Kundalini: Ancient Knowledge or Myth?


Have you ever started feeling unusual sensations, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before, and you had no idea what it was? Can you feel things moving in and out of your physical body or space and it is leaving you feeling very uncomfortable? Do you feel energy surges inside of your body? Are you beginning to notice a pattern? Or, are you frightened by what seems to be out of your control?

Do you feel like you pick up on other people’s emotions? Are you feeling more empathetic than normal, or is your intuition growing so quickly you are not sure how to handle it? Is there an inner energy buzzing through you that is leaving you speechless?

If this is you, then you’ve come to the right place. If you are going through spiritual transformation and you suddenly start picking up on the unseen world, this can send alarm bells into your mind. It may feel like something is coming in and trying to take over your space, which is not necessarily the most comforting of feelings. Having a physical disturbance of any kind leaves us feeling a certain level of fear, especially when you have no answers. Not only can you feel external energies, the entire process can be initiated by a latent energy within.


Think of it like this, we have an energy system within our physical bodies. Call it Chi, Prana, Kundalini, Life Force, whatever term you like, there is a streaming field of energy that inherently moves the system. This field gives us our vitality and keeps the body functioning without us even knowing about it. Think of the intelligence behind this system! Our entire body functions, keeps us breathing, keeps our heart pumping, our blood moving, it keeps working to eliminate unwanted material, and creates cellular exchanges on an ongoing basis. And the entire time, we have no idea how it is happening! Really, we have no idea what’s really running this circuitry. We can hypothesize, and science can run experiments, but do we ever really understand how our bodies are functioning? It seems it’s one big mystery.


When the time comes for inner change, the latent energy within our system can spark at any moment. Kundalini Awakening describes this phenomenon and is interesting to say the least. Kundalini has been around for centuries and is believed in the Hindu faith to be a coiled up serpent energy at the base of the spine. When activated, this energy travels through the central channel of the spine, flowing up through the chakra centers, to finally end up at the crown of the head where it unites at the top of the head with the divine “thousand petaled lotus.” This process brings spiritual liberation, self-realization, and expanded consciousness, upgrading the brain and nervous system.

This Eastern knowledge has been around a very long time, yet somehow it is only discussed in silent pockets of our modern western world. It could be seen as merely a myth, just something those ancient people chatted about as fiction. Really? It’s incredible detail may leave your mind questioning just how much these ancient Eastern cultures really knew. We often are told people of the past were not nearly as advanced as we are today. Um, seriously, have you looked into the inner knowledge shared back then, it’s unbelievable! They knew more about our spirituality than we do today. It seems today’s movements toward spirituality are leading us to get in touch with something our ancestors already knew.

There is very little discussion about spiritual awakening today from a cultural perspective. Yes, there is religion, however, nothing about an inner transformation awaiting us all. Our culture, as a whole, which is more focused on the next technological advancement or creating a virtual avatar, is not prepared for any type of awakening, and should this begin happening to large amounts of people, we are going to need HELPERS, those that have experienced just such a transformation to offer comfort and possible insights to help those in need.


Kundalini can awaken through yoga practice, breathing exercises, intense prayer, or spontaneously. When this energy ignites within you, it can be harmonious or difficult depending on how prepared you and the body are for this to occur. The energy, when turned on, is known to the person experiencing it. They may not know what it is exactly, especially if this is foreign to them, however, the energy most definitely makes itself known. A powerful force it can prove to be, clearing away anything in its tracks as it makes its way into the crown chakra. Not only will it clear away blocks and stagnant areas of the energy system, but it will equally work to cleanse the body of unwanted toxic elements.

There will typically be a moment of sudden explosion, a moment that made you keenly aware that something within the body has just shifted. This may be subtle or rather extreme, but it will be something you absolutely recognize. Typically this will occur at the bottom of the spine, however, it could begin in any one of the chakra centers. It is no stranger, it certainly makes itself known, almost like a grand entrance of sorts. As alarming as it may be, your mind may react with the same level of intensity, sounding the mental alarm bells, questioning what is happening, what was that, why is it there, what is it doing, when will it end, will I be okay, you get my drift? The mind may go into total panic mode, so be prepared for its very predictable reaction.


You may experience any of the following sensations as Kundalini works its way through you. Buzzing, tingling, vibration, streaming energy throughout, intense heat or cold, shaking, inner trembling, fear and terror, sudden physical movements, sudden laughter or crying, vivid dreams, seeing brilliant or sparkling light, visions, surges of energy, trouble sleeping, dietary changes, heightened senses, heightened intuition and psychic ability, feeling of a deeper purpose in life, blissful states, creativity, spiritual connection, psychotic breaks and the list goes on and on.

Whatever your experience is with Kundalini, the one thing you can be assured of is it’s VERY obvious. Your entire life will be transformed from the inside out and eventually, whether it is a peaceful or a difficult road, will lead you to a strong connection to your true spiritual self. It is a total cleansing and often leads you to better understand the world and the deeper purpose of your life. It may quiet your ego, bring you to truth, and instill compassion and empathy toward your fellow man.


If physical symptoms are pulling you down, it is a wonderful opportunity to possibly make changes in your life. You might be drawn to clean up your diet, you might start looking at your life in a brand new way, and see the potential you have to create in this world. If you are uncomfortable with this new energy moving in your system, and it is beginning to take its toll, it is best to relax as much as possible. Get into nature and the sunshine, breathe fresh air, try walking, hiking, gardening, and connecting with the earth to help ground the energy.

You may have to play with what physical activities help relax the energy opposed to the one’s that activate it. I was a regular yoga practitioner when I had my first encounter with Kundalini Awakening. I could no longer practice because it would send the energy into such a heightened state that it was too much for my body to handle. That has since changed over the years, but at first I had to alter my regular exercise choices. I found walking and running to be extremely helpful. Repetitive and intense exercise tamed the energy. It was either that, or I had so much energy moving through me that I needed to do something very physical to wear it out!

You may find that your regular exercises just don’t work anymore either, so experiment with new activities to see what works for you. Remember what works for one person, may not work for another. Awakening is a very personal journey and is unique to each of us. You will have to be open to finding activities or practices that help alleviate your discomfort. Trust your intuition is leading you in the right place that is suited just for you. Depending on your personal case, it may take a little while to find healing remedies so don’t get discouraged. There is always something that will help balance out the internal movement if it becomes overwhelming.


Along with an internal energetic eruption, you may find that you are suddenly able to feel the energies of everything around you. Talk about a double whammy! Not the best combo, but inevitably it can happen during transformation. From other people’s emotions, electrical energy, EMF’s, as well as whatever is flying around in the invisible energetic field surrounding us, this can begin to feel like a nightmare, especially if you are new to the unseen world. Don’t worry, there are tools and ways to make yourself feel better when and if you become a magnetic SPONGE!

If you are experiencing energies, both inside and outside of yourself, it can be very confusing to discern just what you are picking up. Is it coming from inside you? Or, are you picking up on something in the environment you are in? What seems to help more than anything, is establishing what is YOU, and what is coming from outside of you. This takes lots of practice. We can be so traumatized by this awakening process that it’s difficult to get into a learning perspective. We are usually busy feeling like a victim! The sooner you can put on your “student” hat, the easier it will be.

As time goes by, and your mind becomes stronger at dealing with your internal shift you will be able to notice if it’s you or something else. Try to move environments and see if the energy subsides. Often, when you move out of the disturbance it will help your own internal energy simmer down as well. Often Kundalini ignites around lots of stimulation. If you find this happening to you, limit your exposure to too much stimulation until you are more skilled at handling it, or your system adjusts to the energy. You will have to experiment to see what works best for you. Make these little experiments “lessons” and look forward to what this energy is going to teach you next. When you adopt a frame of mind that is excited about what you may learn, it will do wonders for the overall experience, which can prove to be very challenging in this fast paced world.


Having a support system as you go through this incredible process will be very beneficial. Whether it’s your family, friends, spouse, significant other, co-workers, or other people that care about you, having a network you trust will leave you feeling much more relaxed during this time. If you are having trouble having people believe you, or agree with what you know to be true, look for a therapist that specializes in spiritual awakening, or any type of mentor with some knowledge of Kundalini. You can certainly reach out here and send an email for more guided support, as well. Reading more information also helps to alleviate some of the fear and anxiety that can often accompany Kundalini.

Most importantly, give it time! Be kind and patient with yourself. You are venturing out into an entirely new world, a world you are only just learning about, so go easy on yourself when the perfectionist mentality kicks in. Our minds will work to exhibit as much control as possible, so be on the look out for this predictable mental response. Drop any expectation of what you should be experiencing and be present with where you find yourself in the moment. Kundalini has a mind of its own, and will work its way through you how it chooses.

If your mind is being very reactive, see it for what it is, just a mind, doing what the mind does, so just go with it! Stay connected with the Observer to watch your thought patterns and let go of them when necessary. You now know there is much more to learn and much more waking up to do. Trust you have been given an opportunity to experience true inner change.


Isolation Equals Contemplation


Merging With the Observer