How Human Design Can Help You Understand Your Relationships


Human Design can be incredibly helpful as a practical tool in your relationships with other people.  If you are not familiar with Human Design, you can check out to learn more and cast a free chart.  If you are struggling with someone, whether it’s a friend, a romantic relationship, a colleague at work, or a family member, learning about your BodyGraph chart and the person you are having difficulty with can open you up to a whole new world of information.  You might begin to understand why there is so much friction.

The very first thing to look at is your energy type.  Are you a Generator (or Manifesting Generator), Projector, Manifestor, or a Reflector?  Then, if you have the birthdate, time, and place of the person you want to resolve conflict with, discover what energy type they are.  Generators and Manifestors are energy types while Projectors and Reflectors are non-energy types.  Are you both energy types, non-energy types, or one of each?  This can be a huge factor and determines how you operate in the world.  If you are different energy types, this can help you understand why you do things differently.

For example, if you are a Generator and you are in a relationship with a Manifestor, although you both are energy types and have lots of potential to do many things, Manifestors do not have sacral energy like you do.  This simply means they are not designed to go go go every day.  They can do an incredible amount, but eventually they need to rest. 

The other major difference between the two of you is your Generator aura field envelops everything.  Generators can be around lots of people and are great at it.  However, the Manifestor’s aura field is closed and repelling, which means they really don’t need other people.  They can mingle as anyone can, yet they are certainly the loners of the energy types.  Knowing this about the person you are with can really offer insight on how you both function in the world.  It can help you understand each other and respect that you are not the same.


The BodyGraph includes 9 energy centers that are either defined or undefined.  Each center has its own specific mechanics and chart.  If a center is defined it will be colored in, and if it is undefined, it will be white with no color at all.  The centers include the head/crown, ajna/mind, throat, G/identity, heart/ego, emotional solar plexus, spleen, sacral, and root. 

A defined center gives you consistent energy in that area, which you can project out to others.  If a center is defined you have a more predictable nature in this arena.  An undefined center can amplify others around them that have that center defined, as well as be affected by outside influences.  A person with an undefined center is open to many different possibilities and can be unpredictable at times.

Knowing the centers of your chart and those around you explains why people act the way they do.  If you’ve been struggling to understand why your significant other is highly emotional, they just might have a defined emotional solar plexus center.  It’s possible that your solar plexus is undefined, and little do you realize that your undefined center is attracting your partner’s defined emotions.  Understanding that people have certain unique human design traits can help you accept them for who they are, rather than trying to change them. 

For example, if you have a defined mind or ajna center, chances are you have a very active thinker and the way in which you think is fairly predictable.  You process information consistently and enjoy lots of topics at once.  An undefined mind/ajna center is open to other perspectives and can question concepts and see other alternatives. 

Look at your own chart and if your mind is defined or undefined.  Then look at those around you and see if they are like you or not.  You might begin to see why you think a certain way.  Not only will this help you understand yourself, but it explains the people around you.


Human design uses Authority as your north star.  This is the way in which you should make decisions in your life.  How many times have you made a decision too quickly and the situation went south?  Or, to the contrary, you bypassed your gut instinct, waited too long, and regretted a decision you should have listened to in the first place?  Each one of us has an individual authority listed on the BodyGraph chart.  Knowing your Authority and putting it into practice can transform your life.

If everyone in your family has the same Authority, then you likely resonate with one another.  When you have different Authorities things can become complicated.  For example, if you are a Projector with an emotional Authority, you need to be invited to participate and then you will need some time to think through important decisions in your life.  If you are married to a Generator with a sacral Authority, not only are your energy types different, but the way in which you make decisions is also different.  When you get frustrated with each other and blame the other for the way they are designed to be, you can shift the way in which you behave together and start learning how each other operates.  Then a mutual respect is born.  You are intrigued about how they are designed as opposed to trying to get them to change.

Think about how much time and money couples spend in therapy trying to work through their differences to save a marriage!  And it still doesn’t work for many people.  Imagine if therapy included Human Design!  Instead of thinking each other is right or wrong, good or bad, not changing for the other, it could be a productive session getting to know why you are having the issues in the first place.  Discovering each other’s Authority can make a world of difference in your lives together.


Your relationship with others is important, however, developing a relationship with yourself will dictate your interactions with everyone else.  Perhaps you have been conditioned to be a certain way and to act accordingly, yet it doesn’t feel quite right to you.  Human Design can answer a lot of unknown questions about how you were meant to live in your body while you are here.

Learning about your energy type, strategy, authority, profile, and the gates and channels within your chart can open the door to greater understanding about how you specifically relate to the world around you.  Your mind will light up with insight as you are pulled deeper into this fascinating system.  And this is just the surface of where Human Design will lead you.  If you have been upset with yourself for behaving in certain ways, if you’ve been told you are wrong for being you, or if you constantly try to change maybe Human Design can offer you a deeper understanding of who you really are, and you can start accepting those qualities instead of running from them.

Accepting yourself for who you are and recognizing where you have been conditioned to be who you are not, is the beginning of a brand-new way to live.  Implement your energy type’s Strategy and your specific Authority and test it for yourself.  Read more information on Human Design, watch endless lectures on YouTube, or get your chart analyzed from someone who offers readings.  This could alter everything you ever thought about yourself, or it may reinforce what you intuitively know to be true. 

Understanding yourself and your individual design, then putting it into practice will make life flow effortlessly.  When you are in your true authentic self, you are available for other people.  You are more than capable of nurturing the most precious relationships in your life. If you want to have a healthy relationship with yourself, as well as with other people, the only thing you can do is try.  See if you meet less resistance in life when you honor your design. 


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