Don’t Go to Fear Only Go to Love?

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How many times do you hear don't go to fear?  It's everywhere in the self-help world.  Why are we so afraid of fear?  Why are we distracted from what it has to offer?  Why are we told not to look at it?  Is it possible that fear can lead us directly to love?

In today's show, we are going to dive deep into fear and the subconscious mind.  If fear is present in all of us, there must be a reason for it.  We will look at the relevance of fear along the path of spiritual transformation, and why it's the big elephant in the room.  

We'll also discuss why we are being told not to look at it.  Fear is often misunderstood.  Is it really the bad actor we think it is?  Could it be a magnificent teacher if we let it show us the way?  

Let's take a look at the symbolic meaning of fear and love in the world, and how we can use this dynamic to understand how it is covering up who we really are.  Defining the emotional level of fear and love, the spiritual aspect of these two emotions, understanding what fear represents, why it is there in the first place, and how we can deal with it will show us exactly why fear is sitting in our subconscious minds.  

When we are aware of fear's purpose, it can lighten up our experience of it, and lead us to exactly where we need to be.  Acknowledging that fear has a real purpose in the awakening process can alleviate the discomfort it brings within us.


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