insights into awakening, spirituality & practical life.
Join me in a thought-provoking conversation about what to do when you begin to wake up to who you really are.
We’ll take a closer look at all things transformation, shifts in consciousness, nature and foods that heal, the inner workings of the mind, and how to clean up and clear out your space.
When your life begins to unravel, we’ll dive into the physical, mental, and spiritual components that can change your life forever, and ultimately bring you back to your true nature.
Learn how to manage the difficulties that awakening brings as you continue to live your life in the world. Gaining practical insights can make all the difference on your unique spiritual path.
Happy “Single-Hood”: The Relationship with Yourself
The underlying conditioning in our culture is to settle down, get married, and have a family. This starts the moment we are born! However, not everyone wants to live this life. Today let's explore the opportunities a single life brings.
Happy New Year: Letting Go to Make Way for the New
Join me today for a few simple ways to let go of the old in order to make way for the new. Let's look at expectations and outcomes, how much are you attached to an image you are creating of yourself in the future? The ego mind loves to create better versions of itself on a regular basis.
Remembering the Christ Consciousness
Merry Christmas Everyone! What was Jesus's message to humanity? Is it deeper than celebrating Jesus the man? What was he pointing us toward?
What Happened to Common Sense? Stating the Obvious About Health & Happiness
Has common sense gone out the window? Don't we have innate wisdom about what is best for us? Shouldn't we know what our bodies need, how our mind works, and our spiritual nature? Let's have a laugh today and go over some funny things about life, health and happiness!
Are you Taking on too Much? Learn to Detach from Work, Relationships & Life Drama
Two topics most people can relate to are work and relationships. Let's spend some time discussing how your identity takes on the role of. your job, or the role of your personal relationships. So much so that your ego mind convinces you that this is who you are, but is that true?
Multidimensional Awareness with Spiritual Teacher Kristin Kirk
It’s time to discuss Multidimensional Awareness with Spiritual Teacher and Healer Kristin Kirk. Kristin accesses the highest expression of Self to help us heal from our past wounds and reveal our innate wholeness.
Trade Complaining in for Gratitude
Join me today as we go into depth about your mind's need to complain. We all do it! So you're definitely not alone on this one! Let's discuss three things to better understand what complaining is all about.
Healing from Illness & Trauma with Master Healer Megan Edge
With over 30 years of experience working with others through physical illness and emotional trauma, Megan shares her wisdom about health and what it means to truly heal.
Nutrient Dense Foods: Raw or Cooked, Protein Mythology & More!
Looking to add more real food into your diet that actually delivers nutrition to your body? It doesn't have to be complicated! Learn simple ways to bring real food into your life.
Psychedlics and Spirituality
There's a lot of hype around psychedelics today, especially when it comes to spirituality. But do psychedelics have anything to do with spirituality, are they useful for mental illness, or both?
Mental Illness or Spiritual Awakening? Comparing Indigenous Cultures to the Western World
Join me today as we compare western and ancient cultures approach to mental illness. Is it really an illness, or could it be an opportunity for spiritual awakening?
Holding on to the Past: Why Does the Mind Fixate?
Are you stuck on the past? Are you reliving an experience that you can't seem to move beyond? Do you think you've let go of it, then suddenly an image pops into your mind, and you are right back to where you started?
Celebrating the 100th Episode! A Live Like Eden Recap
It's the 100th episode of the Live Like Eden podcast! Join me today as we celebrate and recap what the show represents and how it can help you in your own life.
Becoming Self-Aware: Taking Responsibility for Yourself
Moving out of a reactionary state of mind and into a responsible self-aware state of mind will move the needle toward mental freedom and inner peace. Join me today as we go over 3 things that can open your mind to true self-awareness.
Acceptance on the Awakening Path: A Journey into the Mystical
Waking up from your small ego self is no walk in the park. After all, you've spent your entire life identifying with it. Accepting this inevitable transformation will make your life much easier than resisting it at every turn.
How to Clear Emotional Energy from Yourself & Others
Are your emotions taking over your life? Are you exhausted and need a way out pronto? Join me today to help you clear your energy field and find your true authentic self during emotional overload.
Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: How to Get Your Space in Order
After discussing physical and mental fasting, it's time to get into your physical environment and see how much energetic clutter affects the space you are living in. Join me today as we dive into your personal environment and how to clear it out so it allows you to function freely.
Mental Fasting: How to Release Negative Thoughts
With so much emphasis on the body, rarely is anyone suggesting looking deeper into your mind and taking a break from believing all the false commentary going on in your head every day! Let's spend today's episode talking about mental fasting and how to release negative thoughts that are pulling you down.
Fasting, Breatharians, & Spiritual Awareness
Want to learn a simple way that might just free you from some of your health troubles? Then tune in and learn how simpler eating and less food can actually help your body heal itself. If you think fasting is far-fetched, wait until you hear about breatharians, that might really blow your mind!
Know Thyself: How To Use the Real Power of Your Mind
Know Thyself is a common phrase often used in a religious or spiritual context. Many people spend their entire lives on a quest to discover who they really are. However, what part of the self are we talking about here?