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Awakening brings up all kinds of unusual experiences, mystical moments, and shifts in perception.  But one of the hardest parts of awakening can be the sensitivities that develop along the way.  

There can be numerous physical symptoms that appear due to heightened sensory awareness.  Depending on the level you are experiencing, you might begin to feel like an electrical being.  This can pose many challenges as you try to live your life as normally as possible.  

  • Let's talk about sudden sensory overload and how this can show up during stages of transformation.  

  • Then let's look at what it actually feels like when this is happening to you.  What are some of the symptoms that might present themselves if you are becoming sensitive to stimulating environments.  

  • Then we will talk about what is actually happening to you.  It's normal to want to know what is occurring scientifically, but sometimes you have to use your intuition and alleviate the situation yourself.  

The big question is how do you live as a sensory being in an overly stimulating world?
In order to do that, let's identify several things you can implement in your life to help keep the nervous system calm.  Practicing different techniques as you are able to will make all the difference.  


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