Awakening and Heightened Sensitivities


Are you going through an awakening and suddenly you feel like you have sensory overload? You’ve now become so sensitive to everything around you, yet you can’t quite make sense of what the hell is going on? Maybe you felt intuition before, but now it takes it to another level, a level you can’t even begin to comprehend. It’s now reached a place that you don’t think you can handle. Instead of participating in social gatherings, entertainment events, or parading through shopping malls, you are ducking for cover and hiding in a quiet corner away from everything. Your once vibrant experience of life has now shifted into Nightmare on Elm Street part 120! You are opening up to the energetic realm, or the world of psychic phenomenon. You could also call it the realm of vibrational communication.

As your awakening continues you may feel the sensory system more alive than ever before. In fact, you didn’t realize your senses worked so well. You also didn’t realize it could be so incredibly annoying. I bet you never thought that you could become such a conductor of energy that it would send your nervous system into an internal panic on a regular basis. And, let me guess, you are dodging out on attending anything that will stimulate your new heightened system. You now avoid these settings and what used to be enjoyable, because the only thing you can focus on is the amplified energetic ocean going on within you. You can’t even listen to what other people are saying, and you don’t really care. Your inner world has become the only world you are attentive to because it has taken over your life. This internal awakening, this change you are experiencing is all that you can think about. Having cocktails and mingling about nothing is nowhere on your current radar. You are in a desperate situation to figure out what in the world is happening to you!

If you happen to mention what you are feeling to other people, you may get strange looks, looks of disbelief, and the possibility that people think you are making it up, that you are a hypochondriac, or my personal favorite YOU ARE CRAZY. THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE! It’s always interesting when people immediately jump to interesting experiences as not being possible. Really? Well, it’s happening. Just because it isn’t happening to you, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening to me. Why is it people are certain an option is not an option? It’s like a doctor saying well we know your symptoms are not from the medication you are taking because that’s not listed on the bottle. So it’s definitely not from that. When you are in the middle of shift in consciousness, or transformation that is taking you outside of your previous boundary, why do people discount it as impossible? Have you ever wondered that? In all honesty, some of the experiences and sensations I have felt in my own body over the years would be impossible to make up had I not felt them so vividly. Something that surreal seems very difficult to fabricate. I wouldn’t even know where to start.


Speaking from my own experience with a heightened sense of awareness, I can personally attest to the following feelings during my own awakening process. This process can lead to some seriously strange physical sensations in and throughout your entire body. They feel so unusual that it might even be challenging to explain. Your energy body becomes electric and it often feels as if there are vibrational currents just streaming through your system. Depending on the environment you are in this can be very minor, or if you are in very stimulating spaces the intensity can be so overwhelming that you must leave the area. If you are experiencing any kundalini arousal, kundalini notoriously loves to awaken in more sensory stimulating environments. I am not sure why this is, but in my experience, it seemed to ignite around crowded sensory places.

It can be common to experience sudden energy surges within any part of your body. You may also feel energies move in and through your energy field. This can feel like a pushing feeling, a wave or ripple moving through you, a bursting, or even a building of energetic pressure. All of this can be extremely uncomfortable, and create a lot of fear if you have no idea what is happening to you. When you are unaware, and the worry sets in, this is when things can get very difficult. Not only are you feeling new interesting sensations all the time, but when you are overloaded and fear is born, the fight or flight can produce such extreme energy leaving you utterly exhausted. This is when you become certain something is terribly wrong with you, and it seems this way as you are having to seek a safe haven every where you go.

You begin to notice different frequencies around different people. You might even begin to pick up on other people’s fields before you meet with them. You can sense energy shifts in any room you enter. Sometimes it’s a good feeling, and other times it’s incredibly unsettling. There are times when you feel as if you are downloading information into your system. This can be accompanied with electrical sensations around the crown chakra, on and above the top of the head. You might experience so much heightened energy you think you will lift up out of the body and start flying. Feeling like you will leave the body at any moment can be completely unnerving, especially if you do not know how to pull yourself back. There are many other possibilities and experiences you can have, this is just a small summary. Recognizing this part of awakening is designed to show you something, is the key to starting your transformation, and realizing you signed up for another role in life than you could have every imagined.


I cannot provide scientific evidence or scientific proof of what is actually happening to the energetic and nervous systems during an awakening, and quite honeslty that is not my focus. My focus is on HOW to live it? I don’t much care what’s happening on the cellular level because when you’re standing in line at Costco on a Saturday afternoon, and your crown chakra feels like a multitude of lightning bolts going off simultaneously, all you care about is how do I live like this! Right? Are you in the same boat? When you are overloaded does your mind instantly become scientific and you think about how your neural activity is working? Absolutely NOT! The only thing you care about is alleviating this symptom ASAP. This is the reality. This is our humanness. This is our mind going WTF, right?

What’s actually happening is you are in the midst of an incredible metamorphosis. Much like the caterpillar in the cocoon, you are changing. You are becoming what you were clearly destined to be. The reason you know this is because it’s happening. As much as your mind will try to run, to try to wish your old life back, or try to get rid of this entire experience, unfortunately it’s not going to win that battle. The larger awareness of spirt has something else in store for you. It wants you to see what you are, what you are here to do, and how you will spread your new butterfly wings into the world around you. If you had other things in mind, if you had a vision of life all mapped out in your head, it can be very difficult to let go of what you think you need, and accept there is something else you are supposed to do. The battleground between your ego mind and your spiritual side are in direct conflict. Accepting yourself for where you are and what is happening is crucial for you to learn how to live in this new sensory experience.

You are becoming much more in tune with the awareness field around you. You are feeling this vast field of consciousness and it is communicating with you. Depending on your experience, you will feel the different levels during various stages you go through. It may feel like you are a transmitter of energy, a channel of healing vibration, or a conduit of sorts. In order to bring forth different frequencies, you must first learn how to keep your physical system calm and relaxed as possible. This is going to be your number one priority in order to learn how to maneuver through the stimulating world. Creating your own clear, sacred, space, with your feet planted firmly on the ground is necessary in order to bring forth the energy that is working through you and into the space that you are in.


So, how do you do it? How in the world do you continue to live in this overly stimulating, distracting, high-paced world? Do you need to retreat to the country and live in nature? Or, is there a way to learn how to manage your new sensory system? If everything you are going through is for your own learning, then what are you learning from it? Is there an opportunity for you to become something else, something more alive and vibrant than you ever knew?

Here is a small list of several things you can do to begin learning about an entirely new way of life. There are other tools you might discover while implementing these, just remember it’s a starting point. You will be drawn to your own methods that work best for you. Keep in mind, the old way has left you, and it is important to become open, curious, and eager to figure out your own unique set of tools that can assist you as this new transmitter of profound energy.

  1. Assess where you currently are. Getting real with what you are feeling in this moment and knowing your own personal limits is the first thing to consider. When you know your limitation in the moment, you are setting up firm boundaries for yourself of what you are willing and unwilling to do right now. This doesn’t mean you will stay here, but it is a starting point to begin your journey forward.

  2. Ask people you trust for help if you need it. If no one around you understands, see if you can seek a professional or a mentor that can provide assistance to you in some way. It’s never easy to feel dependent on others. However, staying in denial is only preventing you from moving forward. Getting comfortable with where you are and asking for help in certain ways that can benefit you, may alleviate some of the anxiety about the process.

  3. Enter life as you can. Identify all the ways in which you can move through the world and see what is going well. Accepting the challenges and feeling open to discovering other options that serve you can also be hugely beneficial.

  4. Learn to calm the nervous system. Using breath work and practicing various meditation techniques can help tell your system that all is well. Maintaining a form of exercise that grounds you such as yoga, hiking, walking, pilates, running, biking, or any other exercise that works for you can also contribute to a more relaxed nervous system. Nourishing hydrating foods can also keep the nervous system healthy.

  5. Get in nature. Getting outside in the sunshine, breathing fresh air, decompressing from all the technology can revitalize your energy body. Allowing yourself the time to recharge outside of any responsibilities and extreme stimulation will also aide in keeping you grounded in the body.

  6. Gardening. Working in the soil, putting your hands and feet on the ground allows the energy of the earth to flow through you as well. If you are experiencing a lot of sensory overload, creating a small space to garden, whether it’s growing fruits and vegetables, or growing your favorite flowers, gardening lifts your field and makes you feel connected to the world around you in a calming way.

  7. Don’t be afraid to step out. If you need to leave an environment, leave. There are always ways to calmly step out of whatever environment you are in and give yourself the opportunity to come back into balance. It’s so important to listen to your intuition. You are the only one that knows what is best for you in any given moment. Also, know that eventually you will need to stay in the situation in order to figure out how to calm yourself through it. However, there are many steppingstones to this process and honor where you are in it.

  8. Focus on one object. In a large amount of stimulation, whether it sight, sound, smell, etc., focusing on one particular object can help you tune out the other information that may be flooding into your space. If you are in the middle of a large crowd, looking out above the crowd can help you avoid bringing in too much activity into your visual experience. Or, look at one object directly in front of you. Either way, zero in on that point to keep the other information out of your field.

  9. Carve out clearing sessions. Learning how to clear your energy field is going to save you. Take 10-20 minutes a day to sit and visualize the clutter leaving your field. You can use your imagination to do this, as well as physically moving your body through martial arts, yoga, or other energy modalities to clear yourself. Calming music, hot baths, or sitting in a serene peaceful environment that you create for yourself will also do wonders for extreme overwhelm of your system.

  10. Solid meal. Many people naturally gravitate toward cleaner foods, such as fruits and veggies during awakening. If you are struggling to feel grounded, heavier foods can help you feel more in the body, especially if you are struggling with feeling incredibly heightened. Food is energy, just like we are. If you need to pull your energy back down to earth for awhile, a more dense meal can offer temporary relief. See what types of foods work best for you.

  11. PRACTICE! Finally, the most important thing that is going to help you, is to practice the different techniques as you are experiencing challenging energies. The only way to learn is to put it into practice real time. If one thing doesn’t work, try something else. Don’t give up searching for your own way of keeping your system in balance as you learn to live in this world as a new and intuitive being.


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