The Collective vs. The Individual Path Home


There are certainly pros and cons to each viewpoint and the discussion has and will go on for as long as we choose. There is a much deeper aspect to the collective and the individual that is the focus of this particular discussion. In some philisophical perspectives, this world is seen as an illusion, meaning it ultimately is not real. In this view there is only one reality and that is in God, the one Totality that is all things. Using this concept, let’s take a deeper look at what the collective mind versus the individual mind symbolizes in the spiritual sense of who we are.


In this world, there appears to be levels to the collective mind, or the connected mind or vibrational field we all share. There are numerous collective groups that we attach to, which can be seen on a global scale all the way down to very small groups you may identify with in your local community, friend circle, or family level. The collective simply connects due to commonalities usually through believing in certain things, relating to others through a shared purpose, or putting those beliefs into a form of action to effect change. Bonding with like-minded individuals can make you feel a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging, and a comfort in knowing there are other people who think the same way that you do. Often there is a warmth, a feeling of community, of finding a home within the group, as well as a large support network. You feel like you can trust those you share common interests with.

Today the term “groupthink” is used a lot to describe when the group displays a level of conformity to a particular belief and excludes those that do not share in this way of thinking. This can be taken to an extreme level often using irrational behaviors around the belief that often discounts any logic or reasoning mechanism. The group energy, mentality, and expectation of conformity leaves little room for the individual to ask reasonable questions. The group becomes so powerful and can begin acting in a malicious way believing the cause deserves any amount of violent behavior to create change.

George Orwell’s 1984 uses the concept of “Doublethink,” which is similar in the sense that there is a contradictory meaning in the group mentality or message. One common theme in the book is “War is Peace,” which is used to this day. The act of violence, killing the innocent, and destroying land will create peace. These two concepts are extremely contradictory, yet if they are said enough, the collective mind will begin to believe it. Just as groups in today’s society wanting to make advances and changes, for instance, those believing in injustices marching for peace, yet riots are breaking out, destruction of personal and public property becomes reasonable, burning buildings, and stealing products out of private stores is acceptable to the group. What often starts off as a great cause, or a need for real change, or a transformation within a failed system, often loses control and resorts to causing more harm than creating the ideal environment the group set out for in the first place. So, there are real dangers, fine lines, and disadvantages when the group becomes brainwashed into believing change at any cost is the only way. People get hurt, their lives can be destroyed, all at the effect of groupthink.

However, there are groups that form that do not create such havoc. They stick to a peaceful approach, a common mission, or theme and are dedicated to it. The vibrational frequency within this group may be operating at a higher level and therefore it only emits acts of kindness, respect of others, it allows for differing opinions, welcomes critique and the individual’s questions. There is a more rational approach and a desire to use peace to create more peace. Many people form groups locally to make changes in local laws by attending meetings with legislators, writing letters, and getting enough people to do so can make desired change in a way that makes sense without resulting to violence and destructive action.


Taking a deeper look now at the collective from a much larger angle, you could say that despite our perceived differences in the world, such as different political opinions, social opinions, familial opinions, and other smaller group belief structures, there is a common connection between all of us. As discussed earlier, applying the principle of this world possibly being an illusion, then the collective mind shares one major belief, the belief in this world. If we are all collectively perceiving, viewing, and living in this world of illusions, then we must share our very strong belief in it or we would not be here. Our shared belief in separation, that we are all separated beings from the one Totality of Reality, or God, which is outside of this world, according to some philosophies, keeps this world alive. It is quite literally fueling the world around us.

The collective’s belief in this world around us is incredibly strong, it’s rather enormous really. People can argue, fight, debate, and have overwhelming differences, but the one common thread for all of us, no matter how much you may despise another individual in your life or another group that thinks differently than you do, is our absolute shared perception that this world is real. This seems to be the glue holding this entire system together when we are looking at it through the illusion principle. Sticking with this theme, this belief in separation is immensely powerful, the one mind is holding this entire system together. You could argue that this is not a conscious thought, that none of us are consciously aware that we share this. It is only through the process of undoing the ego self, an awakening or transformative process that will bring this to the surface of your conscious awareness. Until then, it is simply hiding underneath, locked away in a nice little treasure box so no one can see it.


Continuing to use the concept of the illusory world, the answer to waking us up from this illusory dream appears to be the larger awareness, or the observer presence that surrounds all things. This observer is the silent watcher simply looking without judgement, without concern, without any commentary whatsoever about the happenings in the world. It remains with us always awaiting our recognition of its presence. This symbol of Reality is present as a reminder of where our real home resides, which from this perspective is in God, or the Totality, or the eternal Oneness. You could think of this as a vast expansive field of consciousness that is gently reminding us of what we think we see is not necessarily true, that the eyes in which we see this world may not be telling us the entire truth, or the bigger picture.

This is where different spiritual practices, meditations, therapies, prayer, devotion, and the inner desire to know something greater than ourselves is born. We can actively choose to look at our minds, to see how we are perceiving our lives, the experiences we endure, and the relationships we encounter, and choose to see it from our conflicted mind as a small identity, or from the larger field expressing and extending love all around us. This begins a deeper purpose in life and a yearning to see things clearly. It is the inner pathway to self-realization, meaning the larger self leading us to total oneness.


When involved in a group, it’s easy to get so involved with the group mentality that you lose your own sense of logical or rational thinking. Many people may or may not be personally affected by what the group is preaching, but they still cling to its message. The moment you question, withdraw, or completely leave a group, the group often feels threatened by the individual’s decision. They might shun you, question your sanity, disconnect from you, and even threaten and attack you. Any type of perceived threat to the group can create more fuel for the groups need to stay together.

Individuals asking difficult questions toward the group, offering other opinions or insights, or presenting alternative solutions than have previously been attempted, can immediately make the group feel uncomfortable. Most people in the group are participating for comfort, for safety and stability, and for reliability. When someone presents a different approach the group senses an initial threat to the comfortable system they created. If one person leaves it may create a trickle effect in which more and more people follow the same path. Standing up alone in the face of incredible opposition is a difficult task. However, when multiple individuals begin to mimmick this action it becomes much easier. In some cases this can totally dismantle the group or the organization completely.

Looking at the individual on a spiritual path can be no different. A religion or spiritual group can also feel the same threat when an individual begins to question a doctrine that has been in existence for millenia. Cults operate in a similar way, when an individual breaks free from conformity, the cult feels threatened and may choose to resort to fearful threats and physical attack. No matter what group you look at, the individual power can certainly cause quite a stir, and at the very least emit a vibrational frequency into the surrounding energy field that may begin to communicate with others within the group that have been questioning the same things.


Now, using the concept of the individual within the collective belief in separation, let’s look at how one can wake up from this illusion and dissolve the gates of separation. The purpose of spiritual awakening, the undoing of the ego self, or a major shift in consciousness is to see the illusion for what it is and return to the Wholeness of God. People can form local groups or connect on a larger scale and share experiences, stories, and understandings of consciousness and our life here. Groups can and are formed to extend the messages of compassion, kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, and love. However, there will come a point in everyone’s journey where the only way to peace is within. The individual will eventually go deep within to discover what has been waiting there all along.

This does not mean we will all hold hands together and take that jump from the separate world of illusions back to the Real World as a group, or through a group consciousness. Many people believe that the collective will ascend into another reality together, that it is a group effort, and we must wait for others to wake up. If that is true then we will be waiting an eternity! The idea that we need others to awaken so we can wake up seems far-fetched and slightly delusional. If the observer, the larger field of awareness, that symbol spoken of earlier is present always, within and around us, and is always available to us, then the individual has the ability to connect at will whenever he or she is ready to do so. Each person has an equal opportunity to see. Each person must look within in order to return to our truest nature, it will not be done by another.

This is the ultimate responsibility that many are reluctant to accept. It’s not easy to really look at yourself, at what you believe to be real, about how invested you have become in this world system that may not be what you thought it was. This process can have moments of real struggle, of extraordinary resistance, and an almost refusal to want to go any further because the devastation seems too much to bear. However, that is exactly where spiritual awakening is leading each and ever one of us. It is leading us to something Real, something much Greater, and much more meaningful than anything this world can offer. As much as we want to hold on, the process will indefinitely dissolve the imaginary chord we will no longer need. This symbolic field of awareness will shine a light on each individual, and cast an undeniable wakeup call to each and every one of us, that leads away from the collective belief in separation, and into the eternal oneness we are all destined to meet.


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