Stuck in the Clutter? Shift the Energy in Your Space


Are you someone who makes piles around your house? Do you let those piles build up until you have no idea how to start cleaning it up? Or are you a perfectionist with a spotless space one day and the next day a bomb goes off and organization goes out the window? If you find yourself getting caught in your own clutter either chronically or from time to time, the space you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, and how functional you are in your own environment.

It’s easy to accumulate lots of stuff. Especially in today’s consumer society many of us buy things we love, bring them home, find places for them without clearing out some of the old items we have. If this continues there are collectibles in every corner with no empty space anywhere. Over time this can make any space feel stuck, heavy, and dysfunctional to live in or work in. If you notice that you are overwhelmed in your own environment, then it might be time to clear out items you no longer like, you no longer need, or creating an organization system may be in order.

When you are going through any life challenge, maybe you feel stuck in a pattern you can’t seem to get out of, or you are experiencing a spiritual transformation there might come a time when you no longer tolerate clutter. You begin to feel the energy of the space you are in and it becomes absolutely necessary to rearrange your space, de-clutter the area, and simplify all of the areas that you spend time in. Whether we are aware of it or not, all objects have energetic frequency, and those frequencies can affect how we feel in any environment. During any change in your life it’s possible to become more sensitive and aware of your surroundings. These surroundings can work for you or against you depending on your level of sensitivity to energy.


When you are actively looking at the mind and observing your thinking and belief patterns it is natural that this clearing will manifest in the physical form as well. What you are no longer able to tolerate in your mind might be projected out onto your home or workspace. What you no longer hold in your mind you will no longer hold in the physical. It’s a very natural process to want to simply your entire life. Any type of life transformation is often reflected in the environment you are living in. If you find your space getting cluttered and full of unnecessary items, it might be time to see what’s going on in your mind. This can help you make sense of why you are piling up various knickknacks, decorative items, clothing, papers, books, supplies of all kinds, and even trash.

When a space gets grossly cluttered and there are no longer signs of a floor beneath the junk it can become an even bigger problem such as extreme hoarding. If you’ve ever found yourself watching the show Hoarders you’ll immediately see that almost all of the people who have boxed themselves in with extreme amounts of stuff are suffering from a past trauma. Most of them have struggled with the loss of a loved one and this triggers them to hold on to everything. There are other reasons too such as emotional attachments, feeling every item can be useful, as well as the need for control. It’s as if they are building a safe zone for themselves where there are literal walls of anything imaginable to keep them protected. This is a perfect example of how a person’s living environment is a direct reflection of what is going on in their life, what is going on in their mind, and how it can affect how they feel in that space.

Now, the vast majority of the public are not hoarders, however, many people can start creating mini hoards. If they don’t put a stop to it and clean up from time to time the space can get out of control and look like another pile of trash at the local dump. If you have a tendency to clutter your space and you don’t like it, then you are ready to clean out and discover how experiences in your life and the way you think about them is often a reflection of how you treat your living situation. By doing a few things to remove the excess and rearrange the room to get the energy flowing, you’ll be amazed at how it makes you feel.


If you are overwhelmed by how much work you have in front of you and don’t know where to start there are many shows you can watch to see how to get started. Netflix has the Home Edit, Tidying Up, and Hoarders to get a basic idea of the different ways in which you can reorganize your life. Some of these require buying organizational items, however this is not always necessary. You can certainly rearrange your home and get rid of the heaviness without spending money. Sometimes all it takes is moving furniture around, pitching what you don’t need or want any longer, and getting in there for a deep clean. That alone can do wonders! What you are really looking for is how the energy moves in your closed environment. It’s always enjoyable to recreate a space and make it beautiful and functional, however the key to all of it is how do you feel in it?

No matter how much stuff you have to clear out the simplest methods can always be applied. Obviously, if you have a small area of clutter it won’t take as long, but in either scenario you can assign three different areas to put these items KEEP, TOSS, and DONATE. Simply start in one drawer, one closet, one room, or one area of one room depending on the task at hand. Look through each item and really ask yourself a few questions. Do you love this item? Did you buy this thinking you would love it and now you don’t? Does this item make you feel good, does it make your space feel uplifting? If you absolutely love this item, put it in the keep pile. If you come across things you can’t stand and they are still in decent shape toss them into donations. And if you come across broken items or other things that are just plain trash, get rid of them.

This process can take time and can be frustrating if cleaning up is not your strong suit. Sometimes just looking at the mountain of stuff in front of you is daunting but think of how great you will feel when it’s completed. If you have been struggling to feel productive, or you’ve felt anxious in your home, or maybe there’s been a heaviness sinking in, this can all be cleared by just taking the time and committing to changing how you feel in your space. Your living environment is your place to relax, to unwind, to feel peace and tranquility. When you come home from a long day’s work and you walk into a total disaster zone this only sparks overwhelm and stress instead of what you really need.


If feeling energy is foreign to you there are Feng Shui books, websites, You Tube videos, blogs, and articles that can help guide you if you are interested in learning more. This can be fun and intriguing to see how energy moves through a space and how it can be blocked by ways in which we organize furniture and decorative items. However, if you are intuitive and love designing a room to cater to how you feel in it, then take the time and arrange the space many different ways to see what makes you feel the best. The only way to know is to try many different scenarios. When you only have a given amount of space in a room, there is only so much you can do in terms of design. Find the one that works, that functions and flows the easiest, and makes you feel calm, relaxed, and in love with being there. After all, this is yours so make it feel like the home you want to come home to, to live in, and feel supported in.

Energy within homes can be interesting. Not only do the objects and the way they are configured in a space make a difference in how the space flows, but the energy given off by the people in it also contributes to how the space feels. Within closed walls there is constriction and energy can become trapped in these spaces. If you have lived in your home for many years and nothing has moved around or there is a lot of family interaction both good and bad, that energy can remain in the home causing it to feel stuck, heavy, and sometimes like quicksand. Cleaning your home regularly, eliminating items you no longer need, re-arranging furniture, opening the windows when the weather permits to allow the fresh air in, keeping the blinds open so the sunshine brightens up the space, buying fresh flowers to put on the counter, and maybe diffusing your favorite essential oils can help keep your space clean, fresh, and free of stagnant energy.

We’ve all seen homes over a hundred years old and just by looking at them from the outside you can see the energy of all of those years. When you walk into them you can get an even better feeling of the energetic condition. Some homes that have been taken care of, renovated, cleared many times over can feel rather new, yet there still remains past history within those walls. Unless the walls are removed and the entire home is renovated down to the studs, there remains energy from the many different inhabitants, the interactions that occurred inside, and how the previous owners cleared out their own spaces. If energy can neither be created nor destroyed, then how can you transform it and work with it to make it feel comfortable in any space that you are in. This is also why in closed environments opening windows to allow for new energy flow from outside the space can help change the way it feels. If you keep the house closed up all the time then there is only the energy within it to work with, nothing new is coming in to change it. Unless you are bringing home other energy from being out in the world, that too adds change.

This is what makes spatial design so interesting and fun. When you take it to the deeper levels of energy work it allows you to create the perfect space that suits your individual needs and the frequency of your own energy field. The beauty of design is making it work for you. You are the one living in it and you want it to resonate with how you feel, what you love, and surround yourself with things that inspire and uplift you. When it is time to let things go because they no longer serve you then look at getting rid of them. Freeing yourself from symbolic reminders of the past that bring you down is a great way to start liberating your space and transforming into something that works for you.


To take things a step further you can dive into Zen and the principles used in that philosophy of design. There are seven principles, but in summary it is a simpler form of design having ample space with only necessary items including the elements of nature within it. If the mind can be cleared and quieted, then having a space equally cleared and calm is certainly beneficial. Too many elements included in design or too many items in general disrupts the flow of calm energy and creates a more chaotic space. Not only is it likely to create chaos amongst the people within it, but the energy will feel chaotic and unsettling. Unless you are a master of energy yourself and can maneuver through anything unaffected, then including simplicity into your environment can help create a sense of tranquility and peace.

The process of life challenges, awakenings, and transformations is to clear the mind to make way for inner peace. This inner peace can be reflected out into the world and in the spaces we inhabit. As we transform our life transforms and the physical spaces around us follow this path. Living in a simpler environment that makes you feel good can be a symbol and a reminder of who you really are. It can remind you to connect to the sacred space within to feel serenity. If you are running around in your daily life battling chaotic crowded spaces and endless traffic, then coming home to your own private paradise can help you detach from the stresses of the day.

How you live in your home, your office, or any other space is a choice. You can choose how organized you want your space to be, how it looks, how it feels, and how other people feel in it. You have all the power to shift the energy not only in your home environment, but in any environment you enter. Imagine for a moment that you are physically moving energy with your hands and physically moving items around to make your area feel the way you desire. Then when you enter a space that feels overwhelming, stuck, or unsettled instead of using your hands use your own energy field to emit a lighter frequency into the space. Play with imagery in your mind to move the energy around while you are there. Breathing in a high vibration and allowing it to extend through you wherever you are can begin a transformation of the energy around you. It may not change the space entirely. However, it will surround you in a calmer light and make the interaction much more manageable.


If you are somebody who has difficulty maintaining a clear space once you’ve rearranged it, then put a little reminder somewhere to keep everything in order. Write it down on a dry erase board, a post it, or make a reminder alert in your phone, whatever it takes to keep you from recreating a disaster zone. Or, if you really need a reminder, turn on an episode of Hoarders and you’ll clean up immediately!

You’ve worked hard to make your home feel a certain way, so put a little effort into maintaining it each day. Putting away papers, organizing files, putting things in the trash, opening a window, cleaning off the counters, whatever it is, something small can always be done to keep your home the sanctuary you deserve in your life. Although spiritual transformation ultimately has nothing to do with the physical world, on the practical level it can help us become more functional in our daily lives and create that bridge to the inner world of liberation and peace.


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