Tips For Eating Naturally: Using The Principles of Natural Hygiene


So much of our food today is not in its original state. Most people buy foods that have been processed in some way, stripped of nutrients, packaged into a box, and shipped hundreds of miles to then sit on a shelf at your local grocery store. Although some people may consider this a normal diet, it is so far removed from food in its natural state. Food that grows from plants, picked when it is most ripe is difficult unless you have your own farm, vegetable garden, or fruit trees. The fresh produce sitting in the grocery store has most likely been picked too early, sprayed with preservatives, and lacking significant flavor. If you grow your own food, you will notice the tremendous difference in taste.

The Natural Hygiene movement from over a hundred years ago had many pioneers bringing forward natural health including Dr. Herbert Shelton. In Dr. Shelton’s book Natural Hygiene: Man’s Pristine Way of Life, he describes food in the following way,

“To be classified as food a substance must serve the following legitimate purpose: Supply materials that meet the needs of growth and development of the several organic structures from germ to the mature or perfect state. Supply new materials to the ever-wasting organism, not alone to make good its wear and tear, but also to repair damages. Supply materials for the evolution of those functional changes which constitute the vital phenomena and serve for the development and continuation of the physical structure. Supply materials for reproduction, that is, the materials needed in the evolution of a new organism. . . This is to say, food is material that can be converted into cell substance. . . In the growth and development of a new being, the same rule holds good; each organ in its unfoldment from the bud must be supplied with the organic materials which enter into and constitute its structure.” (Shelton, Dr. Herbert. (2005) Natural Hygiene: Man’s Pristine Way of Life. Dodo Press p. 159-160)

In other words, food is considered a material that can be utilized by the cells of the body. If the body cannot break down the substance into living material for its structure, then it is considered a poison, or a toxic substance. Looking at most foods in today’s modern culture as processed and pre-packaged items, most of these are cooked into oblivion with very little nutritional value, show no resemblance to their original state, and are non-living material that the cells of the body will not utilize. Where is the drive thru with fresh fruit, green salads, or plant-based bowls that would be considered actual food for the body? They are nowhere to be found, except for a few posh plant food dine-in restaurants in certain health-conscious areas.


Salt, oil, and refined sugar are substances to consider avoiding. You might see this referred to as the SOS-free diet, which was inspired by the Natural Hygiene movement. The SOS-free diet is not referring to salts, oils, and sugars present within natural whole foods. It is solely looking at these refined elements. According to Dr. Shelton and the Natural Hygiene principles these are not organic materials of nature. They are refined substances which the body cannot utilize according to the above definition of food. First, they are not foods, they are not substances in their natural state, therefore the body will have difficulty breaking them down. Not only will the body struggle to break down salt, oil, and sugar, they are incredibly addictive. Once you start eating them, sometimes you can’t stop! You find yourself binging an entire bag of salty potato chips in one sitting! If you continue to eat these substances, they eventually alter your taste for natural food. When you go back to eating food in its pure state, it will now need all kinds of seasonings, spices, and other flavoring to please your altered pallet.

Salt has been believed to be essential to our survival. Yet, we also are told too much salt causes high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. The question to consider is, do we need to include table salt in our diets? Dr. Shelton points out in his book that the Native Americans never ate any salt until the White man taught them to do so. In 1809, being brought to the United States government by Lewis and Clark, a hundred and twenty men went to live with the Native American chiefs for over two years. During this time, they ate as the Native Americans, natures food of fruit, roots, wild animal flesh, and without any salt whatsoever. Many of these men suffered from chronic conditions, yet surprisingly, after eating the way of the Native Americans, they regained their health completely and were full of vitality and energy. They began to appreciate and love the taste of food in its natural state without the use of salt. (Shelton, Dr. Herbert. (2005) Natural Hygiene: Man’s Pristine Way of Life. Dodo Press p. 176-177)

Oil is no different. Again, many preach the wonders of oil, how beneficial olive oil is for our health. Yet, when looking at oil from the perspective of Natural Hygiene, it is hardly a natural food. Just for a moment, think of how many olives is required to make oil? Would you ever consume that many olives in one sitting? Do you see oil available in nature without putting a food through a process? Probably not. Baked, cooked, or fried oils destroy the essential fatty acids and can become rancid, which is not beneficial to the body. If you are looking to clean up your diet, start looking at how much oil you are consuming and consider eliminating it, or significantly cutting back. Fats are available in nature and are more utilized in the body than oils.

Sugar is more popular and accepted on the list of foods to avoid. It is common knowledge that refined sugars of any kind are detrimental to our health. AVOID SUGAR has been a campaign for a long time, yet it is still heavily used. Food companies are still adding it to all of their products. People are eating it through processed carbohydrates, sweets, carbonated sodas, pastries, and the latest cultural obsession of today’s youth ENERGY DRINKS! Sugar is in everything. Even a protein bar, which is marketed as a protein bar, take a look at the ingredients. You will discover that the bar usually consists of more sugar than protein. When you think protein is fueling you, it is really sugar, and rightfully so. The body is fueled by sugar, however, these common refined sugars, powders, and syrups that are highly refined are not natural to the body and seem to cause more harm than good. According to Natural Hygiene, eating whole raw foods full of natural sugar, natural salt, and natural oil is what the body can process, utilize, and assimilate.


Dr. Shelton explains that the vast majority of society is over-eating. We eat to eat instead of eating to live. He highly recommended people stop eating so much food, and especially improper foods. The more food and drink we ingest, the more taxing it can be to our digestive system. Digestive disturbances inflict so many people today, and according to Natural Hygiene it is mostly due to too much food, eating at the wrong times, combining too many foods, spices, sauces, and other ingredients together in one sitting. No other animal does this. Humans are certainly the exception. And let’s face it, the aromatic smells coming out of a fabulous restaurant are lovely. There are truly gifted chefs flavor balancing to our palettes delight, however, it is not always in the best interest of our intestinal tract.

Eating simpler foods is a great way to get back to nature. Eat only one food at a time, or very few together to start and see what happens to your digestion. Eat a salad with fewer ingredients and a dressing that is satisfying yet made with food rather than processed chemically driven ingredients. Pick up any store-bought dressing and one of the number one ingredients is oil. Substitute oils with natural fats such as nuts, seeds, or avocado, especially if you are looking to make a salad dressing that isn’t full of oil. Watch the amount of condiments, flavoring, sauces, seasonings, and spices you are adding to your foods as these can also contribute to indigestion. Mono meals can really help get your system back on track. Eat a plate of one type of fruit in the morning, steam a sweet potato and eat it alone, and slowly add more foods at a time to see how your system responds. Keeping food simple can truly make a difference to your health.


Are you even hungry when you open your pantry and start nibbling on a bag of crunchy processed snacks? How often do you find your mind is obsessing over your favorite sweet treat and the next thing you know you are shoving it into your mouth before seeing if you are actually hungry? We all do this! It’s like we are programmed by the mind to bow down to its ridiculous desires. These obsessions in the mind become habits and the next thing you know you are in a habitual pattern you cannot get out of. Take a step back and check in with your body. Is your stomach growling? Are you really hungry? Learning to only eat when you’re hungry will keep you from falling into the cyclical patterns of unnecessary snacking and eating.

Also, eating slowly and chewing your food well will also aid in the digestive process. How many times do you or people you know shove overly large bites of food into their mouths? Food is hanging out of the side of their mouth, and you know there is no possible way those large pieces are being fully grinded down into what the body can use. Be aware of taking smaller bites and chewing your food down as much as possible, which will stimulate the salivary glands and activate the digestive process.


Another tip Dr. Shelton expressed was to NOT drink while you eat a meal. Drinking too much water or liquid can disturb the digestive enzymes and inhibit digestion causing more harm than good. Drinking 20-30 minutes before you eat or waiting at least 30 minutes after you eat is recommended for your food to be digested. If you find that you are thirsty while you eat, then look at what you are eating. Are you eating salty food, desserts high in sugar, or food that is devoid of water? All of these may make you very thirsty so it is best to avoid them. Eating foods in their raw state, such as raw fruits and vegetables, have plenty of hydration and should not make you thirsty.


Dr. Shelton taught extensively that our moods and emotional state can affect our digestion. If all of your energy is going into your current state of anxiety, fear, stress of any kind, frustration, or whatever is consuming you, then there is very little energy left to digest your food. Many people get stressed out and avoid food altogether. However, there are many others who find pleasure in stress eating, which according to Natural Hygiene, will disrupt digestion and significantly slow it down. Clearing your mind, letting go, relaxing your state of being before you rush into a meal, can help your body breakdown the food when you do decide to eat.


A long hard day’s work can make you feel physically exhausted. If you have ever done hard labor, you know what I am talking about. Many people who work labor jobs may not eat a lot while they are working. The first thing they do when they come home is eat a large meal, even though they are physically beat. Dr. Shelton encourages people to listen to the body and rest first if the body is in a state of depletion energetically. Give yourself 20-30 minutes of rest and then eat a meal. He explains that the body will always communicate what it needs, and it is our responsibility to listen to it. Don’t mistake exhaustion for hunger. Rest when needed and feel hungry before eating a meal.

It can be disappointing to our minds to want to stop eating all of the tempting flavorful foods that we have become so addicted to. Humanity is quite simply addicted to foods out of accordance with nature. Every single one of us has been conditioned and brought up in a culture that has lost touch with farming, growing our own food, or what real food even looks like, especially for those dependent on processed boxed foods, supplemental powders, and blended nutrients. But we can absolutely choose another way to live, another way to eat, and another way to listen to what our bodies really need.

The body can tolerate an awful lot of garbage, famine, war, disease, and toxicity. If the body were weak humanity would have been wiped out a long time ago. However, that is not the case. Mankind is still walking around today, maybe in a state of disease, but the human body pushes through, doesn’t it? Imagine how you would feel in your body if you lived in alignment with the natural world. Would we see real health, real vibrance, and real energy? Many people have experienced just that after altering their way of life. It’s up to you if you want to discover it for yourself.


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