Intuition: The Human Computer


Have you ever had a sense of knowing something and you had no idea why? Have you ever felt so strongly about what was going to happen, or what you should be doing but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it? Have you had moments of feeling something has already happened before, a sense of deja vu? Most people have experiences in their life when an internal knowing presents itself. Often referred to as a sixth sense, it is the intangible communication we receive and have no idea how it is happening. There are many levels to intuition. Some people receive hints and clues sporadically, some get a strong sense of feeling and knowing out of nowhere, others see images and pictures to help guide them, hearing a silent inner voice is common, some people receive information through dreams at night, and some people have extreme psychic ability to read the potential future of others. Because you can’t see or measure intuition, you can only learn to trust it, listen to it, and see if it is accurate or not. It is a skill that needs fine tuning.

Some people notice intuition and brush it off as nothing, others don’t even see it, and then there are those that listen. Everyone has a built-in computer system if you will. It’s like an internal computer of sensing information beyond what the eyes can see, the ears can hear, and the nose can smell. This unseen information field available to us is within the field of consciousness within and around us. It most certainly is in the mystical or ethereal side of life. T hink of it as a field of information. However, the world we live in is so full of distractions, headlines, breaking news, dramatic events, responsibilities, and scrolling one video after another that most people disconnect from the living computer within themselves. Many have become reliant on physical computers and the opinions of others that they have forgotten where the real computer is.

For example, have you ever felt a sense about someone, but completely ignored it? Maybe you had a bad feeling about a potential love interest you just met, but their impeccable charm and everyone else’s love of the person won you over. So, instead of listening to your instant feeling and subtle knowing, you were lured into what the person was saying and you formed a relationship. You were creating an image of the person in your mind and disregarding the feeling within. As you begin getting closer with this person you are picking up the same subtle clues you felt when you first met them, and now you are beginning to think you made a mistake. But, everyone around you loves this person and thinks they are great for you that you convince yourself it’s the right match. Then, come to find out they have been lying to you, betraying you for months, and your initial bad feeling or intuition was proven correct.

It can be difficult to know if your initial feelings about someone are accurate. That’s typically why people push it away because your feeling is not matching the character the person is currently showing you. Think of intuition as picking up on something in the energy field that is not matching what the person is saying to you. There is a discrepancy in the field, and you are aware of it. You may not know why, you may not know all the details, but what you do know is something is off. This nagging feeling can make you uncomfortable until it proves true. When these feelings repeatedly prove to be true, then you can start learning and listening to the communication you are receiving. You can begin to trust and live with your most authentic self.


During spiritual awakening, when the layers of who you thought you were are slowly peeling away, you become closer with your intuitive side. As the veil slowly dissolves between the physical world and the invisible, you become much more in tune with the greater awareness and mysticism enters. The entire process pulls you out of the ego’s playbook and into a vast field of consciousness. Your sensory system may become increasingly heightened, and you are noticing much more than ever before. Not only are your five senses sharper and more sensitive, but the ether, or the space in between solid objects becomes much more alive. You may even begin to see into that field and feel it in a way you never have before.

There might be periods of psychic phenomena, receiving messages more clearly, channeling information, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. As your relationship with the invisible realm grows, and your connection to this physical reality loosens, you may begin to pick up on much more information than you previously experienced. If you are someone who never had these experiences before, this can be alarming, interesting, or exciting depending on the intensity you have. If you always had a sense of intuition or a slight psychic nature, then this may be enhanced during this time. There is no telling whether these experiences are permanent or just temporary moments along your spiritual journey, however it can deepen your understanding of your own internal computer system and how the field of consciousness communicates through you.


The mind and its consistent mental chatter can make it challenging to know if you are wishful thinking, or using your intuition. Are you creating the images in your head, or are they appearing out of nowhere? Do you want something and dream of it to happen, or are you picking up on possible future events? Sometimes it’s difficult to differentiate between the daydream and real intuition. It’s quite common for intuition to hit you out of nowhere, just suddenly moves into your space and grabs your attention. Often the attention is not welcomed and it may catch you off guard. It can also feel uncomfortable, which is why many people tend to ignore it. Intuition has a tendency to eat at you inside and linger until it comes to fruition.

Intuition can be felt differently for different people. It is the feeling of knowingness. That place beyond the five senses and the mind’s obsessive thinking is where intuition lies. It is beyond logic and reasoning, beyond cause and effect, beyond our ability to understand it, it simply happens. It’s that nagging feeling that just won’t go away. It will keep pulling at you until you acknowledge it. Thinking is a distraction from intuition. Ego distracts with obsessive thought. Intuition has a powerful hold, a strength beyond what the mind is capable of.

It is important to discern information you receive. Is it coming from your own thinking mind’s inquisitiveness, or is it beyond thought? Do you feel it everywhere within you, not just your head? If the field of consciousness is communicating information, it can communicate this knowledge to every cell of your body, not just through your brain, which is essentially a computer, an interpreter of information that we receive from the environment we are in. Most people become so attached to the mind being in the brain, that we can only think through this apparatus. Therefore, they are blocked and disconnected from the larger information field that is communicating in numerous ways to us. When you begin to use the observer and watch your thinking you can start noticing when you are creating a thought, and when information comes into you. They are very different experiences, and both have valid uses as we live our lives in this world.


Today’s increasing technological enhancements are often described as advancing humanity. It’s true that modern conveniences make our lives easier so we can spend more time doing what we love instead of laboring all day long. But, is that really advancing humanity? And what does advancing humanity really mean? It could mean different things to different people. Being able to communicate easily via cell phone, face timing your loved ones, and working from your computer living anywhere you wish are definite perks to how we live today. Warp speed electronic payments, depositing checks on your phone, and researching a topic in seconds are other benefits. Most people find these things fascinating and enjoy them to the fullest.

However, some of the potential problems include invasion of privacy, big brother monitoring your every move, cancelling people for differing opinions, and data collection of your personal information as well as your medical information are causes for concern. Now with AI making its move, many jobs will be eliminated creating a completely different society. Even writing this blog can be written by AI. So, how does anyone know if an actual person is writing their own books, if students are writing their own papers, if research is actually being conducted by people, and where is the oversight? Who is really in charge of what information we receive, and is there an agenda behind it? These are important questions to ask.

As we move further and further into computer mode, people will become more and more entrenched in devices, screens, and relying on chat bots for information. The physical computer can completely disconnect people from their own brilliant internal intuitive computer. It is possible that the population falls into a trance of sorts and loses the ability to listen to intuition. You could argue this has been happening for a very long time. Bringing these distractions forward has been lulling many to sleep, and the ability to connect to the field of awareness living within and around us, the field of incredible life force and vitality, is completely ignored.

One could wonder if this is purposeful. Is there an agenda to keep people fast asleep, so they lose the ability to question, to think clearly, to ask questions, to use logic, to keep people from discovering the creative field around them, and to prevent them from becoming awake to what’s really available? Or is it our own individual desire to stay asleep because waking up brings up an entirely different level of work? Whatever it is, we always have the individual ability to connect to this incredible field of communication. We each can choose to keep our intuitive sense strong even in the midst of technological dependencies. We certainly don’t have to lose our own computer, that is a choice.


So, how do you live with your intuitive self all the time? It’s one thing to take special time to connect, but how do you create this space each and every day? How do you learn to listen to the larger communication and not the endless chatter in the mind? Learning to walk with this field is different for each person depending on how you receive information. You have to learn how this happens for you. Having said that, there are practical things to implement into your life that can keep your mind clear, that can open yourself to receive intuition, and grounded enough so you can still operate in the world. There is a balance when the invisible world becomes larger in your life than the physical realm. It requires trial and error and a commitment to seeing through a much larger lens than your eyes.

You could consider it a moving meditation. Your eyes are open, you are participating in whatever activity you are currently doing, and you have an inner focus on the stillness that lies within. There is a sacred space always sitting there, waiting, watching, and being. When you focus your attention on it, then it becomes larger, it breathes a new sense of vibrance and calmness into your life. Let’s say you are walking through the Home Depot on a Saturday afternoon. It’s packed, right? Wall to wall bodies, shoppers fill up every square inch of the store looking for home improvements that you can barely maneuver around anyone. You start dreading the experience, your mind is now mentally yelling at the slow person in front of you, you know the drill. This is an opportunity to practice connecting to the stillness. Stop for a moment, look around you, slow down, breathe deeply, and see if you can connect with the space within. It’s one thing to do it on your special meditation pillow with your Buddha statues and your crystals, but it’s an entirely different ball game in the real world of chaos.

Once you find that space, and it may take some practice, stay focused on it. Breathe awareness into that space. This is an ever expanding space, it’s a vastness within your inner world. Once you find this within, then you will feel it extending outward and all around you. Practice this connection as you interact with friends, family, colleagues, and as you move through crowded spaces. Practice in the midst of turmoil, an argument, or when you feel you are losing it. Tap inward, give yourself a minute, and see if you can calm your mind, see if you can calm your system, and allow the field of consciousness to move in. See where your intuitive self can help you and step out of the mind’s dramatic projection. See where your powerful internal computer can guide you in your life. Listen to where it is leading you. Listen to what it is communicating. Dropping the dependency on everything outside of yourself, and shifting into the field of awareness opens doors into an entirely new way of living. It’s where beauty lies, where real happiness is found, and an unbelievable richness indescribable in words is awaiting you. It is possible to enjoy the modern perks of the world and still stay connected and guided by your own internal power. It’s only a matter of choice.


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