An Introduction to Human Design: A Journey Of Deconditioning
Human Design is a complex system and roadmap for how you operate in the world, which is filled with both conscious and unconscious aspects within your specific design. Human Design is comprised of the ancient systems of Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Chakra system, and the Tree of Life from the Kabbala. It also incorporates the more contemporary subjects of Quantum Mechanics, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Astronomy. All of these systems together make up Human Design's Science of Differentiation.
Your date and time of birth, as well as your birthplace determine your Human Design BodyGraph. The BodyGraph is similar to what a natal chart in Astrology is, yet they look completely different. Just like the natal chart reveals your planetary and house influences, the BodyGraph not only includes Astrology, but it is embedded with so much more detail, which takes incredible study and insight to fully understand.
This information contains a potential map of your genetic code, your energy type, strategy and authority that invites you out of your conditioned mind and into the energetics of your physical body. The BodyGraph is very detailed and contains all of the above layers which reveal your potential pitfalls, as well as your most authentic self, or your truest nature.
The entire system stems from the subatomic particle, the neutrino. The Human Design information came into existence before the neutrino was firmly discovered, which makes this scientific data even more intriguing (more on that in a moment). Neutrinos are everywhere in the universe and are emitted by our very own sun. Neutrinos contain a small amount of mass which carries information. This information is imprinted everywhere, all throughout the earth, and even through our very own bodies. The neurtrinos energetic field of information is like the eastern philosophies knowledge about chi and prana. They are part of the same intelligence field which encompasses the entire universe.
Human Design was channeled through a man born by the name Alan Robert Krakower in 1987, who later became known as Ra Uru Hu. Ra was living in Ibiza, Spain, isolated and living separately away from modern society. One night he returned to his ruina and heard what he refers to as the “Voice.” It was the Voice that began an eight day encounter that would alter his life forever.
Within this very intense and mystical experience, Ra was given an enormous amount of scientific information and the Human Design system was born. Ra learned about the nature of the universe including the neutrinos, which were not yet discovered in 1987. It wasn’t until 1998 that the scientific community discovered this particle.
Channeled information is often categorized as crazy, insane, and unbelievable, yet when the information comes with such extraordinary detail and provable data, it might make you look a little deeper. Ra presented the neutrino before the research community ever announced its existence. How is this possible? It appears that the intelligence field surrounding all things, which is full of information carried within the neutrino, has much more knowledge available to us than many people want to acknowledge.
Ra spent years adjusting, experimenting, implementing, organizing, understanding, and teaching Human Design to thousands of people. He helped so many understand their own unique design and how to live a harmonious peaceful life when you understand your specific makeup. He created the International Human Design School, as well as Jovian Archive, to preserve the integrity of the information he received. There are many analysts throughout the world that have been through the school that are available to give BodyGraph readings. They offer a variety of classes for your own personal education to learn more about your own design and the people around you. Or you can take classes to be give readings or become an educator yourself.
Listen to Ra Ur Hu’s Personal Story and His Encounter With the Voice Here.
To summarize this very complex system in simple terms, it is about waking up form your conditioned, or not self mind, and awakening to your most authentic or true self. The conditioning in all of our minds runs very deep. It runs so deep we don’t even know it’s happening. This can be happening for lifetimes until something calls us to remember our most authentic way to be. Through Human Design, the not-self themes for each energy type described below, help you identify when you are in your not-self theme. It may be obvious that you are not happy when your not-self is being expressed, but you may not know that this is part of your conditioned mind.
Conditioning stems from all avenues of life. From childhood, our families, traditions, expectations, societal norms, educational roles, career paths, friendships, romantic relationships, and all other interactions we encounter have the potential to condition our minds without us even knowing about it. What may come as a surprise, is the aura field, which sets the tone for your life, not the other way around, has the ability to condition others and be conditioned simply by being around people.
For example, sleeping next to someone at night has the power to leave imprints of conditioning just by the exchange occurring in the energetic field, or aura, of each other. So, not only can you be conditioned by actual actions and words, but the aura field alone is truly behind imprinting information.
Human Design is here to help all of us wake up from the conditioned mind and pull us into an awakened aware state to live harmoniously and peacefully together. Learning about your own design, as well as the design of other people, will not only help you understand yourself, but it will allow you to understand others. It might bring you a sense of compassion and empathy for why someone else is doing what they are doing. Human Design is a fascinating system aligned with awakening, which is waking you up from the illusory ego self and recognizing the true nature of your true authentic self.
Picture by: Jovian Archive
There are four energy types which are determined by the type of aura you have. This is not about the color of the aura, which is more commonly discussed, but it is a type that determines how you best interact in the world around you. Each energy type has a strategy which is your steady guide to live your true self with as little resistance as possible.
Generators are an energy type that makes up around 70% of the population. Generators are the worker bees, the great builders, the people who make the entire world go round. Responding is the Generators strategy. They are designed to wait for things to come to them so they can respond. If the Generator is out of their strategy and forcing things to happen they experience frustration as part of the not-self theme. The aura field is open and all encompassing and allows for lots of people to flow in and out of it. Generators are designed with a sacral energy that allows them to work day in and day out. This is their amazing gift, being able to produce all the time.
Projectors are a non-energy type that make up roughly 20% of the population. Projectors strategy in life is to wait to be invited into things. When Projectors are not waiting for the invitation and initiating things they can become rejected and start to feel incredibly bitter. They have a focused and absorbing aura which allows for one to two people at a time. They have specific qualities that make them amazing guides for others, which is their true gift to the world. They do not have sacral energy and therefore cannot operate non-stop. Projectors need down time and alone time to regenerate their energy.
Manifestors are an energy type that make up 8-9% of the world’s population. The Manifestors strategy is to inform before they act. They are the initiators, the one’s who can make things happen, and they are designed to make impact. However, if they do not inform others they can be met with opposition and experience anger when the not-self is shining forth. Manifestors have a closed repelling aura and do not need anyone else to get the ball rolling. They are more than capable of getting things accomplished on their own. They are the only true “doers” of all the energy types.
Reflectors are the rarest non-energy type making up just 1% of the total population. Reflectors are designed to wait an entire lunar cycle (28 days) to make a decision that will resonate with them. When they are not using this strategy and life feels difficult they become disappointed, which is their not-self theme. Reflectors have a sampling aura meaning they sample or mirror all the other energy types. Their gift is they are the true judges of this world and are here to share what is working and what is not.
Knowing your energy type gives you your strategy for living your true self. In order to discover your authentic nature, you must experiment with using your specific Authority. Authority is defined on your BodyGraph chart and if used properly allows you to drop the attachment to the “thinker,” which is the mind that always thinks it knows everything, and use your destined Authority to become the observer of your mind, rather than trying to control every detail in front of you.
There are several modes of Authority that help us make decisions in our lives. These decisions are not about the mind dictating, but listening to our specific method of decision making that is correct for our design. Here is a list of the different types of Authorities. You can cast a free chart at, and your Authority will be listed. You can also read up about each one of these to see how you go about making the best decision for yourself.
Solar Plexus- Emotional Authority
Sacral- Sacral Authority
Spleen- Splenic Authority
Heart- Ego Authority
G - (Self Authority)
Environment- (No Inner Authority)
Moon- (Lunar Cycle)
Using your Strategy and Authority and experimenting with this in your life, you will begin to see what works and what doesn’t. There are so many layers to Human Design, you could spend years looking into the depths of it. The only way to know if Human Design is the real deal, is to test it for yourself! It is not a belief system, but an experiment designed just for you. You may find it resonates in a big way.
Brunell, Lynda, and Ra Uru Hu. (2020) The Definitive Book of Human Design The Science of Differentiation. (5th Edition) HDC Publishing.