The Body’s Health: Is It Metaphysical?

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Health is a debatable topic.   You don't need to spend too much time looking into it before you have a million different opinions, studies, and research that contradicts each other.  

What does it mean to have health anyway?  Does this mean different things to different people?  Is there something else going on metaphysically that we really don't understand?

Join me today as we discuss the main concepts that define health.  

  1. First, we'll talk about different theories in the medical establishment and the alternative health community including gene, germ, and terrain theories and their effect on the body.  

  2. Then we'll look at diet, mentality, and lifestyle and how the body reacts when we implement these changes.

  3. The vibrational field we are living in, or our auric field, may also have an effect on our body.  Does our mind affect our vibrational field and how we feel?  

  4. We'll end the show with looking at the body, health, and our time here in a much deeper metaphysical way.  For instance, is life predetermined?  Do we just think we are making decisions about life and our health choices, but they've already been decided?  This is a deeper discussion to have and one that will get you thinking.


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