Reemergence: Coming Full Circle After a Shift in Consciousness

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After subtle or radical shifts in consciousness, there comes a time when you are ready to live a new way of life.  Much like a butterfly emerging from the caterpillar's cocoon, you feel completely transformed and ready to see what life is now like in the unchanged world around you. 

Shifting away from the ego's thought system into a deeper relationship with the symbolic spiritual side of the mind transforms the way in which you experience life.

Today's show will focus on understanding the flow of life. We'll also pinpoint what it is exactly that feels so different, how we are never immune from the duality of the world, and finally what it means to come full circle after you have experienced a deep inner shift in awareness. 

You now understand the purpose behind the unlearning process, and you begin to see that the only thing that needs changing is you.  Putting all of your efforts into seeking outside of yourself becomes clear. You recognize what you are really looking for has been with you the entire time.

Lastly, we'll briefly touch on different paths and the illusion they present.  Are the paths we think we are on leading us somewhere?  Or are they merely symbolic of what is already within us?


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