Shifting From Thinking to “Feeling”

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We are so programmed by our thinking mind that we forget about the intuitive internal computer we all have.  Today we will discuss the field of awareness we are living in and how we can become reacquainted with our own intuition, which seems to be lost from today's culture.  How do we shift from thinking our way through life into "feeling" our way through life?  How do we learn to interpret the communication field that is all around us?

From intuition, empathy, and feeling the vibrational frequencies of emotions themselves, we'll discuss the various ways in which people experience energy.  We all have the ability to sense information.  How can we keep our own space strong and grounded so we can be of service for others in need?  How can we transform the difficult emotional energies into a space for us to thrive? 

We'll also look at the late Dr. Emoto's discoveries in the field of consciousness, how it affects our daily lives, and how we can use our own intentions to lift up our own energy field.

Links for information on Dr. Emoto:
Office Masaru Emoto (
Dr. Masaru Emoto and Water Consciousness | The Wellness Enterprise : the hidden messages in water by masaru emoto


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