Healing Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for the Body, Mind, or Both?


It’s alarming when the body starts sending us signals that something is not right. No matter what unusual, painful, uncomfortable, or even silent symptoms you may experience, it sends an immediate message of fear deep within us. This can send the mind into an equally disturbing panic, and in many cases, the mental stress can be worse than the physical. Whether your body is suddenly presenting you with alarming symptoms, or if you have been interested in food and diet, maybe you have been detoxifying your body to clean out the possible obstructions, there may come a time when it sends you into a full-blown healing crisis, and this crisis may not look so pretty.

A healing crisis can be downright awful, so awful that most of us will want to put the breaks on before we even get to that point. You might think to yourself, “I am NOT going to feel any of that! There is no need to die just to be reborn again!” And that is true, we don’t want to feel ill, we despise it in fact. However, if the body is going to clean out, it will need to get rid of the toxicity in some way. If we’ve been dumping harmful foods, drinks, and substances into the body over a long period of time, it seems silly to think we will feel amazing as it all comes out! Eliminating waste has never been appealing, just enter any public restroom and you’ll know what I am referring to.

Many common symptoms the body will emit include flu and cold-like symptoms, fever, sweating, aches and pains throughout, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, as well as feeling tired and out of sorts. There are many possibilities, however, the important thing to point out is these are the ways in which the body eliminates. When we get the typical flu or cold any of these symptoms can occur. These are the means by which the body eliminates unwanted debris and waste, no matter what is going on inside. Knowing this simple fact can help alleviate any unnecessary anxiety and stress you may encounter if you are experiencing any type of discomfort, pain, or distress.

If you happen to be experiencing anything close to this, it can be extremely difficult to manage. Then the question becomes how much is too much, and what am I capable of handling in this given moment? The body is always communicating with us, it’s simply up to us to listen to it and know what we are comfortable tolerating. And, it’s important to know when you need intervention and to honor that if it is necessary.


We have been conditioned to believe that every time we have a fever or unpleasant symptom we must head to the doctor for some sort of quick fix. Somehow we believe that unpleasant symptoms are a bad thing. And it is true that sometimes the symptoms are life-threatening and we need medical intervention immediately. However, for the vast majority of other symptomologies, what if the body is simply communicating with us? What if it is trying to tell us something? What if it is actually trying to help us and not hurt us? If this is the case, what is the body saying?

The body is working to eliminate anything it doesn’t need or isn’t beneficial to its health. From the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, the body will take what it can use for energy and dispose of everything else, at least it tries to do this. When we are younger the body seems to do a better job of excreting waste. As time goes on and we continue to pollute ourselves by overconsuming the wrong types of foods, the system becomes sluggish, it has difficulty eliminating and therefore stores this material as waste throughout the entire body. Have you ever heard someone say, “I am barely eating anything, yet I continue to put on weight!” This is most likely to do the clogging up of the system, and the little food you do consume, if it is highly acidic or mucus forming, will be stored instead of exiting the body.

When the body is full of waste symptoms begin to present themselves. All kinds of things appear to be going wrong. From joint pain, chronic pain anywhere in the body, sinus infections, sleep trouble, insulin resistance, weight gain, digestive disturbances, headaches, skin disturbances, low energy, depression, and anxiety, you name it the body starts complaining. If we shift how we see this complaining into a major wake-up call that we need to answer, then we can begin to interpret the signs as a benefit to us, instead of a common hindrance. Symptoms in and of themselves are a type of healing crisis. The body is always working to keep itself alive, yes? Survival is its main objective. It will do its very best to mitigate any damage we may inadvertently put into it.

Seeing these symptoms as “normal” so we know there are blockages going on inside, can help us determine how we want to help the body in its fight for survival. Backing off of a heavily acidic diet and focusing on the lighter fruit and vegetable kingdom’s alkaline properties, can aid the body in its elimination. As you continue to give the body what it needs, even alternating with days of lighter eating or fasting days, symptoms may worsen before they get better.

Many people report high fevers, intense sweating, and feeling extraordinarily ill as the body works on its behalf to purge the toxic material doing it harm. This can take time, which is why most people don’t want to explore it as a viable option. Most of us want quick fixes, yet when you stop and think about how long it took for you to pollute your own temple, then it makes sense it might take some time to clean it out. If only we would change our oil as often as we do our cars, then we might prevent chronic illness from occurring in the future.


Along with diet, there are many other healing modalities available to us that can shift the vibrational field we are in to promote more healing. If we are simply living in a field of various frequencies, then if we tune ours to a higher one, it can allow the body the tools it needs to do its innate job. When we are energetically blocked either by our own inner turmoil, holding the burden of another, or surrounding ourselves in heaviness, either by our own doing or allowing others’ energy to affect us, the body can develop areas of stagnation, where energy is no longer moving freely. If there is a vibrational field pulsing through our system, this very essence of life, when it gets constricted in a particular area, can create a potential problem area or symptom in the body.

Many energetic healing modalities exist and have existed for a very long time. Practices such as reiki, acupuncture, sound therapy, color therapy, hypnotherapy, energy medicine, all kinds of massage treatments, chiropractic, colon therapy, homeopathy, hands-on healing, the shamanic healing arts, and others, are some of the other ways to assist the body in clearing away unwanted material. Kundalini energy, the latent energy within (click for kundalini blog post), also aids in clearing out the blocks the body is holding on to, whether they are emotional or psychological blocks that have manifested within the physical system.

All of these therapies offer the possibility of clearing out the physical body. If the mind is really the driver of our reality, if it is really the controller of the body, then can’t we work with it, alter it in simple ways to help benefit our physical experience, especially if we are going through a healing crisis? Or, to the contrary, shifting the diet and working with any one of these energy movers can trigger a healing crisis creating uncomfortable symptoms for a short period of time until they clear.


Ancient cultures have always known about the potential for healing and the very real possibility of a healing crisis. There is no other experience that quite sums it up better than in the world of shamans. The shamans in tribal settings were the spiritual leaders and healers of the group, as well as the bridge between the formless world and the world of form. Essentially they were the communicators between the spirit realm and our worldly plane, as well as masters of energy. The shaman was not just selected by other members of the tribe, they were literally chosen or called by spirit, often going through an initiation of sorts, often bringing them to a state of near death.

There are many workshops today designed to teach anybody how to become a shaman or go on shamanic journeys. It is true that we can all learn to get in touch with this aspect of ourselves and discover the universe that lies within us, however, when we are speaking of an authentic shaman, this person was put through a test, a test they least expected nor wanted, not a test designed by anyone in the physical, or by the sheer desire to sign up for a workshop and learn more, but rather a test of their life itself.

They appear to be going mad, losing their minds, and experiencing such altered states of consciousness that they may come to the brink of insanity. The shaman is typically called to go out on their own, alone in the wilderness, to either accept their role in the tribe, as the mover between realms or literally experience death. When this type of experience occurs, there is no out, it is a true calling and acceptance is the only way.

Most shamanic initiations conclude with a life-altering experience, where the initiate goes through a literal death of sorts, often in the spirit realm. They also become physically ill, being thrown into literal destruction both physically and mentally. They may become broken and have to put themselves back together. When they complete this task of healing themselves and mastering the world of energy, they return to the tribe as the designated healer, the keeper of all things sacred, and the spiritual guide.

This is an incredible journey and one that is not discussed today. Except for a small percentage of the population around the world, we are no longer living in tribal settings living on the land. We have disconnected from that life and migrated indoors into what is now considered modern life. However, just because we have transformed the environment in which we inhabit, does that mean we no longer experience a shamanic calling or are pulled into a severe healing crisis only to become a healer ourselves? Has the transformative process, the connection to the formless world, and the ability to heal using energy itself disappeared? Are we simply labeling some of the mental illness and physical symptomologies a problem, when maybe they are designed for our greatest good?


Through shamanic illness, it is clear that not only can the body weather many storms, but the mind is equally capable of such strides. A person can become aware of all the avenues of the mind, the subconscious, and the ego’s masterful program. Mental or nervous breakdown is seen as a negative in our current culture, a failure of sorts. The person is usually deemed unfit and seen as weak if they fall into a state of deep depression, if they become dysfunctional, experience disorientation or hallucinations, or have a severe mental illness. There are legitimate mental illnesses, however, is this a possible opening into the layers of the mind? Is it a chance to see how the mind operates and how we can split apart from it? Is it a viable option to see that we are not really our minds?

The physical healing crisis can bring about a mental healing crisis and vice versa. When we begin to separate or disconnect from our minds and see it as something outside of our true nature, it can ignite a panic where the person is uncertain of what is happening. This sparks incredible and overwhelming amounts of fear, a fear so dreaded that can bring one to literal madness. It is through this madness that one can become disturbed spiraling into psychosis and falling mentally ill.

However, if you can watch this madness with the larger awareness or the observing presence that is always available, you will be shown that all insanities of the mind are simply tricks and manipulations by the ego itself. If the person gets lost in the madness and does not view this from outside of the self, a period of immense and extraordinary disorientation can settle in.

There is a very fine line here, and one that is critical to note. This is where the shaman is often brought, or the individual experiencing the throws of kundalini or the depths of a spiritual awakening itself, all of these transformative paths will lead you to see the mental illness of all minds, it is within all of us. If one can detach from the insanity of the mind to see it is nothing more than a cyclical apparatus, then they may experience true healing and come closer to who they really are.


If you find yourself knee-deep in a healing crisis of any kind, physical, mental, or perhaps both, there are ways to cope as your life begins to transform. Anytime you are struggling and need assistance there are many different practitioners that can offer temporary physical solutions as well as deeper mental therapies. It’s important to find someone that resonates with you and whom you are comfortable trusting, and that is truly knowledgeable about what you are going through. Talking to someone can make a world of difference, even if they can’t solve your problem, simply being able to share your struggle can carve a path to healing.

When the physical healing crisis becomes too challenging, and you are having trouble functioning, it can be a decision whether to stay in bed and let it pass or seek intervention. The choice is always yours and being true to what feels right to you is all that matters. When the body heats up with high fevers, and the sweating and lethargy really kick in, sometimes the only thing to do is get under the covers and let the system clear itself. Always use caution and your best judgment. Listen to your intuition as to how to approach your specific needs. Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We can all use a helping hand especially when we feel we are on our deathbeds.

That’s what a healing crisis really is, taking you to a death of sorts, both body and mind. It’s a period of rebirthing, rebuilding, and losing a part of yourself that is no longer there. It’s the metamorphosis, the death, and the resurrection, the total and complete transformation. Healing brings about the essence of true surrender, of letting go of what you expect and embracing the newness you do not yet know. Embracing this crisis can change your life forever, it can speak to the depths of your being, and show you there is much more to the story we see with our eyes.

There is much more our culture has to learn about assisting those in need. There is much more we can learn about how to treat physical and mental crises. We can shift our perception of these events and use them to our advantage one individual awakening at a time. It is those who come out of the crisis that can offer insight, guidance, and knowledge to help begin a very necessary paradigm shift.


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“Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Medicine Be Thy Food” -Hippocrates