Waking Up on All Levels: A Journey Through the Physical Into the Spiritual


Awakening is the complete transformation and realization that you are not what you thought you were. The identification with a personal self is how we operate in the world of separation, however, is it truly who we are?

The only way to really know this is to have a direct experience with the larger self, or the field of awareness that is within all of us. Call it consciousness, divinity, the supernatural, energy, spirit, the universe, whatever language resonates with you. This field of immense power is beyond language, so getting distracted on what to call it is not important.

When you begin to feel the rumbling within, when it is time for you to see differently, you will either seek to discover it, or the process will spontaneously occur.

For most, awakening, or the undoing process, begins with discovering things of the physical world are not what they seem. Each person has a unique path designed perfectly for them. Perhaps you begin to see that the system you are living in was not what you thought.

You might begin to understand that the world we live in is very much controlled by those in power. The rest of humanity is simply enslaved to a system that benefits the controllers, while convincing the public otherwise. It may seem the world is unfair, that those in power keep those less fortunate in a state of perpetual conflict. Keeping people battling against each other distracts them from seeing what is really going on.

You might find yourself taking the red pill, as Neo did in the extremely popular movie series The Matrix. Your mind sets out on a journey to discover truth. Where this truth actually lies is unknown. So down the rabbit hole you go waking up from all the worldly things you believed to be true, escaping the prison you were conditioned to be in. After your physical solutions have been exhausted, the doorway to your deeper spiritual side begins to open. But, first, down the rabbit hole you go.


When you understand there are systems in place to benefit certain people, everything becomes clear. There is an onslaught of information chosen for us to see, key word being chosen, our environment and food system are dominated by a chemically driven monopoly, the health and medical system are partnered with the same thinking, education is ruled by those who think they know best for our children, the perpetual corruption of the central banking system, celebrities are paid influencers spreading the agenda to the masses, collecting our personal data for their profit and control, keeping worldly discoveries secretive, keeping the public distracted with one news story after the next so you never see what’s actually going on, and any other form of control is the way the game is played to those in power. When you do not know this, you simply live life, correct? You do what is expected of you.

When you begin to question what is really going on, you might be incredibly upset, angry, pissed off at the blinders you had on for all those prior years. You begin to feel a huge injustice is happening to the overwhelming majority of the population.

Why is this fair? Why is this happening? Why do they get to decide what is best for everyone else? Why do more people not see or question this? Most people are too busy just trying to make ends meet, aren’t they? Life has become increasingly expensive. People are simply trying to pay the bills, let alone have time to protest on the street or petition the legislature concerning the system of total control being implemented.

So many questions come to mind about the various parts of society. Here’s a few to get your mind thinking.

  • Why are all the major things in life dictated to us by some central authority we don’t even know?

  • Who is setting the news agenda and why? What about presenting a constant fear campaign? Is that really true?

  • Who decides the calendar and all the major holidays? Who made up 5 days of work and the concept of weekends? Why are we changing the clocks back and forth throughout the year?

  • What is this concept of claiming territory, or conquering land? Why do some feel they need to take the land from others? Is there something valuable on the land that they want?

  • Why do we continue to pay more and more taxes that those in power continue to send everywhere but our own people? (Meanwhile the government is racking up debt that can never be repaid.)

  • Look at the food system. What exactly is all the non-food filler items sitting on the shelves of every grocery store in the world? Who decided those were edible and healthful for the human body?

  • Why did the farmers get taken over by the monopoly that is genetically modified seeds? Why do we depend on our food from a centralized system?

  • Why do we need to buy bottled water or filter our tap water? Should we all have our own well again? Can’t the local water provider clean and purify the water to a healthy level for every citizen? Why the need to put harmful chemicals in our drinking water?

  • What about education? Who decides what our children learn? What is important and what isn’t?

  • What historical information is accurate and what is fictionalized to make the population believe certain things?

  • Do they really know what happened thousands of years ago? And what about billions of years ago? Do you think the universe is that old? If it is that old, humanity has only been here for the past several thousand years, how do we know that? Does anyone really know?

  • Why are parts of Antarctica off limits to the public? Why is the North Pole off limits as well?

  • Why is college priced to oblivion? Why do people need to go pay more money to learn things they have already learned just to get a decent paying job?

  • Where and why was money issued? Why is paper money valuable? Is it valuable because the Federal Reserve tells us it has value? Isn’t it just a piece of paper? Can you do things in society without money?

  • What about gold, silver, and other precious metals, why are they valuable?

  • Why is this consumer society forced down your throat? Do you really need to buy more things to survive? Is it all in the name of a thriving economy, selling gadgets for tasks you used to do yourself?

  • Do you really need to know what is going on all over the world 24/7 via cable news and social media news? How much of it is produced like a movie, and how much of it is real? What about supporting the local community? What about focusing on what we can do within close proximity?

There are so many other things to ponder, to wonder about in this world, but these are just a few simpler ones.


When you recognize the hypocrisy of the world you may decide to do things differently. You might find yourself going the extra mile to decipher information you receive, do more research before you assume everything you consume is true, or you might conclude that you don’t have a definitive opinion because the information is subjective.

You are never quite sure of any information you receive because you have no idea where it came from, if there is an agenda behind it, or if there is an ulterior motive. It becomes difficult to know if anything you see is actually true, which will eventually lead you to question the deeper meaning in life.

Working to make ends meet, never having time to yourself, and being in debt up to your eyeballs may begin to take its toll on your life. Your overall health and your relationships may be in decline. Some lose their desire to live a happy life because they are stuck in a cycle, they think they need to live.

If you get tired of feeling this way, there are always other ways to live. Just because you are conditioned to believe you must live life a certain way, doesn’t make it true. If you are truly miserable, tired of the grind, tired of the city, tired of never having a moment to breathe, then heading to a smaller town, a rural place in the country, or simply switching careers without a physical move, might be a way to disconnect from the system and relieve your discomfort.

Building relationships with others that share the desire to live in a different way can be exciting because you realize you are not alone. There are lots of people who share the same feeling about this world. Making changes in your own life and having a community of support around you can make you feel like you CAN do this.

Whether you need to make health changes, job changes, education changes, relationship changes, lifestyle changes, or location changes, all of these can shift how you feel in your life. They can spark a feeling of liberation, less stress, and a renaissance of creativity may come alive within you.

As you make these changes in your life, you may find it has changed everything, you now feel like you are doing life better, or in the “right" way that works for you. However, over a period of time, after waking up from the programming of the world, living your own way, and implementing another way to physically live, do you ever find yourself back in questioning mode?

Do you still feel like something is missing, or that you find the same inherent problems no matter which way you choose to live? This part of awakening shows you the dysfunction of the world. It shows you there is no objective truth out there. Now your spiritual journey turns inward.


You might come to a place where you’ve exhausted whether or not there is a right or wrong way to live in the world. After seeing the conditioning and controlling system in the world, breaking free from the conformity, and walking your own path, it suddenly hits you that you are still separating yourself from others. You see the other systemic ways of living as oppressive and yours as freeing.

Yet, in this apparent freedom you might still feel something is missing. What you found liberating about leading a different life has now simmered. You are still in the same world, dealing with possible conflict, feeling disconnected at times, realizing you still have survival needs, your health may present poorly at times, an unexpected life event may rattle your entire family, and you begin to see that even living in your chosen system, life in this world stays the same.

A light bulb goes off in your mind that no matter how you choose to live in the world, you are still in the world of chaos, deciphering information, dodging unnecessary conditioning, dealing with conflict, feeling separate from people who see things differently, and getting up every morning doing the same thing all over again. Maybe your new way of life has brought you a deeper connection to your spiritual nature, or maybe it hasn’t, but at some point, you may see that the world is a non-stop game that never seems to end, no matter the system you choose to live in.

Now, you begin to question if there is a perfect way to live. Is that even possible? On the outside it appears no one is aware of that magical formula. Everyone thinks they know best until one day you wake up and realize you don’t. In fact, none of this makes any sense. It seems no matter how you choose to live here, no one is getting out of here alive. The body dies, it will eventually fail, that is the only certainty. The rest is open to interpretation. The questions about the physical world and why things are the way they are shift into much deeper inquiries. The questions may cross your mind.

  • What are you doing here?

  • What is this world all about anyway? If you are born, projected to live a certain amount a time just to die, then what?

  • Is this world really created by God? Would a benevolent God have created such a world of horrific possibilities? Is it a scientific explosion of form? Is it a computer simulation like the Matrix? Or is it something else entirely?

  • How can you connect with something deeper, something more meaningful? How can you see clearly, beyond the pettiness of the world?

  • How do you truly know yourself? Why do you seem to lack the tools to know something so fundamental? Are you lost trying to be found? How come there is no manual?

  • Is the world in front of you true? Is there any truth here, or is your real nature somewhere beyond this material plane?

When your mind opens, when you begin to see that there are much more than the eyes see, your focus shifts from trying to make your physical life perfect, and you turn your attention inward to the larger self. This is the ultimate red pill.


Eventually you arrive at a deeper place within. The endless distractions on the surface will not cut it anymore. There is nowhere out there that can possibly offer you the connection you are seeking. The physical world isn’t the solution. It is something far deeper than that.

Discovering the peace within, the expansive space of calm that extends to all, is the sacred nature that is constant, available, and reliable. It is the recipe you are looking for. Feeling this field of awareness, this powerful presence within, offers you solace you truly desire. It feels like home, the home you have always been looking for.

Nothing out in the world can top the feeling of peace, nothing. Placing your faith on the symbol within enriches your life and the world around you. You will no longer attach to whether you are freeing yourself from an oppressive system put in place by those in power. Because the tables have turned, the red pill has shown you the truth. There is no ultimate truth out there. If there were, everyone would know it.

The rabbit hole has taken you on quite a journey, hasn’t it? Breaking free from a seeming physical prison, that has always been resting in your mind. Going within takes you to the gateway beyond the mind. It allows you to see beyond duality, that perfection in the world is not real.

Seeing in this new way, staying connected to your spiritual nature, will now allow you to maneuver through any of life’s projected prisons. You now see beyond the cell walls, beyond the confines the conflicted ego mind works to maintain. You can now navigate peacefully in a world gone astray and extend this unconditional comfort to anyone in need. Isn’t it amazing how your physical journey, a journey you may have travelled miles to discover, was actually with you all along.


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