The Art of Allowing: Simple Tools to Let Life Unfold


In order to allow life to unfold naturally, to live more peacefully and joyfully, you must learn to move into your higher mind, or your spiritual mind. Your ego will see this effort as a threat, and it will certainly present you with a number of distractions, attacks, and unnecessary drama to prevent you from ever connecting with your purest nature. Expect this to happen as this is the ego’s predictable playbook at work.

The fun part is knowing how the ego operates. When you see it, it becomes much easier to detach from. When you get more and more comfortable noticing this aspect of your mind, you might even begin to laugh at it. This is when you are really disconnecting from taking your ego identity seriously. However, if you are lost in the spell of the ego’s clever mastery, you feel powerless to change anything at all.

The good news is that with enough willingness and effort, you can absolutely shift the perception of your own mind. You do not have to feel stuck in the mud like a victim forever, although this can be a very transformative opportunity when it hits.

There are 2 things to focus on that will help you allow life to unfold naturally.

  1. Rising above the battleground.

  2. Learning to surrender.


In order to get in touch with your spiritual mind, the more intelligent life force within everything, rising above the battleground of your mind is step number one. What exactly is the battleground? The battleground is simply the inner conflict inside of your mind that goes back and forth with the ego’s madness. It is the dual mind which projects a world of duality which presents opposites, good and evil, right and wrong, positive and negative, and is full of one attack thought after another. The battleground of the ego mind displays judgment, separation, and disconnection on a regular basis.

Next, understanding that in order to rise above this inner conflict, you must see that the ego’s main objective is total control. The internal battle is about the ego’s primary need to control every single outcome it thinks it needs. Not only does it believe it knows what’s best, the ego will forcefully swim upstream to get it. Hurting other people in the process is not uncommon, especially when the ego’s main life theme, called ME ME ME, steps in for total domination.

Here are a few questions to ponder that will help guide you to rise above the controlling battleground and into your spiritual mind.

  1. Are you constantly trying to make everything happen? Does it feel difficult or exhausting?

  2. Do you feel like you need to be in charge of everything in order to get things done?

  3. Are you worrying all the time about what’s going to happen?

  4. If your plan falls apart are you uncomfortable with the unknown?

  5. Do you experience anxiety when things don’t go the way you want them to, or the way that you think they should go?

These questions will help you identity how attached you are to your small ego mind. Then you have opportunity to see with your spiritual mind and allow life to present itself to you, rather than bulldozing through all of life’s circumstances. When you see this, then you can move on to the next step, surrender.


Surrender is not as easy as people make it sound. It can be very cliche to say, just surrender and go with the flow! For someone who is really struggling in life, the HOW is the part that seems so daunting. How in the world do you surrender to the higher spiritual mind when you have believed in the ego’s thought system for so long?

First, think for one moment about “feeling” the energy beneath the form. Move out of your thinking mind, and begin to notice the energy moving through your own body. Quieting your mind through meditation, or simply putting your attention inward on your body, will help you connect to “feeling” as deeply as you can. Observe the energy move from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. Practicing this routinely will bring you to a higher field of vibration and will remove you from the mental chatter going on in your mind. Allowing this presence to move into your life will bring you closer to the inner calm and peace you are seeking.

Next, much like cutting the cord with an unhealthy co-dependent relationship, imagine you are cutting the cord with the unhealthy relationship you have with your ego mind. This is the ultimate detachment that everyone will eventually face. Realizing you can rise above the battleground into your spiritual mind, and cut the cord with the ego’s inner conflict, is a form of surrender. Even if things don’t change immediately, the awareness of spirit is there. This field of awareness will become larger and larger the more you focus upon it. Detaching from madness and moving into flow will bring a sense of peace to your life.

Lastly, surrender will require one basic, yet difficult task. This is the essence of what surrender is really all about. TRUST. You must learn to trust that your spiritual side has your back!

When you trust that a higher intelligence is guiding you in your life, when you stop worrying where life is leading you, when you are okay with however situations unfold, you have truly surrendered. When you are in this state of communion with spirit, you simply allow life to happen and everything unfolds naturally as it should and the battleground has disappeared. There is nothing left to battle.

When you are at peace with life itself, there is no need for conflict or attack thoughts. You have surrendered to the masterful art of allowing, a place you will now carry with you wherever spirit guides you to be.


How to Stop Taking Things so Personally


The Spiritual Mind: The Difference Between The Ego and the Superconscious