Is It Personal or Is It Projection?

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If the world is a stage like Shakespeare expressed, then we are the actors.  It’s easy to become caught up in our identities and take everything incredibly personally. When we personalize our encounters with people around us, we can become easily offended.  In today's world nobody can speak without offending someone else.

Today we focus on how we personalize our interactions with people without even knowing it.  Then we will see how to open the door to discernment and see the world of projection, as well as learning to empathize with others in a constant state of conflict.  Finally, we'll clarify any confusing points when dealing with people in our daily lives by looking at living our physical lives versus working on how we interpret information.

Tune in and gain insight on how to transform how you see your relationships with other people especially if you are having difficulty and are yearning for change.  Shifting the way you see the situation makes all the difference and will lead to a more peaceful state of mind.


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