Fasting, Breatharians & Spiritual Awareness

Fasting, Breatharians & Spiritual Awareness

Fasting may seem like a fad in today’s modern world. Medical science is finally embracing the health benefits of fasting moderately, or even longer periods of time. However, fasting has been practiced throughout human history. This is not a new discovery, but rather a return to something that has been known throughout the ages.

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Michael Tellinger’s One Small Town Initiative, Toroidal Fields, and Coming into Your Power

Michael Tellinger’s One Small Town Initiative, Toroidal Fields, and Coming into Your Power

Michael Tellinger, a South African scientist, explorer, and author of several books, has been at the forefront of studying Ancient Civilizations for decades. Lost civilizations, advanced ancient technology, the nature of reality, sound as a source of free energy, the history of money and the corrupt central banking system, consciousness and spirituality, and most recently his creation of local thriving communities. . .

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The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy and Peace

The Holidays: Transforming Stress Into Joy and Peace

Ah, the holidays! Here we are again. Doesn’t it seem like time is speeding up and Christmas sneaks up out of nowhere every year? People are putting up Christmas decorations and lights the day after Halloween. When did this become a thing? It’s interesting to see the anticipation of a holiday, like we are living in the future without enjoying the present moment.

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After the Honeymoon: Disorienting Aspects of Awakening

After the Honeymoon: Disorienting Aspects of Awakening

Do you remember the first time you were curious about the deeper meaning in life? Was it a book you were reading? Was it a movie or documentary, or a speaker that sparked an inner quest of self-discovery? Maybe you were born with it? Has it been with you as long as you can remember? Or did a sudden life experience pull you into a completely different world?

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The Body’s Health: Is It Metaphysical?
Nature and Food, Spirituality, Energetic World Lindsay Vatterott Nature and Food, Spirituality, Energetic World Lindsay Vatterott

The Body’s Health: Is It Metaphysical?

Health is a debatable topic. Are we a product of our environment, genetic makeup, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the pathogens invading our system, our mental and emotional disturbances, our experiences of the world, our many relationships, and the traumas that torture us repeatedly? Are we able to live a healthy lifestyle by choice and override these detrimental factors that seem to effect so many people?

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Energy Shifts: How They Affect Us Personally and Collectively

Energy Shifts: How They Affect Us Personally and Collectively

Underneath the surface of matter, everything is energy. What we see as solid is made up of moving particles, atoms, protons, electrons, you get the drill. These moving particles interact with each other and emit vibrations and frequency into the world around us. Our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors also emit energy into the invisible field we live in. Whether you are aware of this or not, we are moving amongst waves of energetic information all day long. Step into a crowded room and feel the energy level is much more active than in a room that is empty.

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Holistic Health: Getting Back To Nature

Holistic Health: Getting Back To Nature

When we think of health, typically we think of the body. How is my physical health? We go into a doctor to take tests and see how our physical health measures up. If we are sick we assume that it is a physical problem, and it certainly seems so. The body is always dealing with some ailment. There are numerous causes in the physical system as to why symptoms are presenting themselves. The medical community is solely focused on these biological factors because that is mostly what they are taught.

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Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better

I can’t stress enough how the environment you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, how efficient you are, and what you feel like within your space. If you find you are stuck in a rut, you can’t seem to move forward in certain aspects of your life, you are depressed, or you are struggling with awakening take a look around and see what your current space looks like. Are there piles of papers all over your desk? Are there clothing piles overflowing out of the laundry and tossed all over the floor? Or maybe you have shoes piling up in the laundry room and you don’t want to organize them?

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Awakening and Heightened Sensitivities

Awakening and Heightened Sensitivities

Are you going through an awakening and suddenly you feel like you are on sensory overload? You’ve now become so sensitive to everything around you, yet you can’t quite make sense of what the hell is going on? Maybe you felt intuition before, but now it takes it to another level, a level you can’t even begin to comprehend. It’s now reached a place that you don’t think you can handle.

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Mental and Physical Awakening: What’s the Difference?

Mental and Physical Awakening: What’s the Difference?

What is awakening? What does it mean exactly? What are we really talking about? There are many levels to waking up from who you thought yourself to be. When you identify as a separate self, the identity we call ourselves in this world, we are unconscious to the larger field of awareness that we are living in. As consciousness becomes known within us and the unconscious becomes conscious, there is a recognition of these two aspects of the self. The small ego self and the larger field of awareness. They are both existing, like two sides of the same coin.

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Transforming Anxiety and Depression

Transforming Anxiety and Depression

Have you ever felt some level of anxiety in your life that prevented you from moving forward? Has your body reacted with the classic fight or flight symptoms leaving you in a trembling panic? Have you felt despair, loneliness, and a heaviness that just won’t go away? Most people have endured some level of these complicated and often confusing emotions, and they are extremely common for most people. However, there is a very negative connotation, a stigma if you will around these feelings.

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The Collective vs. The Individual Path Home

The Collective vs. The Individual Path Home

It’s been long debated whether the world should operate for the collective benefit or for the individual. Governments argue over which is better and it is still a rampant debate throughout the world. This recurring theme that we need to do what’s best for the greater good even at the expense of the weak or the few that will not survive, then we must do that. Communistic rule in countries such as the Soviet Union, Vietnam, China and many other countries throughout history, believe in the greater good principle with the government leading the way. Other perspectives protect the individual liberties and rights similar to how the US Constitution created the Bill of Rights for the protection of the individual against a potentially tyrannical government.

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Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy in Your Space

Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy in Your Space

Are you someone who makes piles around your house? Do you let those piles build up until you have no idea how to start cleaning it up? Or are you a perfectionist with a spotless space one day and the next day a bomb goes off and organization goes out the window? If you find yourself getting caught in your own clutter either chronically or from time to time, the space you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, and how functional you are in your own environment.

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Clarifying the Stages: A Moment to Reflect

Clarifying the Stages: A Moment to Reflect

After describing the various stages of transformation and what can happen to you when you being to wake up, let’s take a moment and go over some of the key concepts previously discussed. We began looking at purification, opening the door of the mind, and beginning to view life with the observer. From there we transitioned into merging, isolation, contemplation, and the dark night of the soul, fear and darkness, letting go, and finally reemerging back into life.

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Reemergence: Coming Full Circle After A Shift in Consciousness

Reemergence: Coming Full Circle After A Shift in Consciousness

During any kind of shift in awareness, there comes a time when you feel the waters calm a bit. What may have felt like a lifetime of tsunamis and category-five hurricane encounters has washed you ashore brand new. This newness inside of you may take some getting used to depending on the perceptual shift you have experienced.

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Shifting From Thinking To “Feeling”

Shifting From Thinking To “Feeling”

For some people, awakening goes beyond the mental shift in consciousness and enters the physical realm. You may begin to feel different types of energy enter your physical body and energy system. Instead of thinking your way through life, which is where most of us are, you begin to open up to “feeling” your way through life, and we are not talking about feeling emotional either.

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