Letting Go: Easier Said Than Done

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"Just Let Go Already!"  Have you heard people say this to you?  Do you want to let go of something, but you have no idea how?

We all have experiences in our lives that create turmoil and heaviness, especially if we don't know how to release them.  These situations ultimately guide us to the doorway of letting go. 

We may get to a point where we simply can't live this way anymore, whether it's a physical experience we are unhappy with or we are holding a grudge against someone else.  There is something inside of us that knows we would be much better off relinquishing this burden we choose to carry.

Today we'll specifically focus on how the mind operates so we understand what we are up against and why it seems so difficult to detach from it. 

We will also ask if we are really ready to let go of this hindrance in our life, how transformation leads us to know absolutely nothing about anything, and how this begins a humble shift for us to see clearly. 

As we move out of the small ego self and into our larger awareness, we'll touch on acceptance and forgiveness and how it becomes more apparent. Then finally we can discover what it means to truly let go and surrender a deeper part of ourselves.


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