Clearing Emotions & Feelings from Yourself & Others


Waking up from the mental program can demonstrate how emotions and feelings dictate our lives. Without even knowing it, humanity is wired to feel an array of emotions, both positive and negative, which can easily distract you. Throughout the day you are inundated with your own mental imagery creating a symphony of thoughts, beliefs, opinions, judgments and fictional stories about yourself and others. Not to mention the physical imagery bombarding you in the world, the 24/7 news production, the index finger scrolling through video after video of all kinds of irrelevant information. It is a cyclical and predictable game that most are completely unaware of.

When the space within you begins to open, when you begin to notice the mind’s persistent ways, you will see just how persuasive your emotions and feelings can be. Think about how quickly you get upset when someone says something critical of you. How long do you hold onto their attack? How do you let it affect your day? Do you relive it every moment by replaying it in your mind? Does your heart rate increase, are you getting hot and irritated, is your blood pressure rising, are you beginning to break a sweat as this moment loops through your mind?

Or are you much more laid back about your emotions? Do you get upset for a short time, and then move on? Is it possible you think you have moved on and then something happens in the future to remind you of this incident and then it rages to the surface where you relive it yet again? There are so many ways in which our emotions and feelings grab a hold of us. So much so that we begin to believe them. They literally become us!


This all starts the moment we are born. We scream the moment we enter the world, and someone comes to comfort us. We throw tantrums when we don’t get our way. We cry and scream before our speaking abilities are intact as a means of self-expression, communication, and to get what we want. This emotional body is engrained in us immediately.

As you grow older, the physical tantrums stop, but what about the mental tantrums and ongoing charades the mind plays. Just because we gain physical composure does not mean we aren’t still kicking and screaming with our thoughts! We recognize what is socially acceptable, so we keep it hidden in our secret stash of tricks in the mind. These bottled-up emotions can run wild and eventually lure us into unpleasant states of being.

What’s really amazing is our own emotions and feelings are only about us, this doesn’t even include our perceptions and interactions with others or the environment we live in. The mind can become so full of theatrics possessing strong physical reactions to everything around us. It becomes extremely difficult to clear ourselves of these heavy energies and discover the calm peaceful center within. However, even though it is a challenge, it is NOT impossible!


Unless you lack any sort of empathy or compassion for other people, which is a small portion of the population categorized as psychopaths or sociopaths, feeling the energy of others happens to most of us on a variety of levels. We all have an energy field that encapsulates us. We are wired to extend and receive information, much like a computer receives inputs and is programmed to output information. The human energy system is more than the five sensory system, it also includes a keen intuition with the ability to pick up on intangible information.

Imagine your intuition is like having antennas on all sides of your body alerting you to the energetic conditions you should be aware of. Wind blows and wifi beams invisible signals both which no one can see, yet we know it is there. Intuition is no different. Every human being has a sense of knowing, yet most of us are too distracted with emotions, feelings, and the entourage of daily survival responsibility that we miss the strong power alerting us from within.


When you are keen to picking up other people’s energy, you may discover there are levels to how you experience them. Here are three different levels of empathy to consider.

  1. Conceptual Empathy: Conceptual awareness of other emotions is sensing a shift in someone’s energy field. You get an immediate knowing that something is bothering a person, but it doesn’t affect you emotionally or physically. You are operating on the conceptual level of understanding them. You are able to know something is wrong, to feel compassion and understanding for their plight, but you function normally.

    This type of empathy is not encroaching on your own personal field, nor do you take any of the information personally. You are simply aware that the person you are around is emitting an emotional response into the field. This is a knowing that can help you understand and offer assistance to others in need, without taking on any energy whatsoever.

  2. Empathic Response: Empaths are people who literally feel the emotional reactions of others. For example, they may feel very sad, they may shed tears, they may become very exhausted, overwhelmed, and heavy due to other people’s struggles. Empaths often think something is wrong with them, and those around them tend to call them highly sensitive as if it were a negative trait.

    Unfortunately, the untrained or under nurtured empath believes they are cursed and incapable of living a normal life. Their emotions get the best of them, and it can be difficult to discern their own personal emotions and feelings from those of others.

    Although empaths may be emotionally unstable and overwhelmed most of the time, they are still able to function physically, even if it seems impossible. They are also highly in tune with everything around them and can smell a lie when they hear one. Nothing gets passed a true empath. NOTHING!

  3. Extreme Empathy/Psychic Awareness: Then there are the EXTREME empaths, or those that pick up the psychic energy of EVERYTHING. This stems beyond emotions and feelings into the actual frequency and feeling of the emotion, feeling, or thought. Although this is less common, there are people who feel the energy of others, as well as the environment, PHYSICALLY. It goes beyond conceptual knowing and expressing the emotions of others.

    They may not mimic the actual emotions such as feeling sadness, anger, or joy, but they will FEEL the frequency of the energy as a physical vibration or sensation. This means they will feel different vibrations and frequencies enter their own field and even into the physical body. So much so that the nervous system can feel shocked stimulating the fight or flight response when untrained.

    The more difficult emotions of anger, anxiety, worry, dishonesty, or fear will feel heavy in the extreme empath’s energy field. This is how they receive communication. Creativity, discussing deeper purpose, or higher insights on a spiritual level will feel extremely heightened in the extreme empath’s physical energy field. This type of empath could also be considered a channel of sorts, sensing everything around them and beyond, including into the spiritual realm, with a very acute nervous system.


If any of these descriptions sound like you, and you feel tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed from the emotions and feelings of others, yourself, or the pure amount of information moving through the ether, then here are tools to help you stay clear and strong in your own field, without holding the weight of the world on your shoulders. Keeping your own energy field clear, strong, vibrant, and protected is an important tool for those of you that experience overwhelm in the energetic realm.

  1. Spiritual Guidance: Before you begin any physical, mental, or spiritual practice, knowing you have a choice in what will guide you is key to your success as an empathic person.

    A Course in Miracles discusses there are only 2 emotions: Love and Fear. This is not to be confused with the feeling of love we have in the world as an emotion, or the fear we experience as an individual body. This is about the mind and the two thought systems we can choose to follow, the ego thought system of separation and fear, or the Holy Spirit’s thought system which extends the eternal love of God.

    Knowing you have a choice in how you see your life, will dictate how you experience the world around you as an empathic being. Siding with the ego will make things much more confusing, doubtful, you’ll blame others, separate yourself, and feel like a victim. Whereas spirit will remind you that all of us are united in our true essence. Your ability to “feel” energy is a gift giving you the ability to extend love, relate, listen, and help those in need when you choose to listen to the Holy Spirit within you. Choosing the love of spirit will guide you in your interactions with others instead of running for cover into your closet refusing to experience any more energetic attacks!

  2. Physical Health: Keeping your body and mind in a state of balance and well-being will grant you strength maneuvering through the etheric field of drama. Getting plenty of exercise, sunshine, fresh air, time in nature, eating whole nourishing foods, hydrating regularly, and resting when necessary are important elements to incorporate regularly.

    Grounding yourself into the earth, walking your bare feet onto the grass, the dirt, whatever earth element you can, will pull you back into your body if you have a tendency to disconnect from it. Allowing all the chaotic energy to stream out of your field and into the earth can feel extraordinarily liberating.

    Adopting a meditation practice, energy practice such as Tai Chi, Qigong, yoga, reiki, or any other practice you feel resonates with you can also help clear your energy field.

    Soaking in a hot bath, taking a swim in the ocean if accessible can also offer a cleansing affect. Listening to beautiful soothing music can also aide in clearing out the energies you don’t need to carry.

    Spending time in your own space without anyone else helps to clear out your field as well. If you are always around other people, you are blending in with their aura fields. When you take on too much information and feel overwhelmed, take that as a sign that it’s time for you to step out and be alone for a bit.

  3. Mental Awareness: In order to clear your energy field, you must be able to connect with the larger field of awareness, or the observer within, and discern what is your emotional baggage, and what are the energies of others that you are feeling. When you lack this skill, you will feel lost in an ocean drowning every time you feel overwhelmed.

    If you struggle with this, if you don’t know what is yours and what is someone else’s, first get comfortable with creating a sacred space within you to WATCH. Take time to practice noticing when you are grabbing your own mental thoughts, or when you are taking on the experience of someone else. You will learn that you have a vibration that is comfortable to you. When you sense someone else, your frequency will shift. This is a clue that you might be pulling in energies that are not of you. Notice them! Watch how they affect you.

    Then, the next step is to de-personalize. Unless you are in a direct interaction with someone else, what you are feeling from another person is most likely NOT about you. Learning to take your personal self out of it, move out of the way, pull your spiritual self forward, and listen to what is being communicated in your field.

    Removing yourself from what someone else is experiencing is necessary for any empath to thrive. You do NOT need to take on what someone else is dealing with. That is their path to walk and learn. You can simply be a guide, an extension of love and compassion for them to express what needs to come forth. You will feel much better when this becomes an automatic response.

  4. Letting Go: On a more advanced level, letting all the inner blocks we hold GO, shoulders, solar plexus, heart center, jawline, the tenseness in the body, relax everything! Explore what it means to really let go of your energetic holds that you may be completely unaware of.

    For example, if you have a familiar explosive energy move through you, you’ve experienced it before, what typically happens? You unknowingly put up blocks both mentally and physically. If you feel threatened, you will automatically expel fear, and the blocks of resistance arise. The body reacts, the nervous system runs through its responses, and then it finally relaxes.

    When you learn to let go, you will become more relaxed both physically and mentally. Allow the energy to move through you like the waves of the ocean. It’s amazing how quickly an emotion or feeling around or within you can arise, isn’t it? It’s instantaneous! If energy can explode immediately, then it can leave you just as quickly.

    Keeping yourself in an unattached state of mind will allow this process to happen. You don’t have to become the energy. Simply watch it, observe it, take your personal self out of it, get out of your own way, and see how much smoother this experience will be. The more you are comfortable with this process, the easier it will become.


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