The Christ Consciousness
As we celebrate Christmas, let’s look at Jesus as the symbol of this traditional holiday celebrated throughout the world. The word “Christmas” has the world “Christ” embedded within it, so let’s take a deeper look at the possible spiritual interpretations.
Christmas has become extraordinarily commercialized, and Santa Claus has become the dominate figure, especially for young children. A holiday that once was solely about the most popular religious figure in history’s birth, is now about spending lots of money, giving presents, eating large amounts of sweet treats, and attending one Christmas party after another.
It’s fun! Overeating mouthwatering food and loving up the cocktails has become a cultural norm. We all do it to some extent. However, what is the symbol of Jesus really about? Is there more to baby Jesus in the manger?
Throughout Christianity, Jesus is the primary focus. Jesus the man is depicted as the one chosen son of God, who incarnated on earth as a human being. After his death and crucifixion, he rose again and became the miraculous figure that Christianity sees him as today. He’s an iconic figure of epic proportions.
The theme dying for our sins glorifies Jesus the man as the one true hero and savior of humanity. This is still the main principle behind Christianity, no matter what specific branch be it Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, and the others, they all preach that Jesus the man was special, was chosen as God’s one and only true son, and that he died for us so we could be saved. Worshipping Jesus, the human being, is the central focus of the religion. Just walk into a church and what do you see? Jesus hanging on the cross as a reminder of his sacrifice.
But is this interpretation of Jesus accurate? Whomever created the religion from the beginning wanted this interpretation to permeate, but is it true? Was Jesus the man really the only chosen person throughout humanity to recognize and join with God? Is it possible that there are other interpretations representing a completely different meaning, a meaning not taught nor discussed in the organized Christian religion.
You may often hear of Jesus being referred to as Jesus the “Christ.” While many simply say Jesus Christ, as if this was a last name of his, what does the “Christ” mean? In the Latin sense it means anointed one or the Messiah. The Messiah simply refers to Jesus being the liberator or savior of man, or the person capable of healing you. This concept of Jesus is hands down favored by religion. Christianity asks that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Does anyone ever wonder what the Christ really means? Is it the physical man that is liberating you, or is it the essence of man, the substance beneath the form, the spirit dwelling within you that wakes you up to God?
Didn’t Jesus say the Kingdom of God is within you? If this is true, then why is there so much emphasis on accepting Jesus the man as your savior. He clearly stated that to know God you must go within yourself. Is this the Christ, the Christ consciousness within everyone? Is this the space within where Divinity and man unite into oneness, where there is no separation?
Why would Jesus make the statement the Kingdom of God is within you if he didn’t really mean it? Did he say you must go through me, Jesus the man, or was he simply referring to the way of the Christ, the Christ Conscious Awareness residing within him, which resides in all things? Was he really telling others they didn’t have what he had?
It seems by referring to the Kingdom being within, that Jesus was saying we all have the same Christ within us that he did. This statement alone signifies Jesus’ unity with man, not his specialness glorified by Christianity. These are very different interpretations with entirely different meanings.
The religious perspective glorifies the man as an idol, a celebrity almost, and makes his mission special. Many sectors of Christianity worship Jesus the man on an extreme level, that for many becomes a turn off. For those that dislike worshipping others, this part is difficult.
There must be something deeper to his message, something beyond the physical, something beyond our individual physical nature. Is it possible, that Jesus was referring to the absurdity of the body and pointing to the dwelling place of God within as pure Truth?
If you look at the message of Christ in this way, you see that all of humanity has the same purpose, to recognize the spiritual nature of your being, to disconnect from the human identity, and dissolve into Divinity itself. Was this what Jesus the man discovered? Did he discover the Christ, the Christ we all will meet? Was this his true message, that each one of us has the exact same purpose? This is for you to discover in your own time.