Can Awakening Shift Your Life’s Purpose?

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Do you wonder what the purpose of your life is?  This may have crossed your mind a few times.  If you are a seeker or you are going through awakening, you might be questioning your purpose in a new way.  

Your world might be shifting so dramatically that you no longer know what you are meant to do.  With so much focus on finding your purpose, is there a way to re-frame the entire meaning of your life.

Today we will focus on the concept of purpose using the framework of the ego mind versus your spiritual nature.  

  1. First let's look at how you might be feeling during spiritual awakening.  

  2. Then, we'll go over a simple way to look at your life purpose.

  3. Finally, we will examine ways to allow your purpose to unfold.  How can you get in touch with the deeper aspect of yourself and be guided, rather than pushing full speed ahead trying to control everything?


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