There are endless stages on our path of awakening and transformation. As long as we inhabit a body in this world, it seems there are more stages to uncover, more falsehoods to undo, falsehoods we believed to be true. My personal favorite, mostly because I find it so profound and it happened first, is PURIFICATION. What a wild ride it can prove to be!

For myself, purification was a spontaneous physical occurrence, that freaked me out for a very long time, until I finally recognized, in hindsight of course, what was actually happening. Talk about being on a roller ride coaster ride of hell! I felt like I was being purged, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well. The amount of insane heat I would experience was mind boggling. These heat waves were unlike any type of heat I had ever felt. It felt like something was burning me to the core, from the inside out, like a literal burning away of anything my body no longer needed or could tolerate.

These periodic episodes of internal combustion were often followed by an unusual amount of bodily elimination. It was like clockwork, the heat would move in, burn up anything it didn’t see as valuable, and the next thing I knew I’d be running to the bathroom! Now this might sound very crazy, and hopefully for most of you it is not this extreme. However, the purification that occurred was something from beyond this realm of understanding. So instead of trying to understand the details, I focus on the other outlets this natural process was leading me in.


As the natural purification process was simply happening on it’s own, I felt incredibly drawn to learning about cleaner ways of eating and a healthier diet. I always thought I ate a fairly good diet, but boy was I wrong! When you really start looking into that arena, you realize how much propaganda and myths there are around what we are told to eat.

Most of our food today is processed. We all go to the grocery store to gather our necessities. When I think about the idea of the Garden of Eden and the natural foods it might have provided, we have travelled so far away from the simplicity of eating, that we actually believe having other people grow our food for us, then ship it hundreds of miles, and in other cases across continents, deliver it to a processing plant, break it down into something you would never eat in it’s natural form, then put it into a package with today’s chosen marketing slogans, and finally deliver it to a grocery store near you! That’s considered normal to us. We need to seriously look at how strange this process really is.

Our food today is an industry. It is a massive money maker for multi-billion dollar companies. The advertising alone is unreal, making you believe you need their product. It takes some serious willingness to see through the lies in order to get back to our true nature of eating foods directly from the land. It seems difficult to do that today because 90% of the grocery store is packaged and processed aisles of boxes upon boxes filling up shelves.


When you dive into nutrition, there is so much to look at it can become exhausting. The differing opinions out there is enough to drive anybody crazy! The fad diets are all over the place, how do you know what is true? How do you know which diet is right? The answer is you don’t! Diet seems to be swimming in a massive sea of confusion and by looking at people, it seems the body is capable of tolerating a variety of food. Whether or not it is good for us is another topic entirely.

If you are wanting to clean your body, look at nature, look at animals in the wild. What do they do when they are ill? NOTHING! They rest, they don’t eat, and they let the body heal. We as humans do the exact opposite. We want to put something in the body to heal it, we seek remedies of all kinds to take away our immediate discomfort. What if the best option is to let the body use it’s intelligence to heal? Our bodies know what to do, they are working on our behalf, trying to eliminate waste on a regular basis. Giving it less and making sure the food we do give it is full of hydration will assist the body in what it already knows.

Foods that hydrate the most are your fruits. The simplest to eat, full of large amounts of water, and extremely easy to digest. Depending on your current state of health, fruits may be easy for you, and difficult for others, but they will ultimately work their magic and help the body detoxify. Their natural pulling effect works to clean the cells and provide the simple sugar the body needs to live. Vegetables and greens are next in line and will also act similarly. Incorporating these clean foods into your diet will certainly help in the purification process.


Not only will you be drawn to clean out your physical body, but eventually you will want to observe the mind and see what habitual patterns your thinking is stuck in. Being able to see what you think, and how you base your life around the thinker, is essential if you are looking to change your perception. Whether you are actively working on this, or it has been forced in your lap, letting go of thoughts that don’t serve you is also part of the stage of purification.

And, it’s not necessarily a letting go of the thoughts, it’s choosing not to believe them any longer, to recognize they are trying to deceive you. It’s about detaching from them, laughing at them, seeing how ridiculous the mind really is that ultimately invites permanent change. You must be willing to admit what you have been believing in order to facilitate change. Once you do this, everything changes, and life becomes much smoother than previously experienced.


Another area you might be drawn into is purifying your physical spaces. When my consciousness radically shifted, I could no longer tolerate lots of stuff. I needed to simplify, to minimize the amount of information I was receiving, so clearing out my home seemed like a requirement. Now, I’m somewhat lucky in the sense that my husband did not care much about decorating, so I was free to eliminate the extra clutter, over dramatic colors, and baggage we were holding on to. I recognize that not everyone finds this task that simple, however, it is one of those tasks that can truly alter your inner peace for the better. If you are new to energetic influence and how electromagnetic frequencies can affect you, then this information can be a game changer in jump starting and purifying your life.


The stage of purification effects all of us on different levels and at exactly the right time. You will discover that purification weaves in and out of your life when it needs to. Purification is a requirement to seeing clearly. Purification is the process of undoing the entire self, the self you believed to be true, the self that will need to be undone in order to return to our truest nature, beyond this world. Like I have said before, this world is simply a classroom, a classroom of unlearning everything we were conditioned to believe. We must let go of these false ideals to feel the infinite beauty, power, and peace that resides in all of us, underneath the layers of the resistance we routinely battle against.

Purification is the key to the kingdom. It is our gateway into who we really are beyond the facade the world has created. When asked what is needing to be purified, the answer is simple, every part of our false self. We only need to peel back the layers to see what was sitting there the whole time.


Opening the Door


Fork In the Road