The Victim: Prisoner of Your Own Mind

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Do you ever feel locked in a prison of your own mind?  Have you played the victim in your life and now you want out?  Being a victim of life's many circumstances is an easy thing to do.  When we fall into this role it can become who we are, but does it have to define us our entire life?

Join me as we discuss the possibility of becoming a victim during the transformative process.  Because awakening can prove extremely difficult, you may feel like you are at the mercy of something beyond your control.  When it seems out of your hands, the excuses set in and block us from discovering who we really are.

Today let's look at the roles we play, such as the victim and the victimizer, and how it represents the dual aspect of our mind.   We'll see how we use excuses to box ourselves into a corner, which ultimately creates our own mental prison cell.  Creating this safety zone can become very comfortable, often too comfortable so focusing on how to escape the prison is an important part of shifting our awareness.  Since we made ourselves prisoners, we'll talk about how to unlock the cell doors to liberate our minds.  

Lastly, the victim is serving a much higher purpose than we realize.  It doesn't have to be seen as a hindrance.  This role, just like many other so-called negative emotions, takes us into the underworld of the mind, where transformation really happens.


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