Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: Getting Your Space in Order


The last couple of posts have discussed physical and mental fasting. Now it’s time for environmental fasting! What is going on in your personal environment? Is there clutter, disorganization, things thrown everywhere, is it dirty, what about toxic chemicals, how much of your environment is in disarray? Is it starting to affect you, but you always seem to put it off? Don’t have the time? I get it. The task can seem daunting depending on how much STUFF you need to go through.

Everyone carries energetic clutter within his or her auric field. The world is operating amongst toroidal fields of frequency waves that are moving in all directions at any given moment. Whatever may be bothering you can take up space in your own field. If this finds a permanent home, it can begin to affect you and the environment you inhabit.

When you start feeling heavy, when you start feeling uncomfortable in your own personal space, you know it’s time to shift things around. This can be as simple as a deep clean, opening the windows, and moving your favorite items around to freshen up the space so it flows again. Allowing your environment to breathe, much like your body taking in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, your physical environment is no different. Making sure energy is moving freely instead of staying stagnant and stuck.


Think of how many things you accumulate in your lifetime. It’s astonishing really! Collecting your favorite trinkets, consuming the most popular products you think you can’t live without, buying something because it was on sale and you thought it was too good to pass up, or getting tired of the same decor so you look for new items that suit you. The material items we possess in a lifetime is mind blowing. Now you can see why landfills are full of junk.

When you feel drawn to clean out your personal space, deciding what you’re going for can determine how the space will make you feel. Are you looking to minimize and de-clutter because you have too much piling up? Or are you wanting to pull more into your space because it feels too empty? Are you a minimalist or maximalist? Are you into this very trendy term “Cluttercore,” which is a trend toward organized chaos of the collectibles, color, and patterns you adore.


If you are attracted to spaces that flow with minimal decor, you like a clean crisp feel, and too many items bother your energy field, then a minimalist environment is right up your alley. You might be attracted to simplicity, organization that makes sense, and the feeling of calm within your space. If you want to move in this direction, then clearing out items you no longer need or want, items that no longer serve you in any way, and making room for tranquility will be on the top of your priority list.

Each person is different. You have your own likes and dislikes, things you gravitate toward, and what makes you feel good in your own personal environment. There are lots of different approaches you can research to help you. Zen, Feng Shui, the latest organizational gurus on Netflix, all of these can help guide you in the right direction. However, to really make a space work for you, use your own intuition to guide you in that process. After all, you can hire someone to come in and revamp your area, however, YOU are the one that needs to keep the space working. So, why not use your own inner guidance to find what works for you. There is no right or wrong way to design an environment, it’s what you prefer that matters.

Not everyone is affected by lots of stuff. Some people like it. However, if you are a minimalist, then start thinking about what you want your space to feel like. Look through images online, through magazines, get ideas to help spark your creativity. Especially if design is not your strong suit. You might find a painting, a sculpture, a fabric, an art piece, a photograph, a color, or any other item that speaks to you. Once you have a vision or an image of what you like, you can start transforming your space into that feeling. Use all of your five senses to pull in various elements. What do you want it to look like, feel like, smell like, do you want soothing music, think of different ways that will uplift you, bring you comfort, provide a clear space to produce, or make you feel calm and relaxed. Decide how you want the space to make you feel and strive for that in everything you clear out or put into that room.


You might think minimalism is too boring. Maybe you think it’s lacking character and you want more going on in your space to make you feel alive. You might like your things, collectibles, traditions, memorabilia, and the more the merrier in your world. When you like a lot of possessions, it can be easy to have a hodgepodge of stuff laying everywhere. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to any of it. You see something you love, you think you can’t live without, you bring it home and shove it onto a crowded shelf with other items that have nothing to do with your latest treasure.

There’s a new trend some are gravitating toward called CLUTTERCORE. What a name, right? Sounds like the latest phrase coined for those that want to be surrounded by every trinket and collectible they have ever owned. If this is you, then you will love this. Think of cluttercore as taking your favorite collections, favorite colors, patterns, and items to display in a form of organized chaos.

For example, let’s say you have several vintage family photos showing generation after generation. These photos are spread out randomly all over your house. Where ever there is a free wall you hang a family portrait. What if you took all of your historic photos, spread them out on the floor, organized them into a beautiful collage, one leading into the next, and then found one wall to hang all of them! This is your family wall showing off generations for everyone to see. It’s a place to share with others and one that will bring a smile to your face every time you walk by.

Another element of maximalism or cluttercore is adding lots of color to your space. Splashing a bold color across one wall, a fun patterned rug below a favorite table, adding another vibrantly patterned pillow, displaying a group of beautifully colored vases you like, and putting a collection of candles in the same vicinity can highlight all of your most beloved possessions in a way that makes the room seem more organized than when things are separated and put in any crevice you can find.


When looking at your space, it’s important to point out that your mind, past experiences, beliefs, thoughts, and images you hold have created whatever you are currently looking at! You can get a pretty good idea if you are overwhelmed, stressed out, putting off something you don’t want to deal with, or if you are generally exhausted in your life. Spaces don’t move themselves; you decide how the energy moves.

Observing your personal environment can be a pretty good indicator of what is going on within your mind. Use it as a tool telling you when it’s time to relax, destress, and get your environment into working order to make you feel vibrant again. Whether you are a minimalist, or maximalist wanting to explore cluttercore, think of the following as you re-create the perfect sanctuary to uplift you and make you feel supported in your own environment.

  1. KNOW WHERE YOU ARE HEADED: Have an image in your mind, on the computer, or draw out what you want your finished space to look like. Knowing exactly what you want is key to helping you move everything out of the way. Or if you are sampling cluttercore, discover where all of your important elements will be displayed. If you don’t have a direction, you might end up with something you aren’t totally happy with. Spend time thinking about what you really want in your environment. It’s a place you want to come home to, not a space you want to run from!

  2. DEEP CLEAN YOUR ENVIRONMENT: Before you re-create your space, cleaning it is key. Moving everything out of the room first, can give you a brand new feel and fresh start to creating your vision. Start from the top and work yourself down to the floor. Dust can hide in the strangest places, and if you have a pet you’ll find hair in areas you never thought possible. Cleaning helps move out the old stagnant energy to make way for the new. Use non-toxic cleaners, vinegar and water is about the easiest and most simple thing to make, and open the windows if the weather permits to get the air moving. Freshen the space with an essential oil that you love, and just watch how different the place feels already without anything in it.

  3. REMOVE OR ORGANIZE YOUR SPECIALTY ITEMS: Now that you know what you want, first start eliminating anything you don’t want in this space. You can donate the items if you don’t need them anymore, or you can repurpose them in another area of your home. If you are able, pull everything out of the area, look at everything, get an idea of how you want the energy to be. Are you going to do anything different? Are you going to paint a splash of color somewhere because now would be the time to do it. Really think about what will make the space most functional, what will make you feel best in it, where will the furniture look and work best, and how can you arrange your specialty items to fit accordingly.

  4. TIME TO CREATE: If you love to create then this will be your favorite part. Once you have sorted through all of your items, it’s time to move everything back the way you want it to flow. Organize your favorite collections together, or if you are a minimalist, take that one item you adore and feature where you’ll see it speaking to you. If a piece of furniture seems off, re-position it until you like it. Making sure you can move around freely without bumping into anything will keep the energy moving and you will feel lighter too. See how you feel in the space and shift things around until you absolutely love it.

  5. USE YOUR SPACE TO CHECK IN: Once you have everything in order and you are truly loving what you have put together, watch to see when you feel the environment shift again. Use the space as a guide to see where you are holding on to things energetically, where you are stuck in certain areas, and when it is time to do a cleanse not only of the physical space but to address the issues that are effecting you in your life. Making this a regular practice in your life will keep you feeling peaceful, uplifted, and comfortable in any space you create.


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