Content Vs. Form: A Course in Miracles Primary Teaching

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Let's dive into a main theme of A Course in Miracles today which can help you begin to shift perception in your mind to live a more peaceful liberated life.  

Content versus Form is a major focus of the Course and can make a world of difference, not only in your understanding of the text, but in how you apply it to your practical life.

We'll spend the show discussing 3 important topics:

  1. What is the difference between content and form in A Course in Miracles?  

  2. Does the material world and the objects within it have inherent meaning?  Or is meaning a choice in your mind?

  3. How can you become the spiritual side of your mind?  How can you actually live it so you feel a sense of freedom within?

Whether you are a student of the Course or not, these two main themes can help you learn to see differently in your life.  You can apply these simple concepts anytime you wish.

Tune in now and start transforming your mind to bring lasting peace, joy, and happiness to your life.  Accessing your true spirit gives you all the strength you need to navigate any of life's obstacles.


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