Creating Beauty In a Space: Moving Energy and Uplifting Your Home So You Can Feel Better


I can’t stress enough how the environment you are living in can affect how you feel, how you operate, how efficient you are, and what you feel like within your space. If you find you are stuck in a rut, you can’t seem to move forward in certain aspects of your life, you are depressed, or you are struggling with awakening take a look around and see what your current space looks like. Are there piles of papers all over your desk? Are there clothing piles overflowing out of the laundry and tossed all over the floor? Or maybe you have shoes piling up in the laundry room and you don’t want to organize them? Are dust bunnies collecting in the corners because it’s been a long time since you’ve vacuumed or mopped? Do you have kids and there are toys in every room spread out throughout the entire house? Are you stacking dishes in the sink because you have no energy or desire to clean them, or better yet, just rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher? What does your closet look like? Do you have clothing items from ten years ago you never wear anymore and they are just sitting there taking up unnecessary space? How does your bathroom feel? Is it picked up? Are there empty shampoo and conditioner bottles floating around the bathtub or shower area? These are just a few common themes many people deal with. And, let’s face it, sometimes it’s just annoying to clean up.

If you are in a challenging period of your life, it is easier to allow your space to pile up with clutter, trash, and too many trinkets that simply sit there clogging up the energy in your home. Depending on your level of sensitivity to energy, you might feel bad in this but have no idea that some of it could be due to your surroundings. It’s easy to get in a funk and let your space, whether it’s your living room, bedroom, office, bathroom, closets, or your car, turn into a dark, dingy, immoveable mess! It has now turned into a massive unforeseen project! When our physical spaces are crowded, blocked, dirty, and full, the energy gets trapped, and it can begin to take a toll on us personally. Maybe you feel exhausted in your house but you can’t figure out why? Maybe you are stuck in your work and can’t seem to get things rolling in your career? Or maybe you are faced with a challenging personal situation, and you have zero strength to care about what your room looks like. When life gets tough it’s very easy to not care about anything. Absolutely nothing matters when life becomes impossible.

However, if you begin to see that the environment you are in is not helping your situation but potentially making it worse, then you can begin to clear out your space, shift the energy to move freely so that you can begin feeling better. Not only will you feel better in your home, but you will notice your own energy field will begin to lighten. The heaviness you were carrying around will start leaving you. As you start to take charge of all environments that you reside in regularly, clearing out unnecessary clutter and keeping it clean, you are empowered to keep your energy field vibrant, uplifted, and light which ultimately keeps you balanced and in a state of peace. When you are no longer surrounded by unorganized chaos you can begin to shift out of the heaviness that has been grabbing a hold of your life.


First, you must get in the right mindset to begin to shift the energy of your space. You have to really want it to feel better. No matter what condition you are living in, if it’s a very small disturbance or a rather large disaster zone, feeling inspired to create something new will keep you in the right frame of mind to accomplish this transformation. You now know that your environment has been desperately screaming for an energetic upgrade and you are thrilled to make that happen. Get excited about transitioning this space so it works for you in your life. Create an image in your mind of how you want to feel in your space, how do you want it to look, and what elements of beauty can you incorporate to keep the space feeling alive? If you like drawing, draw out the space you see in your mind. Bring the imagination to paper and make it feel real. Spend as much time as you want getting this exactly how you want it. Take those thoughts and images of how you envision your new beautiful space and feel it in every ounce of your being. The more you feel what you want, instead of thinking about it, the easier it is to make it happen.

Now that you are more than ready to tackle this project, start with the most pressing area that is really in need of immediate care and transformation. Get trash bags, cleaning supplies, boxes if necessary and start going through everything. Every time you pick up an item, ask yourself, “Do I LOVE this?” This can be tough. You might be so tired of everything you own you want to pitch it all. If you are able to do a total gut job and buy new things, then go for it. But, if your budget isn’t allowing for that, then evaluate what you are willing to keep and what you absolutely need to part ways with. As you are moving through everything, clean as you go. Wipe everything down. Empty drawers and clean them out. Throw away broken items, items that no longer work, and donate anything that someone else might find use for. Keep what speaks to you, what makes you feel happy, what inspires you to create, and what makes you feel calm, peaceful, and relaxed. Maybe there are some wild color schemes driving you nuts that you need to eliminate, or maybe you are craving more color. Whatever it is, see how you can incorporate these concepts into the space. It can be something as small as a candle, or a new set of inspirational pens for your office, a picture frame, or a cozy blanket.

Move the furniture around, clean underneath it, wash pillow covers, and blankets that rarely get cleaned up. Keep your floor completely free of clutter and the tabletops, counter tops as clear as possible so they are functional areas when you need to use them. So many people accumulate stuff all over the counters, especially in the kitchen that it becomes impossible to prepare a meal. If space is an issue, go through the cabinets to see if there is anything you can get rid of to make space for the things sitting on your countertop. There is always a way to rework what’s already in the cabinets or closets. Sometimes it takes a little creativity to make it work in a more functional way. There are storage bins, various containers, and other types of organizational materials you can buy to help you with revamping your area. Plastic bins under beds, especially in a kid’s room, can be a lifesaver to give them more space to play in or relax in. Getting serious about your living and work spaces can make all the difference in how you feel in your day to day life. Knowing you can come home and LOVE being in your new environment can do wonders to help you move forward in whatever challenging moment you may be experiencing. Stay dedicated to make your home clear, beautiful, and functional for everyone who steps into it.


Chances are if your physical space has become a war zone, then your mind may be collecting unnecessary clutter as well. Not only the mind, but your entire energy field around you may be collecting negative data imprints from the places you go, the people you meet, and the relationships you are in which can have a detrimental effect on how you feel every day. The interesting part is you may not even know this is happening. You simply feel something weighing you down, but you have not identified what it is exactly. On the other hand, you may know exactly what is eating at you, but you have no idea how to clear it from your mind or your field. Some emotions just linger, don’t they? They love to capture us, take hold, and stick around for a long time. When this is happening, it can begin to affect our lives in the physical, and our environment can often be an area where we hold that emotion.

Let’s say you are in the middle of a horrible disturbance in a very committed relationship, whether it be a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse and this block in the road is keeping the relationship from moving anywhere. It is completely stuck, like an impasse that has taken hold of your life. Nothing is moving, no one is willing to compromise, and it’s causing not only a heavy heart, but a heavy home. This has become so overwhelming that you can’t seem to do anything else. You’ve lost all care for taking care of your space. All you want to do is watch tv, eat junk food, and slug back a beverage of your choice. You’re thinking, “I don’t want to clean, pay bills, take care of anything right now.” When this mentality and energetic heaviness takes over, our living and workspaces feel just as miserable as we do. The space mimics our feelings, behaviors, and energetic field. How could it not? After all, we are creating it. The space is just full of dense solid objects absorbing whatever we throw into it. When you begin to feel this, to really understand this, you start realizing you have the capability to alter and change everything about it. You have the choice how you want your home to feel.

Taking responsibility for your own mental and energetic clutter is a huge step in freeing yourself from this invisible heavy burden. It will also help you learn to clear your mind regularly, clear your energetic field regularly, so you can maintain a beautiful space to live and work in that makes you feel amazing. If your space starts to fill up again, become messy and full of unnecessary garbage, you know exactly what to do. Start looking within yourself to see where you are stuck mentally, energetically, and then see how you can remove this debris from your physical space. It seems that everything begins in the mind and in our experience first until it finally manifests in the body and into our environment. However, the reverse can be true too by picking up your space, it can help you free up the other mental blocks you are having. This probably won’t be a permanent solution, but it can be a starting point to shift the energy in your home and then devote time to letting go of the emotions that are mentally forming blockages and clutter leading you to accumulate things in your home.


Creating a clear physical space just for you can be a great way to begin clearing your mind. Make this space a place you absolutely love to be in. Fill it with things that resonate with you and bring you the utmost joy. Spend time here to unwind, to meditate, to self-reflect on the ways in which you can let go of cluttering thoughts and emotions taking up space in your field. Because that’s what is happening. You are clogging up space so that you can’t move freely. By giving yourself sacred time to look within and acknowledge the areas that you are holding, can help you see what you are doing. When you see what you are doing, then you can ask tough questions about why it is you are stuck in this pattern, what are you afraid of if you eliminate this from your life, what are you thinking and believing about these troubling circumstances? These are questions to go through to identify where you can liberate yourself, release the clutter in the mind, and then keep your environment feeling inspirational, enjoyable, and serene.

Another great way to shift the feeling of your space is to play music that soothes your soul, uplifts you in some way, or just makes you smile. If you are having a horrible day, or there is a disturbance in your home from others that you live with, keep your field as clear as possible by surrounding yourself with higher energies, energies that break free rather than pull you down. It can take some time to see what works best for you, but using music, natural light, or candlelight to shift the energy of your environment. There is nothing worse than feeling the heaviness of others. It’s one thing to be compassionate and understanding toward another person’s plight, but it’s quite another to take it on in your own energy field or your own mind. Notice when you are doing this by asking a simple question, “Is this feeling mine or someone else’s?” When you become clear on what is your space and what is someone else’s you can than focus on empowering your own field, lifting it up, and clearing it out. Sometimes you may need to step out of the home and move through the fresh air. Allow yourself the space you need in order to keep your own energy field and your own mind in a place of stability and calm.

It takes conscious effort to keep your mind clear, your field clear, and your physical space clear. It’s something you can actively notice all the time. Whatever you are doing in the world, you can survey the space you are in simultaneously, read the room, and see what you need to do to bring it into harmony, especially if it is an area you spend a lot of time in. Practice listening and feeling what you are intuitively picking up from your environment. When you become connected to everything around you, you will become a master of freeing stuck energies which ultimately transforms a stagnant space into a vibrant, beautiful, uplifting environment you want to be in. If this is all new to you, start very simple and as you get the hang of it, you are going to want to rearrange every crevice of your home. There won’t be a square inch of space that doesn’t have your hands all over it. Eventually it becomes a part of what you do, it’s simple. Set the tone for the life you want to feel, and the life you want to live. Now go for it!


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