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Everyone has intuition!  It's just a matter if we listen to it or not.  Today's show is geared toward the human computer system and the ability to receive information from the intelligence field we are living in.

Join me as we discuss:

  1. What is intuition?

  2. Why is intuition heightened during spiritual awakening?

  3.  How to tell the difference between intuition and wishful thinking.  

It can be difficult to differentiate between the mind's mental chatter and the place of absolutely knowing something.  Let's look at how to understand the difference and apply it in your own life.

Then the focus shifts to AI and modern technology.  

  1. What are the possible pros and cons of this potential change in humanity?

  2. How is it distracting us from our connection to our own internal computer systems?  

  3. How do you stay connected to your internal intuitive computer as you walk through your day-to-day life? 

It's one thing to carve out special time to connect to your deeper awareness, however the key is moving with it, feeling it, and living it from moment to moment.


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The Mental And Physical Aspects of Awakening: What’s the Difference?


Transforming Anxiety and Depression