Michael Tellinger’s One Small Town Initiative, Toroidal Fields, and Coming into Your Power


Michael Tellinger, a South African scientist, explorer, and author of several books, has been at the forefront of studying Ancient Civilizations for decades. Lost civilizations, advanced ancient technology, the nature of reality, sound as a source of free energy, the history of money, the corrupt central banking system, consciousness and spirituality, and most recently his creation of local thriving communities as a solution to the global agenda’s power and control of the entire population, are various topics he shares to wake people up to what is really going on. Not only does he provide information about the enslaved system, but he is also devoting his life to the solution, which takes great courage, incredible strength, and willingness to actually make change.

His work has led him to discover that most of the history we have been taught is simply not true. We are led to believe that humanity has just now reached a technological advancement unlike anything throughout history. Yet, Tellinger’s discoveries show something very different. We’ve all seen the beautiful structures throughout the world. The Egyptian Pyramids, the magnificent intricate architecture spread across Europe, the unbelievable cathedrals with their incredible arches, ornate design, and impressive size, yet somehow they had no electricity or advanced tools to create such a work of art? How does that make any sense? They must have been using something extraordinary. But what, exactly?

Throughout Tellinger’s research of money, how it came to be, and tracing it throughout history, he came to the conclusion that money has been controlled by few elites to enslave the rest of the global population. This wasn’t started a couple of hundred years ago, but it’s been going on for millennia! His studies over the years have sparked a hunger to create something new, something outside of the current system of corruption, that benefits EVERYONE within it, not just the rich and powerful controllers. This urge to create something new has spanned decades finally implementing a structure for local communities called One Small Town.


Before describing Tellinger’s vision for One Small Town globally, his discovery of scientific untruths will help you understand the need for such change. Almost everything we have learned has been presented to us as if it were absolute truth. This is not necessarily so, as Michael Tellinger has learned in his years of research. We have all been taught that the atom is the basic building block of life, and that electrons, protons, and neutrons are all swirling about making up the material world. However, Nicola Tesla’s insights questioned the atomic theory as well as the existence of the electron in the way it was being presented. Tesla focused on sound frequency being the source of all creation in the known universe. It is this sound that creates the magnetic electric field we live in. These sound frequencies are emitted from the earth and are creating a torus field, or toroidal field around everything.

The torus field is donut shaped with a magnetic hole in the center which maintains the consistent flow of energy throughout the field. Tellinger explains that everything has a toroidal field, and this sound and resonance field traverses the universe instantly, which has huge effects on all of us. As human beings, we are very impressionable. Our own personal energy fields are constantly giving and receiving information without our conscious awareness. Information is communicated subconsciously as well. Our thoughts, emotions, language, vowels, and our speaking voice all have sound frequency. There is also a huge movement toward sound therapy as a form of physical healing, or from Tellinger’s perspective there is a re-birthing of an ancient healing practice that has been known for centuries.

Sound frequency has also been shown to create sacred geometry. Inputting different frequencies into a plate of sand creates various geometric patterns all perfect in nature. There are theories suggesting that the ancient cultures used sound frequency in design and architecture, as well as moving heavy objects. Tellinger suggests the Egyptian Pyramid stones could have been moved by levitation using sound frequency. The pyramids precision and accuracy had to be put in place with a very sophisticated technology. Is it possible they were using this free available energy that Tesla was hinting at? Tellinger certainly thinks it’s possible.

Understanding the world of creation is literally based on sound, that everything is surrounded within a magnetic toroidal field, has helped formed Michael Tellinger’s desire for a solution to the one world corrupt system. With Tesla’s suggestion of free energy available for all, and the continuous flow of energy through the toroidal fields, could these be used to create a brand-new society where EVERYONE is taken care of by the whole?


One Small Town is the name of his initiative, which intends to create and revitalize local communities that benefit EVERYONE, not just those in power. His idea has been brewing for decades and entails the idea of Contributionism, namely everyone participating in the town must donate a minimum of three hours of work per week in order to receive the benefits. Such benefits include local food, goods, housing, services, healthcare, and the energy resource the community is using. Tellinger’s vision is each individual will use their innate skills to help the entire community. For example, if you are a farmer, you can assist the local agricultural center in producing food for the town. If you are a teacher, you can educate the youth. If you are a doctor, or an engineer, or a service-oriented person you can donate your time to your area of expertise. Three hours is the minimum time required for everyone; however, you can certainly donate more of your time if you choose.

One Small Town will be a community working together for the betterment of everyone. This society will not be based on money, as Tellinger believes most of the things we do today could still happen without the concept of money. This may seem like a foreign idea, maybe even impossible because money has been such a foundation of the current system we live in. You must make money to live. If you don’t have any money in today’s world, you cannot survive. Tellinger points out through years of research that money has been put in place by the elites as a means to control and enslave the population. Leaving this system and creating an entirely new system without the need for money, is a completely different way to live. One Small Town is his solution to the current power structure. By leaving the old system, taking back individual power, collaborating together to create something that functions for all people, and live a more joyous, peaceful, and happy life just might be a wonderful opportunity for humanity.

Tellinger’s initiative gives each individual equal shares in every town business, so the entire community owns everything the town produces. Anything the town manufactures and exports as sales will go back into the town’s infrastructure, businesses, and other areas to keep the town thriving. One Small Town gives everyone a chance to provide their specific skillset for only three hours a week, which gives each person time to explore other passions or interests. Maybe you have a desire to learn something new, but you never have the time because you are too busy working 24/7. If this concept works, you will have ample time to dive into that project you’ve always wanted to. Maybe you will perfect new skills and then contribute more time to the community.

Now of course this idea sounds lofty, and many people question whether it is possible to create a new system without money. In the beginning it seems money will be a necessity to get things off the ground. Given the current system is all about money, this would take time to phase out. Initially, building a new system will take investment money to get things rolling. Tellinger has already faced problems and is spending much time making sure the structure is solidly in place so anyone around the world who is interested in taking their town into an entirely new direction, can do so within a tested framework. If you want more details and are interested in the possibilities of a new way of life, check out Tellinger’s website for specifics.


Thinking about a new way of life that benefits everyone, eliminating the stress of earning money to survive, and putting your true passions at work sounds like a great concept, slightly utopian even. The question is will it work? That is something that only time can tell. It is important to understand that no matter what system we are living in, no matter if it appears horrible or quite fabulous, each individual is still living within a conflicted mind in a dual world, or the world of opposites. If One Small Town is able to get off the ground and make real progress toward the betterment of humanity, it will still deal with problems just like any other system throughout history. Most people are operating from the ego mind which will inevitably produce struggle at some point along the journey. That is simply the reality of the world we are living in.

It seems Tellinger’s vision of One Small Town is coming from a place of true compassion. Does it sound more peaceful, harmonious, and fair for all, YES! Does that mean it will work? Who knows. However, with so much corruption in place by the global power structure, with more and more liberties at stake each passing year, Michael Tellinger is walking his talk and actually trying to do something to make a better world for everyone. Not many people are willing to put a vision like this out there. It takes courage and strength to implement something ground-breaking, something so different than we’ve ever seen before, that there will certainly be difficulties along the way. Every pioneer bulldozing to make change faces these same barriers.

If One Small Town succeeds and people are proving the Contributionist model works, it will still face challenge from the egos within society. That is an absolute given. Will groups form inside the town that don’t like the way things are running, probably. That’s human nature. Will some people not want to contribute, absolutely, but they won’t reap the benefits like everyone else. This system will not be a forced system. It’s simply an option, a wonderful idea in theory, and a possible solution to the current agenda. The agenda is too big, too powerful, and has its tentacles weaving through every fabric of society. The only chance of real change is to create something entirely new, outside of the current system. If large numbers of people leave and join One Small Town as a new way of life, there might just be a better way to enjoy life on this planet. Nothing will ever be perfect, there is no utopia in a world based on opposites, however, could it be more functional, enjoyable, compassionate and caring toward all of humanity? It absolutely can. It’s simply a matter of willingness.


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