Reemergence: Coming Full Circle After A Shift in Consciousness


During any kind of shift in awareness, there comes a time when you feel the waters calm a bit. What may have felt like a lifetime of tsunamis and category-five hurricane encounters has washed you ashore brand new. This newness inside of you may take some getting used to depending on the perceptual shift you have experienced. The way in which you view the world, whether it feels subtly or radically different, has finally brought you to a place where you feel happiness and joy, a child-like excitement if you will, to walk the world from a totally new perspective.

As you begin to see clearly again, you see that the unchanged world is functioning as it always had, people buzzing from place to place, some enjoying life, while others live in constant turmoil, the need for survival is still alive and well, and yet all the while you feel like a different person, someone you are just getting to know. You no longer experience the world like you used to. Everything feels different. The question becomes, how do you live in the same world feeling completely transformed?

Much like the caterpillar’s incredible metamorphosis into a free-flying butterfly, the expansiveness you may experience, this connection to the larger field of awareness has pushed you outside of the boundary of your physical body and you are connected to something much greater than your small identity. You are now committed to a different kind of life, a life you now welcome and show gratitude for, as you know there were many internal battles fought to finally surrender to what life is actually showing you. Your decision to drop the controls and allow yourself to be guided is the path you choose to remain on. If the transformative process pulled you out of everyday life for a time, then you now feel more than ready to reemerge into the exact same world that you stepped out of. If you experienced a mental shift without any physical changes, you are equally intrigued about rediscovering a world you already know.


After many shifts in consciousness, you have discovered the ever-present flow of life between form and the formless. The intelligence field has moved so far into the foreground that you are a willing participant in learning how to live in this new way. The walls you may have previously continued to build around yourself have crumbled and you have reached a point of surrender and acceptance toward your new experience of life. What you may have seen as a net negative or massive hindrance in your life, is now seen with vastly different eyes. You have tossed the security blanket and feel a sense of excitement about what life is really showing you. The fog is clearing and the light is beginning to shine brighter than ever before. What may have presented as years of darkness, has now transformed into a path you are happy to take.

Previously, life may have seemed blocked, full of obstacles, or difficult to take. Now the outside experience is only secondary to your relationship with spirit. What experiences you have, the places you go, the people you meet, and the successes you think you’ve gained, are no longer boxes seeking checkmarks, they are merely an opportunity to see the light in another, to recognize the beauty beneath all of us, even if it doesn’t seem so on the outside. You are at peace where your awakening has been and is still taking you. You no longer wish it away or seek the end game. You remain open and trusting of the field around you, and see that every experience is simply a learning tool in this classroom of life.

Your expectation is no longer dominant, you accept the roller coaster ride of life as it comes and assist others with love and compassion as they too walk their own unique path. You understand each individual wakes up in their own time, and it is not something you can force upon another. Someone else’s timeline is irrelevant to where you are, yet you can remain supportive the as they too will eventually see differently, and we all return Home eventually.


Sometimes it’s challenging to pinpoint exactly what feels so different. This can often take much-needed time to fully accept and understand. The initial shift, depending on the severity, can be shocking and debilitating, which is why pulling away from the normal duties of life may have been necessary. Now that the nervous system has settled and you have moved into a place of surrender and acceptance, you become curious about learning a new way, and seeing what it is that is really so different.

As explained in previous pieces, the shift in perception transitions from individual perception into universal perception. This may be a difference in the way you think and see things, and it can also be a physical difference in the way that you see and experience the world. Because everything is felt so radically different, the learning curve is also equally interesting. You already know everything about how the world works, how to maneuver through it, and how to communicate with others, however, now that you feel it from this new universal perspective, it may feel like learning to walk all over again, without the physical need to re-learn walking. You are taking something you are already knowledgeable about, and experiencing it on a very different level than before.

Before your shift in consciousness, there was a clear feeling of separation between you and the next object in front of you. You felt very solid in your body and a denseness that you were unaware of until you begin to transform. Now, you are aware that the observer discussed in previous stages of transformation, has merged with the larger field and you now experience life as very connected. The boundary of the body doesn’t seem so solid anymore. Even though you still feel the body, you see the body as separate from other bodies around you, it is no longer experienced in this way. This may be the most difficult shift to get used to. The nervous system is also adjusting to a new way of seeing. It takes patience, time, and commitment in order to adapt to this new way of living. Now that you have accepted where you are in the process, you are ready to learn this new way of being.


Just because you feel so different, doesn’t mean life will be easy moving forward. Remember, the world didn’t change, it is still duality, it is a world of polar opposites and infinite possibility. You may have changed, but that doesn’t mean the world and the people around you have. It also doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges or difficult situations to deal with in the future. You are not immune from the dual world just because you have shifted awareness so dramatically. What truly has changed, is the way in which you see the struggles presented, and the attachment you have to them. Everything now seems meaningless compared to the inner experience with the larger presence and the peace and contentment it has brought you.

Moving forward in your life can also be understood as leaving the ego’s realm of fear and into the spiritual side of your mind with real love. Often this can be said as leading with your heart, simply the compassionate understanding place, or whichever symbol you like. This world is full of symbols, and they can be interpreted how you see them, there is no right or wrong in that department. Because we all walk a path in this world, some of us are walking away from our REAL home, while others have flipped a u-turn and are returning, either way, it is still the same path. You can take many alternate routes, right turns and left turns, trips down the freeway, flights over the oceans, you name it, and the options become endless. However, all paths eventually lead us HOME. It’s as if one day, we all surrender into the Infinite Presence that we truly are, and each experience of the world can either be seen as a problem or an unlearning of sorts, to guide us back to where all paths lead.

Many people who claim enlightenment often get thrown up on pedestals. Their followers become enamored and can almost become blind in the process. Idolizing others no matter what they claim they achieve can be a deceiver in itself. How many times have you seen the mug shot of a leader of an occult group thrown across the evening news for sexual or abusive misconduct? These people are human. Just because they have had some type of experience, doesn’t mean they don’t get caught in their own ego’s temptations.

It seems many leaders fall to this side, allowing the ego to step back in and want everything for self-gratification, power, and recognition, which is exactly the opposite of what they preach. Always keep in mind they are still living in the world dealing with the same things as anybody else. They are not Gods! It’s highly advisable to be weary of people claiming a certain status of being. Someone telling you you need them in order to wake up should be your first clue to get the hell out of dodge ASAP! Be careful not to put your faith in anyone other than what’s already within you. No one else can give you that, only you can.


During your awakening process, you may feel like you’ve traveled a million miles, but when seen clearly, you know you haven’t gone anywhere at all. You have journeyed through a symbolic circle, now standing back at the beginning of it all, yet somehow looking through very different lenses. You simply changed drivers, that’s all. You now view life from an entirely new vantage point, but you are still human, you are still in the body, and you are still living in the exact same insane world as everybody else. Trying to change others and change the world to fit some sort of idealogy is no longer at the forefront of your mind. You see the world for what it is and notice the only thing that needs changing is you.

It’s as if all the layers keeping you from the core of who you are have disintegrated, much like the nagging weight you used to carry has been lifted. You feel lighter and liberated of mind. You smile and often laugh inside at the absurdity of it all, how the mind spent all of its time tricking you into believing falsehoods. As the mind may continue its same old strategy, you see through it. Even if you get caught up in it from time to time, you can pause in the calm and see exactly what just occurred. It is much easier to navigate life from this new perspective because the need to hold on is no longer present. Letting go of attachments and mind games becomes as simple as riding a bike!

Seeing that all these supposed paths we take, missions we partake in, achievements we strive to reach, and growing as a special self, all of these are seen as fantasies in the mind, mere distractions from digging down into the depths to see what has been hiding in plain sight all along. Unlearning rather than learning seems more suited to discovering our true essence. After learning things about the world for so many years, you understand that those are simply things to do in the world but mean nothing about who you are. Being able to still participate in the way the world operates, yet understand you are simply none of those things brings you to a true place of peace. You can take any path you choose, the only thing that really matters is who are you choosing to see with, your small self, or the large self beyond your identity.


When I finally let go of needing to control what was happening to me or wishing my life was leading in another direction, I became open to where this new experience was leading me. I knew it was time to live in the world again, and I was committed to learning how to do it in a brand-new way. Although I had disconnected from the outside world for many years, returning to it seemed as if nothing had changed. The only difference was the massive shift in consciousness I had experienced, the elimination of the center point within, which made walking through the world radically different.

Seeing I had gone nowhere, basically making a 360-degree circle back to where I had always been, yet feeling like my entire inner world had transformed, took some getting used to, to say the least. My nervous system was in constant adjustment mode and to re-enter a world that previously felt easy, now came with training wheels, mental note-taking, and a new skill set I was determined to learn. How was it possible to experience such a shift, yet see that everything was exactly as it had always been? How had I not seen this before? Was I that blind before the energy exploded up my spine all those years ago? How did I miss this universal perception that is now persistently staring me in the face?

I was now a student in a classroom that I never noticed before. I felt completely connected to everything around me, with no feeling of a physical boundary even though I still felt the body and its limitations. It seemed I was part of a much larger field of awareness, and this field I could feel physically, which made everything I did very interesting and extremely challenging. I often felt like an entirely new sensory system was born within me and my inner radar system was picking up everything around me. I was taking in more information than ever before. I finally accepted that if this awakening had come into my life, then it must be trying to tell me something, and I now was ready to sign the contract I clearly agreed to. All those years of resisting, of isolation, of transformation were awaiting my signature on the dotted line.

As I continued to come full circle back into life again, it was like a part of me met its demise, a death of sorts, and the years of internal grieving for the loss of who I thought I was had finally run its course. It’s not often we get a second chance at life, but this really felt like another chance to see life differently, to connect with something greater than myself, and learn that not everything is as it seems. One by one we all come to this place within, this eternal knowing that there is much more than the unchanged world we pretend to see.


Clarifying the Stages: A Moment to Reflect


Letting Go: Easier Said Than Done