Opening the Door


Do you remember where you were when you began questioning your life and the world around you? How old were you? What was happening in your life at the time to spark your curiosity into the unseen world? What was it that brought you to the doorway? If you answer these questions you will see how synchronicity plays a major role. Call it destiny or fate, it all seems to make sense in hindsight, however, when we are in the midst of change, it is often difficult to identify or discern what is happening. You may be frustrated or perfectly content with your current situation, yet years later you look back and see how necessary that moment was because it led you to where you are today.

As I was in the midst of my own transformation, I noticed years later that I had entered a stage that I now refer to as “Opening the Door.” It’s like the door that was previously deadbolted ten times over with more security chains than you care to admit, has been suddenly unlocked. All the security controls have dissolved. This can occur out of nowhere, and you have no explanation for what has happened, or to the contrary, events in your life may have strategically lead you into the depths of your being. No matter how the lock was liberated, all you have to do is TURN THE KNOB!

Just turn it clockwise ever so slightly to push the door ajar. All you need is a crack and you are on the road to a whole new world. You may only see a small space, but as the door begins to open even wider the space becomes infinitely larger. Your mind is being shown an entirely new perception, a new way to be, a new highway that you never knew existed.


For most people, baby steps is a requirement along the path to waking up. It’s all we can handle sometimes. And these minor shifts feel like massive changes to our inner world. You don’t have to have a complete shift in consciousness to see differently. The subtle things are often the most impressive. And, if I am being totally honest, a spontaneous shift out of nowhere may be mind blowing, but it can also be problematic until you discover what in the hell happened!

One of the first things people do is go to the local bookstore and start reading! You start reading anything and everything about how to improve your life, how to create a more peaceful existence, how to analyze your behaviors, and how to make changes that benefit you instead of falling into the same patterns of the past. You might be drawn to get healthier, you might be looking for your life’s purpose, the deeper meanings of why you are here in the first place. You might be dealing with trauma, a chronic or sudden illness that sparks your desire to search. You may be attracted to certain spiritual teachers, certain spiritual texts, if you are religious you might find your faith deepens, you sign up for retreats, seminars, courses, you name it, you are all over it! This is like a blissful honeymoon on a tropical island paradise. You are simply in love with your new discoveries. You love investigating this new part of yourself and you are willing to see the mistakes you have made and where to correct them.

This is where you become a willing participant on your path to self-realization. You are truly willing to see the errors of your mind and work to change them. There is a general sense of inner excitement, much like a small child that eagerly awaits Christmas morning. You feel empowered and confident you are on the right track and there is an inner knowing you are capable of this task.


This might be a time where you seek a counselor, a therapist of some kind, or a mentor that you can discuss your desires for growth. There are many wonderful people out there available that genuinely enjoy helping others. Maybe you have a good friend you chat with that helps you see things differently. Whomever it is, you feel comfortable sharing your inner world with someone, and your passion for knowing more and discovering truth outweigh feeling uncomfortable.

Because this is such a new and exciting time, and your mind is open more than ever before, it is important to trust your intuition. Trust that you are ALWAYS the authority on your decision making. You may be slightly vulnerable in your new state of mind, often willing to believe anything and everything. Carefully discern information you do come across, and go within to your own inner guidance, the inner Eden that is perfectly yours. Keep your power and watch if you are giving it up for what others think you should or shouldn’t be doing.


As you continue investigating, and the months and years go by, the door swings open and your mind expands in all directions. You may find you are sliding deeper into the vastness and you may experience heightened intuitive experiences, paranormal or psychic phenomenon, lucid dreaming, or you are noticing the connection between all things. You are becoming more aware of the symbols life offers you. Everything seems to happen as it should and you begin to trust that everything is as it should be.

You may also find certain new teachings, get really involved with them, then something happens in your life to spark another interest that you are now prepared for. Each avenue you pursue leads you to the next one, and you begin to trust that you will be guided to where you need to be, when you need to be there. This might be a time when you shift from worrying about life, to accepting that you are in good hands. You are building a relationship with your higher awareness, a relationship you truly care about.


This can be very overwhelming if you find yourself having a very physical awakening. Heightened sensory awareness can occur slowly at first, then suddenly burst wide open and you are taking in much more stimulation and information than ever before. You feel your five senses are extremely on point, maybe too on point, and the sixth sense becomes a reality. You even begin to think there are a lot more than five senses, there must be an entire arsenal as your nervous system is operating on another level, a level you cannot yet comprehend.

Gathering in large spaces like shopping areas, theaters, restaurants, sporting events, schools, etc., become more and more difficult. Not only do you feel connected to everything around you, but you are taking in all the unseen, the energetic information, the vibrational field surrounding everything in these environments. What once was a lovely celebration transforms into a nightmare you want to wake up from immediately!

This level of sensory information, may or may not happen to you, and if it doesn’t, you should feel a sudden sense of relief! It is not an easy path to walk, and will require a new set of tools in order to keep the nervous system at bay. At first it may seem like you don’t have control over the amount of information you are receiving. However, in time, and noticing the patterns, you will develop skills to maneuver through life, you will just need to get comfortable multi-tasking as you continue operating in the world.


Whether the door of your mind was opened manually by you, or it happened spontaneously and felt forced, there is usually no turning back. Once you start seeing things in a brand new way, you can’t unsee them. You could certainly try to ignore them, push all this new information away and refuse to go any further, that is certainly an option. However, you can’t unknow something once the door to your mind has opened. It’s impossible. Unless you happen to suffer sever amnesia, this new expansive opportunity to view life from a different perspective, to learn much more about yourself than was previously on the surface, often becomes a regular part of your life. You are committed to finding who you really are, finding a deeper purpose in your life, and carve a sacred inner connection to spirit.

Once you uncover certain truths about yourself, or even truths out in the world, they stay with you, they make you question everything around you. Your critical thinker gets very busy pondering all the other things you believed that no longer make any sense. This spirals into asking intriguing questions about many different subjects, and looking at them with a new set of eyes, and applying the questions you never thought about until now. Life may suddenly appear upside down. Your life begins to mirror the most jaw dropping upside down roller coaster loops at the most popular theme parks.

As your mind opens even further, and you are attracted to new subjects and information, keep in mind each encounter is preparing you for the next one. This newness is calling you in a profound direction, a direction you may not even know yet, but you can feel it to your core. There is something within that is leading you somewhere. Watch the hints, the clues, the communications you receive, and use them as a guide for what you need in your life, or for what isn’t working. Your inner teacher, not your thinker, knows exactly where you need to be, so trust it.


Meet the Observer


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