Holistic Health: Getting Back to Nature

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When we think of health, typically we think of the body.  How is my physical health?  But there are a lot of other contributing factors that affect our overall health.  Lifestyle, environment, emotional disturbances, stress, mental stability, and disruptions of energy in our system can cause physical symptoms to occur.

Today let's focus on the various health movements and why there are so many of them.  It seems there is an endless stream of health programs, nutrition information, exercise advice and you never know which one is accurate, or who to trust.  Then we'll discuss slowing down and finding ways to step back from the constant "go go go" mentality.  Maybe returning to a simpler life in the country suits you.   Learning to step out of the hectic lifestyle can play a huge role in strengthening overall health.

Getting back to nature and connecting with the natural world revitalizes the energetic system.  Most people spend the majority of their time indoors disconnected from the earth's electrical frequencies, which can have a detrimental effect on overall health.  Finding time to get outside everyday can make a world of difference.  

Finally, we'll end the show with accessing the spiritual side of ourselves.  Discovering who you really are and building a solid spiritual foundation within yourself is the key to true inner peace and overall well-being.


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