Mental Fasting: How to Release Negative Thoughts

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Fasting is usually reserved for the body.  There is all kinds of information about fasting, intermittent fasting, and how it can improve your overall health.  However, do you ever hear anyone talking about MENTAL FASTING?

With so much emphasis on the body, rarely is anyone suggesting looking deeper into your mind and taking a break from believing all the false commentary going on in your head every day!  Thoughts run wild constantly.  It's very easy to grab a hold of them and believe every word being presented to you.  Yet thoughts are simply thoughts. They only have meaning if you give them power.

Let's spend today's episode talking about mental fasting and how to release negative thoughts that are pulling you down.

  1. First, we'll spend time discussing there is more than just the physical world.  The distractions of the world make it difficult to dive into the depths of your being.

  2. Then let's see why the ego mind is actively working against you.

  3. Finally, learn 5 simple guidelines to help you create your own mental fasting practice that will help you decide if your thoughts are working for or against you.

Creating a space within your mind to observe your thinking is a tool that will shift your entire perspective on life and allow you to release heavy thoughts.  If you are ready to learn more about how your mind functions, how to step out of the thinker, and observe your thoughts, then join me today to hear more!


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