Cults VS. Genuine Spirituality: What’s the Difference?

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Have you ever been part of a community and thought it might be a cult?  Do you go to spiritual or religious seminars, workshops, or retreats and think everyone around you is in some sort of trance?  

The group mentality is everywhere.  It's in all aspects of society whether we like it or not.  Religion and spirituality attract seekers from all over the world looking for a greater connection to who they really are.  Leaders can be both authentic in their teaching and to the contrary, they can display a level of manipulation conning everyone into believing their secrets to enlightenment.

Join me today as we go over what cults are and what makes them so attractive to those searching for something missing in their lives.  Then let's look at common characteristics of the leaders, as well as the followers.  

Finally, we will end the show talking about the differences between genuine spiritual groups and when they cross the line into full blown cults.  This can help you as you navigate life along your own unique spiritual path.


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