Incorporate Nutrient Dense Food into Your Life: A Simple Approach
Walking through a standard American grocery store, you will notice the vast majority of the aisles are full of pre-packaged foods with an ingredient list full of unrecognizable items. Many people pay no attention to this.
Fasting, Breatharians & Spiritual Awareness
Fasting may seem like a fad in today’s modern world. Medical science is finally embracing the health benefits of fasting moderately, or even longer periods of time. However, fasting has been practiced throughout human history. This is not a new discovery, but rather a return to something that has been known throughout the ages.
Finding Spirituality in the Modern World: Power, Control, Money & the Agenda
Like it or not, this world is controlled. Freedom is merely an illusion, or doublespeak as George Orwell coined in his infamous book 1984 with his epic slogans “WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, AND IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” This is still relevant today. Doublespeak is everywhere. The manipulation of words is rampant.
Cleaning the Body and the Ego’s Dream of Perfect Health
Feeling horrible in your body is an experience no one wants to deal with, especially for an extended period of time. Discomfort, pain, illness, deterioration, and all the other ailments the body presents can be a serious impediment to how you live your life. It can get so bad it quite literally takes over your life.
Tips For Eating Naturally: Using The Principles of Natural Hygiene
So much of our food today is not in its original state. Most people buy foods that have been processed in some way, stripped of nutrients, packaged into a box, and shipped hundreds of miles to then sit on a shelf at your local grocery store. Although some people may consider this a normal diet, it is so far removed from food in its natural state. Food that grows from plants, picked when it is most ripe is difficult unless you have your own farm, vegetable garden, or fruit trees.
The Natural Hygiene Movement: What Is It and How Can It Help You Live a Healthy Life?
Today there is a large movement of people educating themselves and adopting a whole food plant-based diet. You will see the term plant-based everywhere throughout the world of food and nutrition. This could appear to be a relatively new movement toward healthier eating; however, this has been around for hundreds of years.
The Grape Cure: Findings From Long Ago
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s a movement of natural hygiene was spreading throughout parts of Europe including Austria, France, Switzerland, and mainly Germany. There were many sanitariums for healing using fasting, fruits, and raw foods to eliminate waste from the body and the diseases that come with it. Prior to Rockefeller monopolizing the American medical system, natural medicine was a common and accepted practice.
Detoxifying the Body Naturally
Experiencing any physical discomfort in the body is the worst! It’s not fun to feel pain, inflammation, stiffness, bloating, digestive disturbances, skin irritations, you name it, the list of possible aches and pain is endless. Not to mention feeling like you have ZERO energy to do anything can be extremely irritating! We have been so conditioned to believe that symptoms in the body are a bad sign, and they certainly can be especially if you keep ignoring them.
The Body’s Health: Is It Metaphysical?
Health is a debatable topic. Are we a product of our environment, genetic makeup, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the pathogens invading our system, our mental and emotional disturbances, our experiences of the world, our many relationships, and the traumas that torture us repeatedly? Are we able to live a healthy lifestyle by choice and override these detrimental factors that seem to effect so many people?
Holistic Health: Getting Back To Nature
When we think of health, typically we think of the body. How is my physical health? We go into a doctor to take tests and see how our physical health measures up. If we are sick we assume that it is a physical problem, and it certainly seems so. The body is always dealing with some ailment. There are numerous causes in the physical system as to why symptoms are presenting themselves. The medical community is solely focused on these biological factors because that is mostly what they are taught.
Healing Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for the Body, Mind, or Both?
It’s alarming when the body starts sending us signals that something is not right. No matter what unusual, painful, uncomfortable, or even silent symptoms you may experience, it sends an immediate message of fear deep within us. This can send the mind into an equally disturbing panic, and in many cases, the mental stress can be worse than the physical. Whether your body is suddenly presenting you with alarming symptoms, or if you have been interested in food and diet,
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Medicine Be Thy Food” -Hippocrates
The great Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food,” or so they say. Whether Hippocrates said this or not, it certainly seems simple enough. Hippocrates’ life dates back to somewhere around 460-370 BC, and is often termed the “Father of Medicine.” He brought forth a new idea at the time that suggested health had more to do with the environment and the physiology of the body, than the previous belief in supernatural causes.
The Body: Transforming Diet and Health
As much as our minds can expand and often feel disconnected from the body, we cannot deny that we are living in a world of cause and effect. No matter how spiritually connected we feel, or the inner peace we may have discovered, the body will still be at the mercy of the dual world. We already know the body is temporary, it is not who we are, but it is our tool while we live in the world.
Purifying What?
There are endless stages on our path of awakening and transformation. As long as we inhabit a body in this world, it seems there are more stages to uncover, more falsehoods to undo, falsehoods we believed to be true. My personal favorite, mostly because I found it so profound, is PURIFICATION. What a wild ride it can prove to be!