Live Like Eden


Welcome! I am so happy you are here. Live Like Eden has been in my inner world for a very long time. It’s been sitting there just waiting for the perfect time to present itself to others who find themselves on similar paths. I have spent years in the midst of a major shift in consciousness. In fact, it was such a sudden, spontaneous, and unwanted experience at the time, that it has taken me decades to make sense of what happened, and to this day I still can’t put my finger on what exactly happened. I can only explain the difference in the way I used to experience the world, and what it is like now.


Witnessing the current state of our world, it seems like the perfect time to journey back to our true nature, as my own personal experience led me, back to the original Garden of Eden. Whether the biblical story is true or not, it certainly symbolizes our connection to something Greater, the spiritual connection we all possess within us. I have no idea if there ever was a physical Garden of Eden, and I am not sure anyone else knows either. Is it a story? Was it real? Or is it offering us something even deeper than that? Is it symbolic of something beyond this world? Is it a reminder of our Home in God, that inner spiritual connection we all possess?

The symbolic inner Garden of Eden speaks to me, and I hope these simple concepts will speak to you as well. Our lives are always so focused on the outside world, living in it as we simply must survive, and then on how to change it, how to make it better, and in some cases make it worse. Can this Garden of Eden within ourselves, our true connection and reminder of our Home in God, that is not about this world, be ignited? Can we all connect deeply with this inner peace that is awaiting us, and bring us back toward our true nature? Are these the real natural roots that are spoken of? Is it really about an actual Garden, or is it much deeper than any of us know? I’ll leave that for you to decide.


This transformation I speak of, that came in like a lightning bolt out of nowhere, has gone from something I was desperately trying to get rid of, into something I am incredibly grateful for. My process unfolded as it needed to, taking me down a path I least expected, and showing me what I needed exactly when I needed it.

The awakening process has taken me to the edge of my identity, down to the depths of hell I never thought possible, and somehow has shown me how to comfortably navigate in an unchanged world. I have searched for language to describe what has made my experience of the world so dramatically different. This is not an easy thing, for what I “feel” has no language, no border or boundary, and no where it is not. However, I will do my best to take you there with me.


Throughout the years, I would enter different stages, and only recognized them in hindsight. I have documented them in great detail and noticed that each stage was somehow preparing me for the next one, and ultimately leading me back to the simplicity of our inner Eden. These are possible stages for anyone, and it is my hope that by discussing these stages in depth, it will bring comfort and clarity to others in the midst of such change.

Along the way, I discovered healing foods of nature and how a shift in diet can alter your physiology for the better. I also had a front row seat on viewing the split mind, the conflict within and the opportunity to become the observer of what I thought was myself, and an eventual merging that took me years to adjust to. Finally, through the unraveling and undoing of the self I experienced a total cleansing of all areas of my life, including not only my physical and mental body, but my physical spaces as well. I learned how energy and vibration in a living space can also be transformed to move freely, leaving you feeling much better in your own environment.


It is these areas, and many others, I want to elaborate on, to discuss and question with you, and bring clarity to a confusing process. It is my intention here, to make sense of a topic like Spiritual Transformation that is so misunderstood, so off the beaten path, and hidden from the mainstream. It is my goal to make an unusual experience as normal as I believe it should be.

So many avenues of your life can change during this process, become full of turmoil, and can feel as if nothing will ever get any better. You can feel submerged underwater literally drowning in a sea of unchartered territory. Your job, relationships, marriage, parenting, your physical and mental health, functioning in the world, heightened sensitivity, etc, can all become problematic at some point during your transformation. With a shift in awareness, and accepting what is happening to you, your world will begin to change, and you will enter a profound inner connection with a higher consciousness, your own inner EDEN, that will guide you along your journey.


I invite you into the Garden with me, to explore this area of life that is missing from our culture, to bring an old perspective into the fore front, and to LIVE LIKE EDEN once again. We are all creative powerful beings, who have more than enough potential to create a more vibrant world, a world full of empowered individuals, individuals who have gone through a transformative journey, and are willing to share this possibility with others who are ready. We all must walk our own paths of recognizing the Self, but having the support of others who have walked it, is not only comforting, but encouraging, and gives hope to those in the midst of possible darkness.

Instead of filling our minds with depressing stories on the news, wouldn’t it be amazing to simply turn off the television, and have a conversation about our true nature, how to let go of things that no longer serve us, how to honor and respect ourselves and others, realizing it’s okay to go through a difficult time, to experience all the mind has to show us, instead of trying to mask it with any of our stimulants of choice. What a different world it would be, if we all embraced the real gift of transformation.


What Was That?