Forgiveness: The Gateway to Peace

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One of the most difficult things for many people to do is forgive.  Whether you are seeking forgiveness or being asked to forgive someone you believed wronged you, it is challenging for many different reasons.   

We'll continue our discussion from last week and look at what A Course in Miracles says about this topic.  No matter what life experience you have had, forgiveness is a means to discovering the peace that resides deep within us.

Today's show topics include:

  1. Let's look at judgment in our minds and how it blocks our ability to forgive.  Watch your mind daily and see just how fast you assume something about people you've never even met.  

  2. Then we'll talk about the mind's constant need to control everything.  Setting up expectations and measured outcomes for ourselves and other people can also disrupt our ability to truly forgive.  

  3. Learning to admit when we are wrong is a process that opens the door into the field of forgiveness.  Getting real with ourselves can begin a completely new way of life. 

  4. Finally, we'll end the show with forgiveness as a means to true healing.  Letting go of past experiences and emotional memory is necessary to connect with who you really are.  Join me as we explore this transformative practice of forgiveness and what it can do for your life.


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