Can Spiritual Awakening Change Your Life’s Purpose?


Are you changing and it feels out of your hands? Has your awareness shifted so much that your entire life is different? Do you feel like everything in your world is blowing up and your life purpose is now uncertain? These are all very normal feelings to have while going through the awakening or undoing process. You might feel like you are lost, possibly wanting your old life back, and feeling afraid of where this unusual experience is leading you. You may have been certain of where your life was headed, but now you feel lost, clueless, and the fear is creeping in. Now what do you do?

The process of awakening is taking you out of all the conditioning of the mind, all the falsehoods that you believed to be true, and removing them to reveal the truth of who you are. There are levels to this, and the layers will peel back as they need to, or however you need to experience it. This might go completely against what your mind thinks you should be experiencing. It might be interesting, exciting, and wonderful to start feeling something new in the beginning, however, the more the layers are peeled, the more difficult it may become. Your entire world might flip upside down, and now you are wondering, what is the point of all of this? What is the purpose of awakening if I feel so miserable?

The answer is it won’t always feel miserable. And you won’t always be lost. It’s just a temporary part of your own unique path. Can you be open to where it is leading you, even if you have no idea where that is right now? Can you trust there is something greater guiding you onto your own destined path? The mind is the only thing getting in the way of allowing this to happen. The mind will want to define what your role in life is. It loves to be the dictator of everything. However, when the awakening process begins, you step out of the dictator and into the flow of allowing life to unfold. Dropping the endless questions, the worry and concern, and just go within, to feel the essence that is guiding you, can let this state of allowing actually happen.


As discussed in many other blog posts, we all have the ego side of our mind, and the spiritual side. These two are NOT in the same wheelhouse, not even close! The ego thinks it knows its purpose, that it must have a specific role to play, and most importantly it is the mastermind of that role. The ego will choose to insert itself into your purpose no matter what. It will tell you that you need a bigger role, you need to make a larger impact in the world, and if you don’t do this you are a nobody, you won’t amount to anything, or you have no real purpose. Have you ever had these thoughts broadcasting live through your mind? Do you hear the inner battle of specialness the ego loves to present you with? It wants us to believe we have a special mission, and we must discover that mission or we won’t value ourselves, or the life we are living?

The spirit within us sees the purpose of your experiences in the world completely differently. It is our reminder of our home in God. It is our true beacon of truth that will use the body to remind you and others of the same purpose we all share, to wake up from the illusion of the world. Spirit will use us in various ways to share this message. Keep in mind these may be subtle messages, not necessarily a bullet point video presentation for you to look at. Treating others respectfully, with love and kindness, having compassion and empathy for the people around you are the deeper ways of communicating this message. Spirit will use you in your daily interactions with your friends, with your family, with strangers on the street, or with people you work with.

If you are frustrated that you are not living a special purpose, or you simply have not found something you are passionate about, or that resonates deeply, it doesn’t mean you don’t have purpose. Your purpose can be used in every encounter you have. When you are connected to the deeper part of your being, connecting with others in this way will fulfill that part of you. Having a deep conversation with a friend, helping someone who really needs assistance, giving someone a hug when they feel horrible, or forgiving someone who wronged you to free yourself from feeling so much anger are all ways in which spirit is moving you. The ego side of the mind will not be satisfied with these simpler, yet more meaningful encounters. Take note if you see when this happens in yourself. Are you clinging to an expectation? Do you feel like you have nothing going because you aren’t making a gazillion dollars and living a lavish life? Money can bring you less financial worry, that is true, however, it will never fulfill the deeper sense of meaningful purpose that we all are seeking.


A helpful suggestion to move out of controlling everything into accepting a higher guidance, is to drop any preconceived notion of what you THINK your purpose is. Emptying yourself of what you think you should be doing will remove the ego’s arrogance of knowing everything, into allowing spirit to guide you. Most of us are so rooted in the ego mind, we don’t even recognize spirit when it arises. Taking time out of your day to go within, detach from what you are doing, and step out of your mind, will allow the presence within to emerge. When you hear your mind talking you out of silence, or distracting you with other obligations or responsibilities, just notice that is what your mind is doing, trying to lure you away from your connection to spirit.

A great place to start recognizing your purpose is to simply notice what you are drawn to. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? What do you feel guided to do? These don’t always have to be about your profession either. Many people want to have a career in their passion, but that passion simply won’t pay the bills. It is possible to work a job and pursue your deeper purpose in other ways. A job can just be a job, can’t it? If you know the job is not who you really are, but rather a means to an end for your survival in the world, can you be grateful to have it, and seek your passion in other ways? Can you find the sense of fulfillment on a deeper level outside of whatever job you choose to have? Some people are able to make their passion a business, and it works for them? However, others turn their passion into a business, and it ruins the passion completely? There are so many angles to view this from.

From a deeper perspective, can you share your true spiritual nature, the compassionate, unconditionally loving, supportive, kind, and forgiving aspect of spirit in whatever you are doing? Is this purpose enough? Does your purpose have to come with glitz and glamour of a red-carpet awards show where you’re honored for all of your good deeds? Or is there a very simple purpose that we all share? Are we all really here to remove the blocks that are holding us back from experiencing the true love of spirit? Can this purpose be fulfilled in anything you do, and with whomever you interact with? Can you begin to let go of needing a large specific purpose, and come to the understanding that you might have unlimited purposes on any given day alone?


Just for a moment imagine that every moment you live is your purpose, no matter what you are physically doing. Every moment is your purpose because that is what is happening. The trick is, who are you viewing it with, your ego mind wishing the moment would be different, or allowing spirit to move you and guide you, being grateful for all that life brings you, both good and bad. This shift will change your life. You will walk through life liberated feeling the deeper meaning inside of you and silently extending it to everyone you meet. Seeing this awareness in all things is purpose enough. If awakening is leading us home in God, then this is the one true united purpose we share. The only difference is how we get there.


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