Good Versus Evil: Where Does it Come From?

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Turn on any news program today at any time, on any channel, and you will be hit with an onslaught of headlines.  Most of these headlines include some sort of threat.  Good versus bad, but mostly bad.  

The entire world we are living in reinforces that there is always something external that is out to get us, there is a battle between good and evil.  We are conditioned to believe there are good guys and bad guys and it's up to us to pick a side.  Is that true?  

Join me today as we examine the concept of good vs. evil.  Let's look at three specific topics and one broader perspective.

  1.  Religion and the introduction of Satan/Devil and Karma.

  2. Psychological Perspective about why people do what they do.

  3. Cultural and Literary works that include the concept of good and evil, or protagonist and antagonist.

  4. Opening the door to a broader spiritual mind changes everything about the world we see.  How can this help us rectify good vs. evil we appear to see?

Show Notes:
Stanley Milgram Experiments

Live Like Eden Episode #44
Symbols of the Garden and the Serpent Kundalini


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