Happy New Year: Letting Go to Make Way for the NEw

Happy New Year: Letting Go to Make Way for the NEw

Traditionally, many people look at the New Year ahead as an opportunity to make significant changes in their lives. What goals do you want to set for yourself, are you looking to get in shape after the gluttony of holidays, and all the other common themes that pop up this time of year.

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Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: Getting Your Space in Order

Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: Getting Your Space in Order

The last couple of posts have discussed physical and mental fasting. Now it’s time for environmental fasting! What is going on in your personal environment? Is there clutter, disorganization, things thrown everywhere, is it dirty, what about toxic chemicals, how much of your environment is in disarray?

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The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy and Peace

The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy and Peace

Ah, the holidays! Here we are again. Doesn’t it seem like time is speeding up and Christmas sneaks up out of nowhere every year? People are putting up Christmas decorations and lights the day after Halloween. When did this become a thing? It’s interesting to see the anticipation of a holiday, like we are living in the future without enjoying the present moment.

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Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

I can’t stress enough how the environment you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, how efficient you are, and what you feel like within your space. If you find you are stuck in a rut, you can’t seem to move forward in certain aspects of your life, you are depressed, or you are struggling with awakening take a look around and see what your current space looks like. Are there piles of papers all over your desk? Are there clothing piles overflowing out of the laundry and tossed all over the floor? Or maybe you have shoes piling up in the laundry room and you don’t want to organize them?

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Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy in Your Space

Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy in Your Space

Are you someone who makes piles around your house? Do you let those piles build up until you have no idea how to start cleaning it up? Or are you a perfectionist with a spotless space one day and the next day a bomb goes off and organization goes out the window? If you find yourself getting caught in your own clutter either chronically or from time to time, the space you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, and how functional you are in your own environment.

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