top, the elites who own most of everything, watch the rest of us work like dogs, while they sit back and collect. Seems fair, right? Hardly! Yet, that is this world of duality, the world of opposites. There is no one perfect way here. Although ideologies will convince us that utopia is attainable here.

We see the have’s and. have nots, those that live lavishly while others roam the streets in poverty. As unfair, unjust, and vile as this system appears to be, it makes perfect sense if the conflicted ego mind is projecting out a world. As discussed in previous posts, if the ego is maintaining its self-identity and feels threatened of losing this, it will go on the attack, and project that someone else is to blame. In this scenario, the controllers, those that set up this system of modern life, have created a magnificent dependency. One without the other would implode our current way of life.


It’s no secret that the powers that be desire a one world government. You can read it in their own publications from the UN if you want to research further. It all sounds lovely too, a peaceful loving planet, sustainability, ending world hunger, a clean environment, and an equal opportunity culture. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Like a blissful utopia where everyone benefits and is living joyously.

Digging a little deeper you might start asking, who decided all of this, what governments and non-government organizations are behind this, do the people get to vote on who’s running things, or is this just a list of dictations the rest of the world are expected to follow? And, who is funding this monstrosity? Where is the money coming from. These are just a few questions that start to form when you peel back the layers of the fanciful language.

What about the World Health Organization and the incredible power exercised globally during the pandemic in 2020? How did every single nation fall into the same protocols, the same narrative, the same talking points, unless they were receiving direction from this global entity. Why were local communities unable to observe and make decisions based on that particular area? It seems a local community has a better understanding of what is happening within close proximity. Why is a global body giving orders to areas it knows nothing about? These are serious questions that very few people want to look at.


For instance, ending world hunger is something that seems achievable. Yet, people still starve throughout every nation. Think of all the food that is thrown out or perishes because no one eats it. What is really going on in nations of extreme poverty? Where is all of the money going? What is the government doing with the money? The government collects copious amounts of money, yet somehow they always need more, don’t they? And the Federal Reserve just prints money when they need to. Can you imagine if you printed money and used it in society? You would be considered a criminal and tossed in prison! Rules for thee, but. not for me, or so it seems.

There is so much money in the world, which seems to be primarily in the hands of the few, doesn’t it seem possible to feed everyone? Every community should be able to grow their own local produce and other food that supports the area. Today we are dependent on large monopolies that bought out farmers for our food. Very few people are growing their own food. We have no idea where the food is coming from, what chemicals were sprayed on it, what chemicals were added to it, what foods are made in a lab, or is it even food? It seems that in this very disconnected time in history, where we are too busy working, running around from here to there, staring at screens for most of the day, living indoors apart from our real source of energy THE SUN.

Lab produced food, or 3D printing of food, is on the frontier as a solution for world hunger and solving environmental problems. However, this seems to be taking us away from our natural connection to our environment, away from the land, working and growing food on the land, and shifting power, control, and let’s not forget money, into the hands of big food business. Are these really solutions, or are they more about control, power, and profit of a global society? With a one world government making all the rules for humanity, they will reap the financial reward while the vast majority of us must fall in line. You must ask, why would the agenda be touting a sustainable, clean, environment, yet promote the production of lab grown food?


Another threat today is the censoring of free speech. This is happening everywhere. The social media conglomerates dictate what they think is appropriate and what is not. If you violate a policy they created, you are kicked off the platform. As mentioned above, you must agree to the overlords terms in order to play in their playground. Go against their dictation of what is and isn’t accepted, then you will vanish from the internet. If you don’t believe me, do a deep dive into people who have been persecuted for expressing their beliefs, especially if they go against the above agenda.

It’s one thing to threaten violence toward another person. Of course, that should not be tolerated. However, expressing beliefs, opinions of any kind are protected by the US Constitution’s First Amendment. This includes supposed hate speech. Everyone has the right to think and believe what they so choose. It doesn’t mean you have to agree or support what they say, but they have the fundamental right to express it.

Today’s culture has become overly offended which is creating a totalitarian society right before our very eyes. Those in charge seem to dictate what is allowed, yet have little tolerance for alternative opinions. The only reason this is happening is because they feel threatened by it. This is another example of how the ego structure, which this blog discusses regularly, projects itself out onto the world stage. Self-preservation is a must, therefore the ego will attack anyone or any group who thinks differently.

If you are on the side that speech should be limited and people should be de-platformed for disgusting speech, just wait until you do something they disapprove of. For example, if you are a journalist reporting the truth about how the government is behaving, you will be removed from society and treated as political prisoner. Just look at Julian Assange and you get a pretty good idea of what will happen to you. If you think that you are safe, think again. If they can shut down some of the most well known people, they can easily come for the rest of us.


With all of these agendas, power hungry elites, and injustices permeating throughout the modern world, you might feel helpless or uncertain of what to do. How can you stay rooted in your strong spiritual self without getting too invested in the agendas weaving throughout the fabric of society?

  1. You are the decision maker in your life. Even if the outside world turns into a totalitarian regime, no one can take your ability to choose how you are seeing life. You can choose the ego’s system, or spirit’s system to interpret and mold your perception. If you choose the ego, you are likely to feel afraid, threatened, and worried about your future. If you choose spirit, you trust that no matter what happens in form, you will always be perfectly whole in God. When life starts to look frazzled, and the world appears to be losing its mind, remind yourself that inner peace is always available, even in upsetting and unsettling times.

  2. Get in touch with what is important to you. Take a moment, whenever the outside world appears questionable, and decide what really matters to you and your family. Do you want to focus on living as simply as you can. Do you want to stay focused on what is truly important, stay connected to each other and to what feels right? Do you care about health and nutrition and wish to grow your own food? Do you care about your finances and want to do what’s best to preserve what you have in case the world banking system implodes? Or do you feel more compelled to educate others so everyone has the tools to help themselves in times of crises? Listen to what is calling you and honor what feels right.

  3. How much will you tolerate? If the world falls into the hands of a few who dictate to the rest of the world, how much will you tolerate? Are you ready to take a stand? Are you ready to leave the system? Will you live on the land and create your own way? Or are you able to cope with whatever happens and focus your attention on your inner peace? Can you stay spiritually connected even in the midst of apparent injustice? Will you speak truth even if you lose supposed freedom, or the freedom we think we have? Is freedom really physical, or is it in our mind? Liberation of mind means nothing on the outside will make a bit of difference to the power of peace within.

  4. Examine where the real battle lies. Is the battle out there in the world around you, or is the real battle sitting between your ears? How much of agenda wants you focused on the conflicts and problems of the world so you never examine the true battleground? How much of the world is a distraction from ever finding the love and peace that resides eternally within? These are questions to ask, especially in trying times. When the world looks challenging, when threats of war occur, and the looming inevitability of the bottom falling out of the world banking system, will you run to the ego’s terror, or will you join with the symbol of God in your mind that reminds you nothing is as it seems?

  5. Use the problems on the world stage as a TEACHER. If you find yourself getting upset, angry, depressed, or unsettled over anything happening in the world, shift your perception from fearful victim into loving teacher. The events in the world can serve as a constant reminder that peace you truly seek is not in front of you. How can it be? Nothing ever seems stable. Even if you find moments of being in the flow, it’s not permanent. The second it seems stable there’s another distraction somewhere else to keep you focused on the external. Use these external events as TEACHERS and reminders for you to go inward and choose spirit as your guide. What you see in the world is a demonstration of the ego’s game on a massive scale. The ego is all about scalability! In order to reign it in, turn the insanity into sanity and use the external world as a guide, a guide to lead you back Home to your true nature in God.


Michael Tellinger’s One Small Town Initiative, Toroidal Fields, and Coming into Your Power


A Cry For Love: How to Break Free From Attack Thoughts