Happy New Year: Letting Go to Make Way for the NEw


Traditionally, many people look at the New Year ahead as an opportunity to make significant changes in their lives. What goals do you want to set for yourself, are you looking to get in shape after the gluttony of the holidays, and all the other common themes that pop up this time of year.

Many put their efforts into losing those extra 20 lbs. and become temporarily dedicated to a healthier eating plan, others try and quit the habits that are taking over their lives, and some set self-betterment initiatives to improve their personhood status, whatever that means.

When looking at resolutions, it’s interesting how the mind will direct you toward a future image of yourself, like you must go and get it, grab it, or make it happen in the future. The ego mind constantly works to create a “better” version of “you.” Think about it, when is the last time you looked in the mirror and thought, “I am happy the way that I am.” It’s rare that people think this, let alone believe it.

The ego is so fixated on a paradise of perfection that it can’t sit and be content for very long. It’s similar to a young toddler awaiting that special treat they were promised. They are giddy with delight bouncing from one wall to the next.

The ego will look for the next big distraction to keep you focused on attaining something else, rather than what you currently are. The mind purposely avoids looking at the now moment where all of your answers to real happiness reside.


Instead of seeking an imaginary image in your mind, why not take the New Year as a moment to discover all the hindrances that are keeping you from “feeling” the true essence of spirit. What are you doing each and every day that prevents you from seeking within for your Greater Self?

Are you obsessed with completing the to-do list just to make another one? Are you falling behind and feel like you never get ahead? Do you make excuses not to put your attention within, and focus solely on the external events occurring around you?

How many distractive images are you placing in your mind that may appear like wonderful things to strive toward, but are simply thickening the walls between your small ego self and your true identity? The more you look outside of yourself for attachments, achievements, accolades, or items to add to your accomplishments, the harder it gets to detach from them.

If you are a goal-oriented person, then by all means continue to set goals and work toward what you desire in this life. However, can you do that and simultaneously understand that the real you is always available within? Do you see that the goals you set are simply a means to an end in the world of constant and continuous change, yet they have nothing to do with the true nature of your being?


If resolutions seem cliche and either haven’t worked for you in the past, or you aren’t interested in hopping on the band wagon, then shift your perception and look at what is in your way! What things in your life are keeping you from discovering the essence of peace and inner happiness no matter what is happening on the outside?

Are you stuck in a particular belief pattern that is preventing you from going within? Is your focus on what you want to be instead of seeing what you already are? Is your mind working overtime to convince you you’ll feel better when you achieve x, y, and z?

Can you cut ties with future image you have of yourself, toss them aside, and remain open to where life leads you? No expectations, no predetermined outcomes, no set standard, just pure letting go of how you think any version of your future self should or shouldn’t be? When you drop the rigid approach, you might be pleasantly surprised where life will lead you.

These are clever tricks the ego will push to avoid seeing the NOW. Tossing future external images of a so called better version of YOU is designed to keep you distracted from true self discovery. Your true self is always with you. There is no future image of this self that you need to grab a hold of.

Identities, self-betterment, achievements, a leaner body, although they may make you feel better temporarily, they are not permanent. Each year you find yourself envisioning a new you all over again. Why not accept what you are NOW?


Happy Single-Hood: The Relationship with Yourself


The Christ Consciousness