What Does it Mean to Wake Up?

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What does it mean to wake up?  What are we waking up from? Does the world ever seem like a dream, like an illusion of the mind?  

In this brand-new episode, we'll discuss the levels of waking up and how it applies to your daily life.

Learning how to watch yourself interact in the world around you is the first step to becoming a willing participant in your transformation journey. If you don’t look, you can’t see what you are doing.  

Having the awareness to CHOOSE how to see life leads you to the calm inner world that resides in all of us.


I invite you to write a review on Apple Podcasts.  Share your insights with others about your own takeaways from any episode! This not only helps support the show, but it helps support all the people needing more information, assistance, and understanding during the awakening process.

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