For some people, awakening goes beyond the mental shift in consciousness and enters the physical realm. You may begin to feel different types of energy enter your physical body and energy system. Instead of thinking your way through life, which is where most of us are, you begin to open up to “feeling” your way through life, and we are not talking about feeling emotional either. It is recognizing the many different vibrational frequencies we move through every day, and what they are communicating to us. The energy field we are living in, whether you believe it or not, is simply a communication field.

This shift into the physical experience can happen on many levels. It can be subtle and easy to manage, or it may be somewhat maddening as the intensity can prove to be completely overwhelming. No matter the severity of what you are feeling, we can all agree that this topic is not something most people think about, and if you mention it, they may just blankly stare at you and nonverbally recommend that you accept the invitation to the nearest mental hospital!

As you become more open, and you experience any level of frequency and vibration in the system, you may need to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate this new experience, at least until you learn the skills necessary to not let it affect you. When you take in more information into your energy field than normal, the nervous system is adjusting to this as well. Your system is not used to the amount of energy you are bringing in, therefore feeling overwhelmed is absolutely normal. Just like any new activity you learn in the world, there is a period of mastering the task until you get it, until it feels as simple as riding a bike. The same applies to the unseen world. It simply takes time, acceptance, and practice until it becomes more comfortable.


There are many levels of intuition, just like there are many levels to the skill set of an artist. We all have the ability to receive information. We have our own computers that inform us of the world around us, as well as the possible instinct of what is to come. Many skeptics deny the existence of anything beyond what the eyes see and believing anything beyond the physical becomes problematic for them. If you are someone who has experienced any level of intuition, your mind becomes open to the unseen possibilities that exist in your experience as a human being.

Look at nature. The birds fly in majestic patterns and move instinctually with what appears to be a sense of knowing what to do rather than thinking. Same with the underwater inhabitants. Have you ever seen a massive school of fish, and as one moves they all move at exactly the same time, no matter where they are positioned? How is that happening? What kind of communication are they tuned into? Because we are certainly not using that! There is a field of awareness, something beyond the physical that is present, providing this fluidity, and this impeccable togetherness.

We all have had some level of premonition in our lives. Whether it’s as simple as thinking about someone and moments later they are contacting you through one of the many forms of modern technology, or walking into a room full of people and sensing something is off. We all have an internal computer that is guiding us. If only we would just listen to what it is trying to tell us. Apparently, we have put our faith in handheld devices to navigate instead of the inner guide we all have. Somewhere along our historical paths, we have forgotten to upgrade our own software package!


Many people are empaths. These people sense the emotions of others, often before they experience them, and often without the other person actually displaying them. Empaths are compassionate people, they are the ones who can be of service to others because they know what’s wrong. They also feel these emotions so strongly that they can be of assistance, or on the other hand, they can become consumed and lost in the other person, which can have a detrimental effect. It can often take the empath into difficult places that they themselves get stuck in.

Either way, empaths are picking up on the emotional state of others via the field of awareness around us. They are superconductors if you will, or super sensors, and have a gift to help those in need if they so choose. Psychics have this same ability. They are tapping into the field of the person they are reading. They may receive messages as visual pictures in the mind, an inner voice (not actual), or they may simply feel the person’s vibrational field. All of these methods are the forms of communication that those with paranormal gifts are using.

We all have the ability to experience some level of empathy. Most of us can tell when other people are struggling, it’s fairly obvious. Unless you are living in your own clouded world, most people can sense what state of mind people around them are in, especially the people closest to us. How many times have you witnessed a loved one come home and you could immediately sense something was wrong? Most individuals wear their feelings without even knowing it.


The late Japanese Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered through his own experimentation how the different emotions affect the crystalline structures in water. His twenty years of researching water, as well as his curiosity in the realm of consciousness and its impact on everything around us are priceless. Although some questioned his scientific expertise and methodology, his findings are certainly worth exploring through the many books he published.

Emoto discovered that when speaking to water in a rough violent manner and then freezing it, the crystalline structures would turn into dirty-looking puddles of mud. They lacked any sort of form whatsoever. When the water was spoken to in a kind loving manner and then frozen, beautiful crystalline structures were formed. He did these experiments with actual words and with written notes attached to the bottles of water. Any type of communication rendered the same exact results, insulting verbiage destroyed the structure, and loving intentions produced crystals.

If it is true that these findings affect the water so easily, and if we are made up of mostly water, how are the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of everyone around us affecting us? Are we aware that this is happening? Can we feel this type of energetic frequency in our own lives? Can we learn to shift the vibrations that may begin to bring us down?


Taking empathy to a deeper level, some people have the ability to actually “feel” energy move in and out of their system. This type of person goes beyond just the emotional feelings of others, meaning the person may sense sadness, however, they themselves do not feel sad. The sadness would be experienced as an energetic vibration within the person’s energy field. It is not the same thing as feeling particular emotions as we express them. It goes to the place of feeling the vibrational field of that particular emotion, not the emotion itself.

For example, anger can be an explosive energy to experience personally, or be around when someone else emits it. It’s equally powerful for those that are passive-aggressive, rather they choose to internalize the anger instead of allowing it to come to the surface as an expression. For someone that is capable of feeling frequencies, they will pick up on the anger as vibration within their own energy field. Anger in particular is felt like an extremely aggressive pulling, much like the dirty-looking water Dr. Emoto discovered from unloving language.

Often the hyper-sensitive person will experience the emotion as an intense heaviness, almost like a horrific illness has just entered their body, much like a poison. The untrained sensitive may think their own body is suffering, and something is wrong with them. However, when they begin to notice the same pattern happening over and over again, they recognize that when they leave the angry person, the sensations dissipate rather quickly.


We all can pick up on emotions fairly easily. But, for the people who can actually feel the vibrational field of emotions, it opens up an entirely different way to live. This is the shift from thinking through life and learning how to feel your way through it, how to understand what is being communicated to you, and how to utilize the information. In the beginning, it can be extraordinarily alarming as the newly initiated individual does not have the tools to prevent these frequencies from destroying them. It can literally feel like someone is physically attacking you and you are just at the mercy of the experience. You feel powerless. Your life has become a permanent passenger on a never-ending roller coaster, wanting to dodge out of any social gathering where people are emitting all kinds of emotional responses. It can be a nightmare.

First, as scary as this may feel to you, understand that all you are picking up on is information in the field of awareness that we are all living in. This information is not trying to harm you, it is simply a form of communication. Knowing this can set the mind much more at ease, as it will try and send you into an endless sea of panic. The mind is always trying to lure you into fear, so remember that as you work to gain the skills necessary to live in the world as a “feeler” of energy.

If it is as easy as Dr. Emoto suggests, then anytime you are feeling a particularly difficult energy, take a deep breath and put forth a loving intention, and simply allow the energy to move through you as harmless. The more you practice allowing the vibration to move through you, to remain peaceful in your own space, this energy will eventually transform. If it becomes problematic for you, then simply remove yourself from the environment for a moment, or longer if necessary. Sometimes, all you need is to move and everything will clear itself out.

This takes practice. It won’t become a cakewalk overnight. Adopt the attitude that you want to learn, and become curious as to the energies you experience. The mind will want to know everything about the energy you feel, what it means, why it’s there, etc. It is not necessary to figure anything out or share it with others around you. You are simply the space where transformation can occur. Can you be the sacred space in any room and allow these vibrations you pick up on, just move through you? This is the question and one that takes some serious trial and error. Welcome all these trials and errors because there will be many. See each one as another opportunity to fine-tune your skill set, that’s all.


The discoveries of Dr. Emoto certainly beg the question, of whether the cultures before us knew about the field of consciousness and did they use it to better their environments. If you look at some of the ancient cities, you will find sacred geometry, archways, and vortices throughout some of the water systems. Why are these in place? Were they simply purifying the water system using the simple methods of nature? Why implement this into the water system unless it had some sort of purpose? It is certainly a possibility, and if true, seems simple enough to implement today.

Another interesting practice from the past that continues to this day is prayer. Many people pray regularly, as well as pray before a meal. We are taught that praying before a meal is in gratitude for our food, we are thanking God, or whatever higher power you believe in for the nourishment we are eating. What if the prayer was originally a way to shift the vibration of the food and water? What if raising the vibration of what we eat makes it easier for our bodies to process?

There are many curious thinkers today who ask, observe, and study this very topic. It is fascinating, whether true or not, it seems worth exploring as we are much more than these physical bodies we inhabit. All of us have the ability to use our given intuition. With awareness and the willingness to listen and feel it, we can learn to raise our own vibration, to transform the energy we encounter, as well as the spaces we inhabit, even if it’s only for a moment.


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