The Now Moment: The Mind’s Resistance To It

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The "now" moment is almost a buzz word today.  Spiritual and new age circles use it all the time.  Just stay in the now, be in the now, experience the now, you've heard plenty of it!  But what does it really mean?  What are we really talking about?  What does it offer us?  There must be something more awaiting us in the "now."

Join me today as we go over the now moment and what it is exactly, from a metaphysical point of view.  Then let's dive deeper into the symbolic nature of this moment.  What is it inviting us into?  Is it just there for us to stay present, or is there something else we are destined to see?  

Then we'll investigate the resistance the mind has to the present moment and why that is the case.  The mind has many layers, agendas, and strategies working to pull us away from the now.  It' s main objective is to keep us rooted in the past, or worried about the future.  Let's discover a possible meaning behind this.

Lastly, let's walk through getting real with where you are in your life.  Defining where you are in your focus, are you attentive to the moment you're in, or are you distracted by mental chatter and scenarios?  We'll spend time asking questions to bring your attention into the present moment, so you can be available for others, fully alert and attentive to anything you are currently doing.


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