Energetic Clutter & Your Personal Environment: How to Get Your Space in Order

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After discussing physical and mental fasting, it's time to get into your physical environment and see how much energetic clutter affects the space you are living in.  

All of us carry around invisible baggage whether we know it or not!  This energy can easily be dropped off in your home.

Join me today as we dive into your personal environment and how to clear it out so it allows you to function freely.  Today's show includes:

  1. What is energetic clutter and how does it manifest on the physical level?  Why do you have physical areas in your environment that become overwhelming?

  2. Are you a minimalist?  Do you prefer to eliminate things you no longer need?  Does clutter bother you?

  3. Are you a maximalist?  Are you interested in the trendy concept of "Cluttercore?"  Do you value collectibles, traditional elements, or meaningful memerobilia and want to highlight them in your space?

  4. 5 things to get your personal environment working for you whether you prefer minimalism, maximalism, or a blend of the two.

When your physical space becomes clogged and you feel heavy, dysfunctional, exhausted, and unmotivated, use it as a guide!  Check in with yourself.  Rise up into your mind and see what areas you may be avoiding in your life that are manifesting in your home.  There's always a way to let go, clear the area, and feel more liberated and comfortable in your personal environment.

Show Notes:
Read the Blog Post


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Mental Fasting: How to Release Negative Thoughts